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Revision as of 21:27, 12 October 2010 by Seemann (talk | contribs) (See also)
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A term thread means some kind of minimal process in computer science. Processes and threads are used to simulate parallel execution of programcode. But there is a difference between both: a process describes the execution of a whole program. It contains an image of the programs binary executeable code in memory just as it is used for handling memory allocation by the operating system. However a thread is nothing in this way. It does just describe a parallel execution of code inside a process, so one process can hold multiple threads.

The description above is just one very simple definition of a thread. GTA simplifies multithreading alot so everything the script needs to do is to start a thread and perhaps end it somehow. It does not need to handle variable synchronisation or communication between two threads. This is what the game does through internal routines.

Mission Script


  • 00D7 – Creates a thread
  • 004F – Creates a thread with additional parameters
  • 004E – Ends the current thread
  • 03A4 – Gives a thread a name
  • 0459 – Ends a named thread

CLEO Opcodes:

  • 0A92 – Creates a CLEO thread
  • 0A93 – Ends a CLEO thread
  • 0A95 – Enables thread saving for a CLEO thread
  • 0A9F – Returns the pointer to the current thread
  • 0AAA – Returns the pointer to a named thread
  • 0ABA – Ends a named CLEO thread

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See also

External links