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The water.dat file contains information about the water planes inside a boundary, which normally has the same size as the map boundary. It is located inside the ../data/ directory of the game's installation.


The format of the water information has changed with the different releases, just as the way water got placed on the map.

GTA III/Vice City

Both games ignore water.dat and use waterpro.dat to place water on the map.

GTA San Andreas/IV

This section is incomplete. You can help by fixing and expanding it. San Andreas contains 307 distinct water planes. Although each plane is rectangular, it is defined by four (or occasionally three) corner points.


This section is incomplete. You can help by fixing and expanding it.

For San Andreas the maximum amount of water planes is 1021, but you can increase it using the Limit Adjuster by Sacky.


water1.dat is a file that ships with GTA San Andreas. It is not used by the game and is an orphaned first version of the San Andreas water.dat file. Just like the actual file it is located inside the ../data/ directory of the game's installation.

Image of both:
Water dat.png


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