Function Memory Addresses (VC)
Revision as of 22:46, 2 December 2022 by WastedHymn (talk | contribs)
This is a list of all known functions and their memory addresses in Vice City. Functions are sorted by class ordered by their locations in memory.
Address | Category | Name | Description |
00401010 | No Category | CAnimBlendAssocGroup::CopyAnimation (( uint )) | |
00401180 | No Category | CAnimBlendAssocGroup::GetAnimation (( uint )) | |
00401190 | No Category | CAnimBlendAssocGroup::GetAnimation ((char const *)) | |
004016A0 | No Category | CAnimBlendAssociation::SetFinishCallback ((void (*)( CAnimBlendAssociation *,void *),void *)) | |
004016C0 | No Category | CAnimBlendAssociation::SetDeleteCallback ((void (*)( CAnimBlendAssociation *,void *),void *)) | |
00401700 | No Category | CAnimBlendAssociation::Start ((float)) | |
00401740 | No Category | CAnimBlendAssociation::SyncAnimation (( CAnimBlendAssociation *)) | |
00401770 | No Category | CAnimBlendAssociation::SetCurrentTime ((float)) | |
00402E20 | No Category | RpAnimBlendClumpGetFirstAssociation ( RpClump *) | |
00405640 | No Category | CAnimManager::BlendAnimation (( RpClump *, AssocGroupId,AnimationId,float )) | |
004058B0 | No Category | CAnimManager::AddAnimation (( RpClump *, AssocGroupId,AnimationId )) | |
00405960 | No Category | CAnimManager::GetAnimAssociation (( AssocGroupId,AnimationId )) | |
00405990 | No Category | CAnimManager::GetAnimation ((char const *, CAnimBlock *)) | |
004075D0 | No Category | RpAnimBlendGetNextAssociation ( CAnimBlendAssociation *) | |
00407780 | No Category | RpAnimBlendClumpGetAssociation ( RpClump *, uint ) | |
004077B0 | No Category | RpAnimBlendClumpRemoveAssociations ( RpClump *, uint ) | |
00407800 | No Category | RpAnimBlendClumpRemoveAllAssociations ( RpClump *) | |
00407830 | No Category | RpAnimBlendClumpSetBlendDeltas ( RpClump *, uint,float ) | |
00407870 | No Category | RpAnimBlendClumpIsInitialized ( RpClump *) | |
00407890 | No Category | RpAnimBlendClumpInit ( RpClump *) | |
00407AC0 | No Category | RpAnimBlendClumpFillFrameArray ( RpClump *, AnimBlendFrameData **) | |
0040FBC0 | No Category | ImgFilesLoader (char* Dirpath, short int unknown) | |
00418CA0 | No Category | CAutoPilot::RemoveOnePathNode ((void)) | |
00419B70 | No Category | CCarAI::AddFiretruckOccupants (( CAutomobile *)) | |
00419B90 | No Category | CCarAI::AddAmbulanceOccupants (( CAutomobile *)) | |
0041C2F0 | No Category | CCarCtrl::MapCouldMoveInThisArea (( float,float )) | |
0041C350 | No Category | CCarCtrl::UpdateCarCount (( CVehicle *, uchar )) | |
0041C460 | No Category | CCarCtrl::GenerateOneEmergencyServicesCar (( uint,float,float,float )) | |
0041C940 | No Category | CCarCtrl::GenerateEmergencyServicesCar ((void)) | |
0041CC20 | No Category | CCarCtrl::FindLinksToGoWithTheseNodes (( CVehicle *)) | |
0041CEB0 | No Category | CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystemGotoCoors (( CVehicle *, float,float,float,bool )) | |
0041D000 | No Category | CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystem (( CVehicle *)) | |
0041D2D0 | No Category | CCarCtrl::SwitchVehicleToRealPhysics (( CVehicle *)) | |
0041D300 | No Category | CCarCtrl::ClearInterestingVehicleList ((void)) | |
0041D320 | No Category | CCarCtrl::RemoveFromInterestingVehicleList (( CVehicle *)) | |
0041D350 | No Category | CCarCtrl::IsThisVehicleInteresting (( CVehicle *)) | |
0041D370 | No Category | CCarCtrl::RegisterVehicleOfInterest (( CVehicle *)) | |
00441F70 | No Category | DeactivateSlowMotion | |
00451010 | Mission Script | COpcode::GetParameters | |
00451CF0 | No Category | CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::GetIndex(( CPed *)) | |
00466AD0 | No Category | CAccidentManager::CountActiveAccidents ((void)) | |
00466AF0 | No Category | CAccidentManager::FindNearestAccident (( float,float,float,float *)) | |
00487200 | No Category | CDebug::DebugDisplayTextBuffer | |
00487D10 | No Category | CEntity::GetDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel ((void)) | |
004898B0 | No Category | CEntity::SetModelIndex (( uint )) | |
0048DFB0 | No Category | CFileMgr::LoadFile ((char const *, uchar *, int )) | |
0048E030 | No Category | CFileMgr::SetDir ((char const *)) | |
004A6190 | Display | Render2DStuff | |
004A6510 | Display | RenderEffects | |
004A68A0 | Display | LoadingIslandScreen | |
004A69D0 | Display | LoadingScreen | |
004A73E0 | No Category | CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) | |
004A7410 | No Category | CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) | |
004A7440 | No Category | CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) | |
004A7470 | No Category | CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) | |
004A74A0 | No Category | CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) | |
004A74D0 | No Category | CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) | |
004A7500 | No Category | CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) | |
004A7530 | No Category | CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) | |
004A7560 | No Category | CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) | |
004AAA60 | No Category | CPad::GetCarGunFired ((void)) | |
004AAC60 | No Category | CPad::GetLookRight ((void)) | |
004AAC90 | No Category | CPad::GetLookLeft ((void)) | |
004AB060 | No Category | CPad::GetPad (( int )) | |
004BFF80 | No Category | CPools::GetObject (( int )) | |
004BFFA0 | No Category | CPools::GetObjectRef (( CObject *)) | |
004BFFC0 | No Category | CPools::GetVehicle (( int )) | |
004BFFE0 | No Category | CPools::GetVehicleRef (( CVehicle *)) | |
004C0000 | No Category | CPools::GetPed (( int )) | |
004C0020 | No Category | CPools::GetPedRef (( CPed *)) | |
