UV Animation PLG (RW Section)

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UV Animation PLG
RenderWare Stream Section
Vendor Criterion Games
Module Toolkit
Module ID 0x000001
Identifier 0x35
Chunk ID 0x00000135
Versions All
Material (Extension)
File Format

UV Animation PLG is an extension to the Material section in the Renderware stream file format. It is part of the Renderware Toolkit and can be used animate a texture in UV-space.

Binary structure

The existence of this section is typically determined by a effect within a Material Effects section, which is also an extension of the Material section. It contains the names of UV animations that are attached to this material. The maximum number of UV channels is 8 but most often only one animation is found here.

 0x00: DWORD channel mask
 char[n][32]    animation names

Where n is the number of animations. To each of the 8 animation slots corresponds a bit in the mask (slot n has bit 1<<n set, counting from 0). If bit n is set, a 32 byte string follows (with n counting up).

A UV animation can animate up to 8 nodes/UV sets.

See also