004C0040 | No Category | CPools::CheckPoolsEmpty ((void)) | |
004C0070 | No Category | CPools::ShutDown ((void)) | |
004C03C0 | No Category | CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::~CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_((void)) | |
004C03D0 | No Category | CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::Flush((void)) | |
004C0410 | No Category | CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::~CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_((void)) | |
004C0420 | No Category | CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::Flush((void)) | |
004C0460 | No Category | CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::~CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_((void)) | |
004C0470 | No Category | CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::Flush((void)) | |
004C04B0 | No Category | CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::~CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_((void)) | |
004C04C0 | No Category | CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::Flush((void)) | |
004C0500 | No Category | CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::~CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_((void)) | |
004C0510 | No Category | CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::Flush((void)) | |
004C0550 | No Category | CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::~CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_((void)) | |
004C0560 | No Category | CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::Flush((void)) | |
004C05F0 | No Category | CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::~CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_((void)) | |
004C0600 | No Category | CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::Flush((void)) | |
004C0640 | No Category | CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::~CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_((void)) | |
004C0650 | No Category | CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::Flush((void)) | |
004C0690 | No Category | CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::~CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_((void)) | |
004C06A0 | No Category | CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::Flush((void)) | |
004C06E0 | No Category | CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_(( int )) | |
004C0850 | No Category | CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_(( int )) | |
004C09B0 | No Category | CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_(( int )) | |
004C0C70 | No Category | CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_(( int )) | |
004C0DD0 | No Category | CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_(( int )) | |
004C0F30 | No Category | CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_(( int )) | |
004C1090 | No Category | CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_(( int )) | |
004C11F0 | No Category | CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_(( int )) | |
004C1350 | No Category | CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_(( int )) | |
004C14B0 | No Category | CPtrList::Flush ((void)) | |
004C1500 | No Category | CPtrNode::__dl ((void *)) | |
004C1520 | No Category | CPtrNode::__nw (( uint )) | |
004C1530 | No Category | CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::Delete(( CPtrNode *)) | |
004C1560 | No Category | CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::New((void)) | |
004C6AC0 | No Category | CEntity::RegisterReference (( CEntity **)) | |
004DC500 | No Category | CTheZones::GetZoneInfoForTimeOfDay (( CVector const *, CZoneInfo *)) | |
0052FA10 | No Category | CPedIK::CPedIK (( CPed *)) | |
00530F00 | No Category | CPedType::Initialise ((void)) | |
00532070 | No Category | CPlayerPed::SetWantedLevelNoDrop (( int )) | |
00536620 | No Category | CPlayerPed::SetRealMoveAnim ((void)) | |
005371B0 | No Category | CPlayerPed::ReApplyMoveAnims ((void)) | |
0053A6F0 | No Category | CGangs::GetGangPedModelOverride ((short)) | |
0053A720 | No Category | CPopulation::UpdatePedCount (( ePedType,uchar )) | |
0053A8A0 | No Category | CPopulation::AddPedInCar (( CVehicle *, int )) | |
00543500 | Render | CCoronas::Render | |
00552500 | No Category | AsciiToUnicode | |
005608C0 | Render | CParticle::Render | |
00567F20 | Render | CRubbish::Render | |
0056C690 | Render | CShadows::RenderStaticShadows | |
0056CC40 | Render | CShadows::RenderStoredShadows | |
00570BA0 | Render | C3dMarker::Render | |
00570DA0 | Render | C3dMarker::RenderArrow | |
005719B0 | Render | CBrightLights::Render((void)) | |
00572660 | Render | CRegisteredMotionBlurStreak::Render((void)) | |
00572920 | Render | CMotionBlurStreaks::Render((void)) | |
005729F0 | Render | CBulletTraces::Render | |
00574790 | Render | CSpecialFX::Render | |
00576690 | No Category | CSprite::RenderOneXLUSprite ((float,float,float,float,float,uchar,uchar,uchar,short,float,uchar)) | |
005778B0 | No Category | CSprite::CalcScreenCoors ((RwV3d const &,RwV3d *,float *,float *, bool )) | |
006453B0 | No Category | RwFrameForAllObjects | |
00649BA0 | No Category | RwRenderStateSet | |
006857B0 | No Category | CAnimManager::ms_aAnimAssocDefinitions (void) |
Contains some stuff from Squiddy and Modelingman.
Address | Function | Notes |
0040ADF0 | SetModelTxdIsDeletable((int)) | Sets model's TXD is deletable |
0040AEA0 | SetModelIsDeletable((int)) | Sets model is deletable |
0040B5F0 | LoadAllRequestedModels((bool)) | Loads all requested models |
0040E310 | RequestModel((int,int)) | Requests model
Address | Function | Notes |
00429910 | DealWithWeaponChangeAtEndOfFrenzy((void)) | |
00429AF0 | QueryModelsKilledByPlayer((int)) | Gets number of models killed by player |
00429B00 | ResetModelsKilledByPlayer((void)) | Resets number of models killed by player |
00429B60 | StartFrenzy((eWeaponType,int,ushort,int,ushort *,int,int,int,bool,bool)) | Starts rampage
00429DF0 | RegisterCarBlownUpByPlayer((CVehicle*)) | |
00429E80 | RegisterKillNotByPlayer((CPed*, eWeaponType)) | |
00429E90 | RegisterKillByPlayer((CPed*, eWeaponType, bool)) | |
00429F90 | ResetOnPlayerDeath((void)) | Resets rampage settings on player death or arrest |
00429FC0 | FrenzyOnGoing((void)) | Checks if the rampage status is 1 (rampage is ongoing)
00429FD0 | ReadStatus((void)) | Reads rampage status
00429FE0 | DrawMessages((void)) | Draws messages specific to the rampage, including the timer, start text, and end text |
0042A650 | Update((void)) | |
0042A7A0 | Init((void)) | Initialises the rampage status to 0 (rampage is initialised) |
Address | Function | Notes |
0042E900 | CloseThisGarage((void)) | Closes the garage |
0042E910 | OpenThisGarage((void)) | Opens the garage |
0042E930 | MarkThisCarAsCollectedForCraig((int)) | Marks the car model as collected for the import garage and rewards the player; has effect for garages that collect cars
0042EB50 | HasCraigCollectedThisCar((int)) | Checks if the car has already been collected for the import garage; has effect for garages that collect cars
0042F030 | UpdateDoorsHeight((void)) | Updates the garage door's height
0042F6A0 | IsAnyCarBlockingDoor((void)) | Checks if any car is blocking the garage door
0042FDB0 | IsAnyOtherCarTouchingGarage((CVehicle *)) | Checks if any cars other than the referenced one is touching the garage
00430430 | IsEntityEntirelyOutside((CEntity *,float)) | Checks if the entity is entirely outside the garage
00430630 | IsEntityEntirelyInside3D((CEntity *,float)) | Checks if the entity is entirely inside the garage |
Address | Function | Notes |
0042EC70 | IsGarageClosed((short)) | Checks if the garage door is closed |
0042ECA0 | IsGarageOpen((short)) | Checks if the garage door is opened |
0042ECD0 | HasImportExportGarageCollectedThisCar((short,int)) | Checks if the import export garage has collected the car
0042ED50 | HasCarBeenDroppedOffYet((short)) | Checks if the garage state is 5 (target car has been dropped off)
0042ED70 | SetTargetCarForMissionGarage((short,CAutomobile *)) | Sets the target car for the garage
0042EDE0 | TriggerMessage((char *,short,ushort,short)) | Displays garage message
004340F0 | ChangeGarageType((short,uchar,uint)) | Changes the garage type
Address | Function | Notes |
00434EB0 | OneWayLaneOffset((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
00434F30 | Load((uchar *,uint)) | |
00435040 | Save((uchar *,uint *)) | |
00435140 | TakeWidthIntoAccountForCoors((CPathNode *,CPathNode *,ushort,float *,float *)) | |
004351C0 | TakeWidthIntoAccountForWandering((CPathNode *,ushort)) | |
00435280 | FindNodeCoorsForScript((int)) | |
004354E0 | TestCrossesRoad((CPathNode *,CPathNode *)) | |
004356B0 | TestForPedTrafficLight((CPathNode *,CPathNode *)) | |
00435760 | SwitchOffNodeAndNeighbours((int,bool)) | |
00435980 | SwitchPedRoadsOffInArea((float,float,float,float,float,float,bool)) | |
00435AE0 | SwitchRoadsOffInArea((float,float,float,float,float,float,bool)) | |
00435C30 | StoreDetachedNodeInfoCar((int,signed char,int,float,float,float,float,signed char,signed char,bool,bool,uchar,bool,bool,uchar,bool)) | |
00435FA0 | StoreDetachedNodeInfoPed((int,signed char,int,float,float,float,float,bool,bool,bool,uchar)) | |
004362F0 | StoreNodeInfoPed((short,short,signed char,signed char,short,short,short,float,bool,uchar)) | |
004364F0 | StoreNodeInfoCar((short,short,signed char,signed char,short,short,short,float,signed char,signed char,bool,bool,uchar,bool,bool,uchar)) | |
004366E0 | AllocatePathFindInfoMem((short)) | |
00436870 | FindNodeOrientationForCarPlacement((uint)) | |
00436980 | FindNodePairClosestToCoors((CVector,uchar,int *,int *,float *,float,float,bool,bool,bool)) | |
00436E40 | FindNodeClosestToCoorsFavourDirection((CVector,uchar,float,float)) | |
00437070 | FindNthNodeClosestToCoors((CVector,uchar,float,bool,bool,int,bool)) | |
00437150 | FindNodeClosestToCoors((CVector,uchar,float,bool,bool,bool,bool)) | |
00437330 | AddNodeToList((CPathNode *,int)) | |
004375C0 | RemoveNodeFromList((CPathNode *)) | |
004377F0 | CalcRoadDensity((float,float)) | |
00437A40 | TestCoorsCloseness((CVector,uchar,CVector)) | |
00437B10 | GeneratePedCreationCoors((float,float,float,float,float,float,CVector *,int *,int *,float *,CMatrix *)) | |
004382B0 | GenerateCarCreationCoors((float,float,float,float,float,float,bool,CVector *,int *,int *,float *,bool)) | |
004386D0 | FindNextNodeWandering((uchar,CVector,CPathNode **,CPathNode**,uchar,uchar *)) | |
00438C30 | CountFloodFillGroups((uchar)) | |
00438F90 | RemoveBadStartNode((CVector,CPathNode **,short*)) | |
00439070 | DoPathSearch((uchar,CVector,int,CVector,CPathNode **,short*,short,CVehicle *,float *,float,int)) | |
00439540 | PreparePathDataForType((uchar,CTempNode *,CPathInfoForObject *,float,CPathInfoForObject *,int)) | |
0043BB40 | PreparePathData((void)) | |
0043C150 | RegisterMapObject((CTreadable *)) | |
0043C170 | Init((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
0043C060 | SwapConnectionsToBeRightWayRound((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
004421D0 | LoadAllRestartPoints((uchar *,uint)) | Loads data from block 10 of the save |
004425B0 | SaveAllRestartPoints((uchar *,uint *)) | Saves data to block 10 of the save |
004429D0 | CancelOverrideRestart((void)) | Cancels the override restart |
004429E0 | OverrideNextRestart((CVector const &,float)) | Overrides the next restart
00442A10 | FindClosestPoliceRestartPoint((CVector const &,CVector *,float *)) | |
00442CD0 | FindClosestHospitalRestartPoint((CVector const &,CVector *,float *)) | |
00442FC0 | AddPoliceRestartPoint((CVector const &,float)) | Adds a police restart point
00443010 | AddHospitalRestartPoint((CVector const &,float)) | Adds a hospital restart point
00443060 | Initialise((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
00444BE0 | ProcessCommands200To299((int)) | Processes commands between 00D6 and 012A |
00446390 | ProcessCommands100To199((int)) | Processes commands between 0064 and 00C4 |
0044B400 | ProcessCommands0To99((int)) | Processes commands between 0000 and 0063 |
0044FBE0 | ProcessOneCommand((void)) | Processes a command, represented by opcodes |
0044FD70 | Process((void)) | |
00450E50 | StoreParameters((uint *,short)) | Stores parameters
00451010 | CollectParameters((uint *,short)) | Collects parameters
00451F90 | ProcessCommands400To499((int)) | Processes commands between 0190 and 01F3 |
00453670 | ProcessCommands300To399((int)) | Processes commands between 0137 and 018F |
00455030 | ProcessCommands700To799((int)) | Processes commands between 02BF and 031F |
00456E20 | ProcessCommands600To699((int)) | Processes commands between 0291 and 02B8 |
00457580 | ProcessCommands500To599((int)) | Processes commands between 01F4 and 0256 |
00458EC0 | ProcessCommands900To999((int)) | Processes commands between 0384 and 03E7 |
0045B220 | ProcessCommands800To899((int)) | Processes commands between 0320 and 0383 |
00460D00 | DoDeatharrestCheck((void)) | |
00463F00 | UpdateCompareFlag((uchar)) | Updates the compare flag
00606730 | ProcessCommands2000To2099((int)) | Processes commands between 044D and 04AF |
006084C0 | ProcessCommands1000To1099((int)) | Processes commands between 03EA and 044B |
0062E940 | ProcessCommands4000To4099((int)) | Processes commands between 0514 and 0574 |
00630650 | ProcessCommands3000To3099((int)) | Processes commands between 04B0 and 0512 |
00637600 | ProcessCommands5000To5099((int)) | Processes commands between 0578 and 05A8 |
Address | Function | Notes |
00451110 | HasCarBeenStuckForAWhile((int)) | Checks if the car has been stuck for a while |
00451150 | RemoveCarFromCheck((int)) | Removes the car from the stuck car check |
004511B0 | AddCarToCheck((int,float,uint)) | Adds car to stuck car check |
00451230 | Process((void)) | Processes stuck car check |
Address | Function | Notes |
00451350 | HasCarBeenUpsideDownForAWhile((int)) | Checks if the car has been upside down for a while |
00451390 | RemoveCarFromCheck((int)) | Removes car from upside down car check |
004513C0 | AddCarToCheck((int)) | Adds car to upside down car check |
004513F0 | UpdateTimers((void)) | Updates upside down car check timers |
Address | Function | Notes |
00451550 | Process((void)) | Processes mission cleanup |
Address | Function | Notes |
0045ED20 | IsVehicleStopped((CVehicle *)) | Checks if the vehicle is stopped
0045ED50 | IsPlayerStopped((CPlayerInfo *)) | Checks if the player is stopped
0045F080 | HighlightImportantArea((uint,float,float,float,float,float)) | Marks an area with a marker on the ground
Address | Function | Notes |
0046FC1C | DrawBordersForWideScreen((void)) | Draws widescreen borders |
0046FF21 | CamShake((float,float,float,float)) | Shakes the camera with point
0046FBCB | Fade((float,short)) | Do fade
0046BA35 | SetFadeColour((uchar,uchar,uchar)) | Sets the fading color
0046F777 | GetFading((void)) | Gets the fading status
Address | Function | Notes |
0048E130 | RemoveAllScriptFires((void)) | Removes all script fires |
0048E170 | RemoveScriptFire((short)) | Removes script fire |
0048E190 | IsScriptFireExtinguished((short)) | Checks if the script fire is extinguished |
0048E1B0 | StartScriptFire((CVector const &,CEntity *,float,uchar)) | Starts script fire (02CF, 0325, 0326) |
0048F170 | FindNearestFire((CVector,float *)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
0048E5D0 | Extinguish((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
004B9010 | GetHasCollidedWith((CEntity *)) | Checks if the entity is colliding with another entity
004BACC0 | ApplyTurnForce((float,float,float,float,float,float)) | |
004BAE90 | AddToMovingList((void)) | |
004BB630 | ~CPhysical((void)) | |
004BB650 | CPhysical((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
004C3780 | SetBlipSprite((int,int)) | Sets the sprite of the blip
004C3840 | ChangeBlipScale((int,int)) | Changes the scale of the blip
004C3B40 | SetEntityBlip((eBlipType,int,uint,eBlipDisplay)) | Sets an entity blip
004C3C00 | SetShortRangeCoordBlip((eBlipType,CVector,uint,eBlipDisplay)) | Sets a short range coord blip
004C3A70 | ClearBlipForEntity((eBlipType,int)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
004CDAC9 | CheckPointReachedUnsuccessfully((void)) | |
004CDAD1 | CheckPointReachedSuccessfully((void)) | |
004CDAE4 | LongestTimeInBloodRing((int)) | Sets longest time in Blood Ring |
004CDAF6 | AddNumBloodRingKills((int)) | Adds Blood Ring kills |
004CDB01 | AddPropertyAsOwned((int)) | Sets property as owned |
004CDB1C | NumOfIceCreamSold((int)) | Adds ice cream sold |
004CDB2D | NumOfPizzasDelivered((int)) | Adds pizzas delivered |
004CDB3E | NumOfAssassinations((int)) | Adds number of assassinations |
004CDB4F | NumOfStoresKnockedOff((int)) | Adds stores knocked off |
004CDB60 | MoneySpentOnFashion((int)) | Adds money spent on clothes |
004CDB71 | MoneySpentOnProperty((int)) | Adds money spent on property |
004CDB82 | MoneySpentOnWeapons((int)) | Adds money spent on weapons |
004CDB93 | SetTotalNumberMissions((int)) | Sets total number of missions |
004CDB9D | SetTotalNumberKillFrenzies((int)) | Sets total number of kill frenzies |
004CDBA7 | AnotherKillFrenzyPassed((void)) | Registers kill frenzy passed |
004CDBAE | Sets media attention level | |
004CDDC5 | Sets criminal ranking level | |
004CE331 | RegisterLevelFireMission((int)) | Registers fire level |
004CE348 | RegisterLevelAmbulanceMission((int)) | Registers ambulance level |
004CE35F | RegisterLevelVigilanteMission((int)) | Registers vigilante level |
004CE376 | AnotherFireExtinguished((void)) | Registers fire extinguished |
004CE37D | AnotherCriminalCaught((void)) | Registers criminal caught |
004CE384 | AnotherLifeSavedWithAmbulance((void)) | Registers life saved |
004CE38B | GetFavoriteRadioStationList((int)) | Gets listening time of radio station |
004CE397 | RegisterBestPosition((int, int)) | Registers best Hotring position |
004CE3B4 | RegisterHighestScore((int,int)) | Registers highest score |
004CE3D1 | RegisterFastestTime((int,int)) | Registers fastest time |
004CE3FB | Init((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
004D1E20 | AreArmyRequired((void)) | Checks if army are required
004D1E40 | AreFbiRequired((void)) | Checks if FBI are required
004D1E60 | AreSwatRequired((void)) | Checks if SWAT are required
004D1E90 | SetMaximumWantedLevel((int)) | Sets the maximum wanted level |
Address | Function | Notes |
004D53A0 | FindGroundZFor3DCoord((float,float,float,bool *)) | Finds the ground z for the 3d coordinates |
004D5540 | FindGroundZForCoord((float,float)) | Finds the ground z for the 2d coordinates
004D6370 | FindObjectsKindaColliding((CVector const &,float,bool,short *,short,CEntity **,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool)) | |
004D8B00 | ProcessVerticalLine((CVector const &,float,CColPoint &,CEntity *&,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,CStoredCollPoly *)) | |
004DB310 | Remove((CEntity *)) | |
004DB3F0 | Add((CEntity *)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
004DF240 | SetRotate((float, float, float)) | |
004DF3B0 | SetRotateZ((float)) | |
004DF450 | SetRotateY((float)) | |
004DF4F0 | SetRotateX((float)) | |
004DF590 | SetRotateZOnly((float)) | |
004DF780 | ResetOrientation((void)) | |
004DF8F0 | UpdateRW((void)) | |
004DFAE0 | ~CMatrix((void)) | |
004DFB00 | CMatrix((RwMatrixTag *, bool)) | |
004DFF20 | operator*((CMatrix const&,CVector const&)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
004F17D0 | RestoreHeadingRate((void)) | |
004F18A0 | Wait((void)) | |
004F28A0 | SetWaitState((eWaitState,void *)) | |
004F4930 | IsPlayer(const((void)) | |
004F4950 | CheckForExplosions((CVector2D &)) | |
004F65C0 | SetDie((AnimationId,float,float)) | |
004F6A20 | SetEvasiveDive((CPhysical *,uchar)) | |
004FF780 | SetAmmo((eWeaponType,uint)) | Sets the ped's weapon ammo
004FF840 | GrantAmmo((eWeaponType,uint)) | Adds ammo to the ped's weapon
00501950 | IsPedInControl((void)) | Checks if the ped is in control
0050B4A0 | ClearAimFlag((void)) | |
0050B510 | SetAimFlag((CEntity *)) | |
0050B5B0 | SetAimFlag((float)) | |
0050B700 | MoveHeadToLook((void)) | |
0050B9C0 | ClearLookFlag((void)) | |
0050BB70 | SetLookFlag((CEntity *,bool)) | |
0050BE00 | ScanForThreats((void)) | |
0050C600 | RestorePreviousState((void)) | |
0050CC40 | SetStoredState((void)) | |
0050CCF0 | RestartNonPartialAnims((void)) | |
0050CD20 | StopNonPartialAnims((void)) | |
0050CD50 | SetMoveAnim((void)) | |
0050D110 | SetMoveState((eMoveState)) | |
0050D120 | SortPeds((CPed **,int,int)) | |
0050D360 | OurPedCanSeeThisOne((CEntity *)) | |
0050D4B0 | BuildPedLists((void)) | |
0050D8E0 | SetPedStats((ePedStats)) | |
0050D900 | SetModelIndex((uint)) | |
0050D9F0 | Initialise((void)) | |
0050DA70 | ~CPed((void)) | |
0050DC20 | CPed((uint)) | |
005155E0 | SetAnimOffsetForEnterOrExitVehicle((void)) | |
005164D0 | GetPositionToOpenCarDoor((CVehicle *,uint)) | |
005179D0 | QuitEnteringCar((void)) | |
00517BA0 | EnterCar((void)) | |
00518AD0 | LineUpPedWithCar((uint)) | |
00521720 | ClearObjective((void)) | |
00527570 | LoadFightData((void)) | |
005C84D0 | IsPedDoingDriveByShooting((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
00541570 | CRGBA((uchar,uchar,uchar,uchar)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
0054FF20 | SetDropShadowPosition((short)) | |
0054FF30 | SetDropColor((CRGBA &)) | |
0054FFC0 | SetAlphaFade((float)) | |
0054FFD0 | SetRightJustifyWrap((float)) | |
0054FFE0 | SetFontStyle((short)) | |
00550020 | SetPropOn((void)) | Sets proportional on |
00550030 | SetPropOff((void)) | Sets proportional off |
00550040 | SetRightJustifyOff((void)) | Sets right justify off |
00550060 | SetRightJustifyOn((void)) | Sets right justify on |
00550080 | SetBackGroundOnlyTextOff((void)) | |
00550090 | SetBackGroundOnlyTextOn((void)) | |
005500A0 | SetBackgroundColor((CRGBA &)) | |
005500D0 | SetBackgroundOff((void)) | Sets background off |
005500E0 | SetBackgroundOn((void)) | Sets background on |
005500F0 | SetCentreSize((float)) | |
00550100 | SetWrapx((float)) | Sets wrap x |
00550110 | SetCentreOff((void)) | Sets center off |
00550120 | SetCentreOn((void)) | Sets center on |
00550140 | SetJustifyOff((void)) | |
00550150 | SetJustifyOn((void)) | |
00550170 | SetColor((CRGBA &)) | Sets color |
00550200 | SetRotation((float)) | |
00550210 | SetRotationOffset((float,float)) | |
00550230 | SetScale((float,float)) | |
00550260 | RemoveTokens((ushort *)) | |
005502D0 | ParseToken((ushort *)) | |
00550510 | ParseToken((ushort *,CRGBA *,bool *,bool *)) | |
00550650 | GetTextLength((uint *,bool)) | |
00551040 | PrintString((float,float,ushort *)) | |
00551620 | PrintSomething((float,float,ushort *)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
0055BFC0 | SetHelpMessage((ushort *,bool,int)) | Sets up a help message
00557320 | Draw((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
0057B0E0 | Render((void)) | |
0057B120 | Update((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
0057C900 | AddRain((void)) | |
0057D540 | ReleaseWeather((void)) | Releases weather |
0057D550 | ForceWeatherNow((short)) | Forces weather now |
0057D570 | ForceWeather((short)) | Forces weather |
0057D580 | Update((void)) | |
0057E040 | Init((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
0057E0C0 | PlayerNoRain((void)) | Checks if the player is in cull zone type 8 |
0057E0E0 | CamNoRain((void)) | Checks if the camera is in cull zone type 8 |
0057E100 | WaterFudge((void)) | Checks if the camera is in cull zone type 1024 |
0057E120 | InRoomForAudio((void)) | Checks if the camera is in cull zone type 512 |
0057E140 | PoliceAbandonCars((void)) | Checks if the player is in cull zone type 256 |
0057E160 | NoPolice((void)) | Checks if the player is in cull zone type 16 |
0057E180 | Cam1stPersonForPlayer((void)) | Checks if the player is in cull zone type 4 |
0057E1A0 | CamStairsForPlayer((void)) | Checks if the player is in cull zone type 2 |
0057E1C0 | CamCloseInForPlayer((void)) | Checks if the player is in cull zone type 1 |
0057E330 | AddCullZone((CVector const &,float,float,float,float,float,float,ushort,short)) | Adds CULL entries into the game |
Address | Function | Notes |
00580990 | GetNumRefs((int)) | |
005809D0 | RemoveRefWithoutDelete((int)) | |
00580A10 | RemoveRef((int)) | |
00580A60 | AddRef((int)) | |
00580AA0 | PopCurrentTxd((void)) | |
00580AC0 | PushCurrentTxd((void)) | |
00580AD0 | SetCurrentTxd((int)) | |
00580B60 | Create((int)) | |
00580BA0 | FinishLoadTxd((int,RwStream *)) | |
00580BF0 | StartLoadTxd((int,RwStream *)) | |
00580C60 | LoadTxd((int,RwStream *)) | |
00580CD0 | LoadTxd((int,char const *)) | |
00580D70 | FindTxdSlot((char const *)) | |
00580E50 | GetTxdName((int)) | |
00580F00 | AddTxdSlot((char const *)) | |
00581010 | Initialise((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
00581310 | RenderFadingEntities((void)) | |
00581360 | RenderFadingEntities((CLinkList_CVisibilityPlugins_AlphaObjectInfo const &)) | |
00581410 | RenderAlphaAtomics((void)) | |
00581440 | InsertEntityIntoSortedList((CEntity *,float)) | |
005814C0 | InitAlphaEntityList((void)) | |
005814E0 | InitAlphaAtomicList((void)) | |
005814F0 | GetClumpAlpha((RpClump *)) | |
00581500 | SetClumpAlpha((RpClump *,int)) | |
00581520 | SetClumpModelInfo((RpClump *,CClumpModelInfo *)) | |
00581590 | VehicleVisibilityCB_BigVehicle((RpClump *)) | |
00581610 | VehicleVisibilityCB((RpClump *)) | |
00581700 | MloVisibilityCB((RpClump *)) | |
00581800 | DefaultVisibilityCB((RpClump *)) | |
00581810 | GetFrameHierarchyId((RwFrame *)) | |
00581820 | SetFrameHierarchyId((RwFrame *,int)) | |
00581840 | SetRenderWareCamera((RwCamera *)) | |
00581940 | SetAtomicRenderCallback(RpAtomic *,RpAtomic *(*)((RpAtomic *))) | |
00581A00 | RenderPedCB((RpAtomic *)) | |
00581AE0 | RenderPlayerWithSkinCB((RpAtomic *)) | |
00581E50 | RenderVehicleLowDetailCB_BigVehicle((RpAtomic *)) | |
00581F00 | RenderVehicleReallyLowDetailCB_BigVehicle((RpAtomic *)) | |
00582160 | RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB((RpAtomic *)) | |
005822B0 | RenderVehicleHiDetailCB((RpAtomic *)) | |
005823A0 | GetDotProductWithCameraVector((RwMatrix *,RwMatrix *,uint)) | |
005824E0 | RenderVehicleReallyLowDetailCB((RpAtomic *)) | |
00582560 | RenderFadingAtomic((RpAtomic *,float)) | |
005826B0 | RenderWheelAtomicCB((RpAtomic *)) | |
00582720 | ClearAtomicFlag((RpAtomic *,int)) | |
005827F0 | GetAtomicId((RpAtomic *)) | |
00582800 | ClearAtomicFlag((RpAtomic *,int)) | |
00582820 | SetAtomicFlag((RpAtomic *,int)) | |
00582930 | PluginAttach((void)) | |
005829C0 | ClumpDestructor((void *,int,int)) | |
005829D0 | ClumpCopyConstructor((void *,void const *,int,int)) | |
005829F0 | ClumpConstructor((void *,int,int)) | |
00582A20 | FrameDestructor((void *,int,int)) | |
00582A30 | FrameCopyConstructor((void *,void const *,int,int)) | |
00582A50 | FrameConstructor((void *,int,int)) | |
00582A70 | AtomicDestructor((void *,int,int)) | |
00582A80 | AtomicCopyConstructor((void *,void const *,int,int)) | |
00582AA0 | AtomicConstructor((void *,int,int)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
00582C70 | ClearAllMessagesDisplayedByGame((void)) | |
00582CF0 | ClearThisBigPrint((ushort *)) | |
00582FA0 | ClearThisPrint((ushort *)) | |
00583350 | AddBigMessageWithNumber((ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int)) | |
00583440 | AddMessageJumpQWithNumber((ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int)) | |
00583560 | AddMessageWithNumber((ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int)) | |
00583AF0 | InsertStringInString((ushort *,ushort *)) | |
00583C80 | InsertNumberInString((ushort *,int,int,int,int,int,int,ushort *)) | Inserts up to six numbers into a GXT string containing the token ~1~
00583DE0 | AddToPreviousBriefArray((ushort *,int,int,int,int,int,int,ushort *)) | |
00583F40 | AddBigMessageQ((ushort *,uint,ushort)) | Prints a low-priority big message
00584050 | AddBigMessage((ushort *,uint,ushort)) | Prints a high-priority big message
005841E0 | ClearMessages((void)) | |
00584300 | AddMessageJumpQ((ushort *,uint,ushort)) | |
00584410 | AddMessage((ushort *,uint,ushort)) | |
005849C0 | Init((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
00584C40 | Process((void)) | |
00584DB0 | Init((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
00584F30 | Get((char const *)) | |
005850B0 | UnloadMissionText((void)) | |
00585150 | LoadMissionText((char const *)) | |
005854F0 | Load((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
00585A80 | BinarySearch((char const *,CKeyEntry *,short,short)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
00588530 | Fix((void)) | Completely fixes the car in spray shops. See this for a practical usage. |
00588A30 | RemoveRefsToVehicle((CEntity *)) | |
00588A60 | BlowUpCar((CEntity *)) | |
00588DE0 | ProcessControlInputs((uchar)) | |
005894E0 | ProcessEntityCollision((CEntity *,CColPoint *)) | |
00589790 | Render((void)) | |
00589AD0 | PreRender((void)) | |
00591B90 | AddWheelDirtAndWater((CColPoint &,uint)) | |
005920A0 | AddDamagedVehicleParticles((void)) | |
00592BA0 | RemoveBonnetInPedCollision((void)) | |
00592ED0 | Teleport((CVector)) | |
00593030 | ProcessControl((void)) | |
00599B30 | ProcessBuoyancy((void)) | |
0059AAA0 | SpawnFlyingComponent((int,uint)) | |
0059B550 | VehicleDamage((float,bool)) | |
0059C480 | dmgDrawCarCollidingParticles((CVector const &,float)) | |
0059C7E0 | HasNoRoof((void)) | |
0059C830 | IsDoorMissing((eDoors)) | |
0059C860 | IsDoorClosed((eDoors)) | |
0059C890 | IsDoorFullyOpen((eDoors)) | |
0059C8D0 | ProcessOpenDoor((uint,uint,float)) | |
0059CF50 | OpenDoor((int,eDoors,float)) | |
0059D100 | SetComponentRotation((int,CVector)) | |
0059D1D0 | IsComponentPresent((int)) | |
0059D1F0 | GetComponentWorldPosition((int,CVector &)) | |
0059D260 | HydraulicControl((void)) | |
0059E590 | SetModelIndex((uint)) | |
0059E600 | ~CAutomobile((void)) | |
0059E620 | CAutomobile((int,uchar)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
0059FE90 | ProcessControl((void)) | |
005A6470 | CBoat((int,uchar)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005A6AA0 | SaveAllCarGenerators((uchar *,uint *)) | Saves data to block 14 of the save |
Address | Function | Notes |
005A7680 | Load((uchar *,uint)) | Loads data from block 7 of the save |
005A78B0 | Save((uchar *,uint *)) | Saves data to block 7 of the save |
005A7A80 | IsThisCarBeingTargettedByAnyCrane((CVehicle *)) | |
005A7AB0 | IsThisCarBeingCarriedByAnyCrane((CVehicle *)) | |
005A7EF0 | RegisterCarForMilitaryCrane((uint)) | Marks the car model as collected for the military crane
005A7F90 | DoesMilitaryCraneHaveThisOneAlready((uint)) | Checks if the military crane has already collected the car model
005A92E0 | UpdateCranes((void)) | |
005A93C0 | AddThisOneCrane((CEntity *)) | Makes the building a crane
005A94B0 | InitCranes((void)) | Looks for buildings to add as cranes and initialises crane variables |
Address | Function | Notes |
005A7B00 | SetHookMatrix((void)) | |
005A7CA0 | GoTowardsTarget((float,float,float,float)) | |
005A8040 | DoesCranePickUpThisCarType((uint)) | Checks if the crane can pick up the car model
005A80D0 | FindCarInSectorList((CPtrList *)) | |
005A8310 | RotateCarriedCarProperly((void)) | |
005A8460 | Update((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005A9600 | FuckCarCompletely((void)) | |
005A9650 | ApplyDamage((tComponent,float,float)) | |
005A97E0 | GetEngineStatus((void)) | |
005A97F0 | SetEngineStatus((uint)) | |
005A9810 | GetDoorStatus((int)) | |
005A9820 | SetDoorStatus((int,uint)) | |
005A9830 | GetWheelStatus((int)) | |
005A9840 | SetWheelStatus((int,uint)) | |
005A9850 | GetPanelStatus((int)) | |
005A9870 | GetLightStatus((eLights)) | |
005A9890 | ResetDamageStatus((void)) | |
005A98D0 | GetComponentGroup((tComponent,tComponentGroup *,uchar *)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005A9A10 | IsClosed((void)) | |
005A9A70 | RetAngleWhenOpen((void)) | |
005A9AB0 | RetAngleWhenClosed((void)) | |
005A9AF0 | GetAngleOpenRatio((void)) | |
005A9B50 | Open((float)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005A9F20 | ProcessBuoyancy((CPhysical *,float,CVector *,CVector *,bool)) | |
005AA890 | PreCalcSetup((CPhysical *,float)) | |
005AAC90 | ProcessBuoyancy((CPhysical *,float,CVector *,CVector *)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005AAE20 | LoadHandlingData((void)) | |
005ABA10 | Initialise((void)) | |
005ABAA0 | ConvertDataToGameUnits((tHandlingData *)) | |
005ABCC0 | GetHandlingId((char const *)) | |
005ABD30 | FindExactWord((char *,char *,int,int)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005AC1E0 | SpawnFlyingComponent((int)) | |
005AC500 | SpecialHeliPreRender((void)) | |
005AC50E | DrawCoronas((CEntity*)) | |
005AC6C0 | TestBulletCollision((CVector *,CVector *,CVector *)) | |
005AC9A0 | TestRocketCollision((CVector *)) | |
005ACAA0 | ~CHeli((void)) | |
005ACB30 | GenerateHeli((bool)) | |
005ACDA0 | UpdateHelis((void)) | |
005AF2E0 | PreRenderAlways((void)) | |
005AF7F0 | CHeli((int,uchar)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005AFDC0 | ProcessControl((void)) | |
005B2AD0 | DeleteRwObject((void)) | |
005B2B20 | SetModelIndex((uint)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005B21E0 | InitPlanes((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005B3120 | InitGearRatios((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005B7910 | CarHasRoof((void)) | |
005B8460 | CanPedOpenLocks((CPed const *)) | |
005B84B0 | IsOnItsSide((void)) | |
005B84F0 | IsUpsideDown((void)) | |
005B8520 | UsesSiren((uint)) | |
005B8700 | SetupPassenger((int)) | |
005B8870 | SetUpDriver((void)) | |
005B8920 | RemoveDriver((void)) | |
005B89F0 | SetDriver((CPed *)) | |
005B8CE0 | RemovePassenger((CPed *)) | |
005B8D50 | AddPassenger((CPed *,uchar)) | |
005B8E60 | AddPassenger((CPed *)) | |
005B8F50 | ProcessDelayedExplosion((void)) | |
005B9020 | InflictDamage((CEntity *,eWeaponType,float)) | |
005BA070 | ProcessWheel((CVector &,CVector &,CVector &,CVector &,int,float,float,float,char,float *,tWheelState *)) | |
005BA900 | ProcessWheelRotation((tWheelState,CVector const &,CVector const &,float)) | |
005BA960 | CanBeDeleted((void)) | |
005BAA40 | SetModelIndex((uint)) | |
005BAAE0 | __dl((void *)) | |
005BAB00 | __nw((uint,int)) | |
005BAB20 | __nw((uint)) | |
005BAB30 | ~CVehicle((void)) | |
005BAC10 | CVehicle((uchar)) | |
005C8E40 | DoFixedMachineGuns((void)) |
CPool<CVehicle, CAutomobile>
Address | Function | Notes |
005BB440 | Delete((CVehicle *)) | |
005BB470 | New((int)) | |
005BB490 | New((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005C2BE0 | GetWaterLevelNoWaves((float,float,float,float *)) | |
005C2C80 | GetWaterLevel((float,float,float,float *,bool)) | |
005C2DE0 | CreateWavyAtomic((void)) | |
005C3940 | Initialise((char *)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005C3B20 | TestForSniperBullet((float,float,float,float,float,float)) | |
005C3DE0 | Update((void)) | |
005C47C0 | AddBullet((CEntity *,eWeaponType,CVector,CVector)) | |
005C48A0 | Shutdown((void)) | |
005C48C0 | Initialise((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005C4BA0 | Update((void)) | |
005C5720 | AddExplosion((CEntity *,CEntity *,eExplosionType,CVector const &,uint)) | |
005C6820 | Shutdown((void)) | |
005C6900 | Initialise((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005C69D0 | RemoveAllProjectiles((void)) | |
005C6A20 | Update((void)) | |
005C7C10 | Shutdown((void)) | |
005C7C30 | Initialise((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005C7E60 | Update((void)) | |
005C8390 | Shutdown((void)) | |
005C83B0 | Initialise((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005C8AB0 | HasWeaponAmmoToBeUsed((void)) | |
005C8AE0 | BlowUpExplosiveThings((CEntity *)) | |
005C8C30 | MakePedsJumpAtShot((CPhysical *,CVector *,CVector *)) | |
005C9B50 | IsType2Handed((void)) | |
005C9B90 | IsTypeMelee((void)) | |
005CA0B0 | Update((int)) | |
005CA3C0 | Reload((void)) | |
005CA400 | DoDriveByAutoAiming((CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *)) | |
005CA8B0 | DoTankDoomAiming((CEntity *, CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *)) | |
005CB0A0 | FireInstantHitFromCar((CAutomobile *,bool)) | |
005CBFF0 | FireM16_1stPerson((CEntity *)) | |
005CC730 | FireSniper((CEntity *)) | |
005CCF90 | FireProjectile((CEntity *, CVector *,float)) | |
005CD340 | FireShotgun((CEntity *,CVector *)) | |
005CEE60 | DoBulletImpact((CEntity *, CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *, CColPoint *,CVector2D)) | |
005D0560 | FireHeliGun((CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *,float)) | |
005D1140 | FireInstantHit((CEntity *,CVector *)) | |
005D2CE0 | FireMelee((CEntity *,CVector &)) | |
005D44E0 | FireFromCar((CAutomobile *,bool)) | |
005D45E0 | Fire((CEntity *,CVector *)) | |
005D4C90 | Initialise((eWeaponType,int)) | |
005D4DB0 | UpdateWeapons((void)) | |
005D4DD0 | ShutdownWeapons((void)) | |
005D4DF0 | InitialiseWeapons((void)) | |
005D4E20 | Initialise((eWeaponType,int)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005D4E90 | Render((void)) | |
005D5050 | ClearCrossHair((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005D5170 | GetFireType | |
005D5250 | LoadWeaponData((void)) | |
005D5710 | GetWeaponInfo((eWeaponType)) | |
005D5730 | Shutdown((void)) | |
005D5750 | Initialise((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005DA4C0 | ReportCollision((CEntity *,CEntity *,uchar,uchar,float,float)) | |
005F80C0 | DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities((void)) | |
005F81F0 | ResetTimers((uint)) | |
005F8330 | SetMusicFadeVol((uchar)) | |
005F8350 | SetEffectsFadeVol((uchar)) | |
005F8370 | SetMusicMasterVolume((uchar)) | |
005F8390 | SetEffectsMasterVolume((uchar)) | |
005F83B0 | PlayOneShot((int,ushort,float)) | |
005F85E0 | SetEntityStatus((int,uchar)) | |
005F8620 | DestroyEntity((int)) | |
005F86E0 | CreateEntity((eAudioType,void *)) | |
005F87D0 | Service((void)) | |
005F8850 | Terminate((void)) | |
005F89D0 | Initialise((void)) | |
005FCEC0 | PlaySuspectLastSeen((float,float,float)) | |
005FD3C0 | ReportCrime((eCrimeType,CVector const &)) | |
005FDB60 | SetupCrimeReport((void)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005EB600 | SetRadioChannelByScript((uchar,int)) | |
005F9EE0 | DisplayRadioStationName((void)) | |
005FA570 | PlayAnnouncement((uchar)) | |
005FA590 | StopFrontEndTrack((void)) | |
005FA5B0 | PlayFrontEndTrack((uchar,uchar)) | |
005FA600 | StopCutSceneMusic((void)) | |
005FA630 | PlayPreloadedCutSceneMusic((void)) | |
005FA660 | PreloadCutSceneMusic((uchar)) | |
005FC540 | ChangeMusicMode((uchar)) |
Address | Function | Notes |
005F9350 | SaveAllAudioScriptObjects((uchar *,uint *)) | Save data to block 16 of save |
Address | Function | Notes |
005F9650 | SetRadioChannel((uchar,int)) | |
005F9850 | StopCutSceneMusic((void)) | |
005F9870 | PlayPreloadedCutSceneMusic((void)) | |
005F9890 | PreloadCutSceneMusic((uchar)) | |
005F98B0 | ChangeMusicMode((uchar)) | |
005F98D0 | ResetTimers((uint)) | |
005F98F0 | StopFrontEndTrack((void)) | |
005F9910 | PlayFrontEndTrack((uchar,uchar)) | |
005F9940 | PlayRadioAnnouncement((uchar)) | Plays radio announcement |
005F9960 | PlayFrontEndSound((ushort,uint)) | |
005F99A0 | ReportCollision((CEntity *,CEntity *,uchar,uchar,float,float)) | |
005F99E0 | PlaySuspectLastSeen((float,float,float)) | |
005F9A10 | CreateOneShotScriptObject((cAudioScriptObject *)) | |
005F9A80 | CreateLoopingScriptObject((cAudioScriptObject *)) | |
005F9AC0 | ReportCrime((eCrimeType,CVector const &)) | |
005F9CC0 | SetMusicFadeVol((uchar)) | |
005F9CF0 | SetEffectsFadeVol((uchar)) | |
005F9D20 | SetMusicMasterVolume((uchar)) | |
005F9D50 | SetEffectsMasterVolume((uchar)) | |
005F9D80 | DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities((void)) | |
005F9DA0 | PlayOneShot((int,ushort,float)) | |
005F9DD0 | SetEntityStatus((int,uchar)) | |
005F9E00 | DestroyEntity((int)) | |
005F9E20 | CreateEntity((eAudioType,void *)) | |
005F9E50 | Service((void)) | |
005F9E70 | Terminate((void)) | |
005F9E90 | Initialise((void)) |
External links
- GTAForums: Documenting GTA3/VC memory adresses
- Functions found on Android version
- plugin-sdk
- gtalc-dinput8
- See all other function addresses in this github repo.