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WDR Description

WDR is the format used for map models and weapons in GTA-IV.

File Format

RSC CPU section (Size found from the flags @ 0x08 of RSC file header)

-Note on RSC (24 + 8) pointer structure:

* CPU Offsets are of form [xx xx xx 50] * Data Offsets are of form [xx xx xx 60] ???

WDR Header (BlockSize 0x2A0)
Offset	Size	Type	Data			Description
0x00	4b	Unknown	Flags			(Usually 0x00695254)
0x04	4b	Offset	HeaderLength		(Usually 0x90)
0x08	4b	Offset	ShaderGroup 		(0 = no Shaders)
0x0C	4b	Offset	SkeletonData	 	(0 = no Skeleton)
0x10	4b	FLOAT	Center x
0x14	4b	FLOAT	Center y
0x18	4b	FLOAT	Center z
0x1C	4b	FLOAT	Center w
0x20	4b	FLOAT	BoundsMin x
0x24	4b	FLOAT	BoundsMin y
0x28	4b	FLOAT	BoundsMin z
0x2C	4b	FLOAT	BoundsMin w
0x30	4b	FLOAT	BoundsMax x
0x34	4b	FLOAT	BoundsMax y
0x38	4b	FLOAT	BoundsMax z
0x3C	4b	FLOAT	BoundsMax w
0x40	4b	Offset	Pointer ModelCollection	(0=Non existing)
0x44	4b	Offset	Pointer LOD models 	(0=Non existing)
0x48	4b	Offset	Pointer LOD models 	(0=Non existing)
0x4C	4b	Offset	Pointer LOD models 	(0=Non existing)
0x50	4b	FLOAT	Max Vectorx 		(Usually 9999.0)
0x54	4b	FLOAT	Max Vectory 		(Usually 9999.0)
0x58	4b	FLOAT	Max Vectorz 		(Usually 9999.0)
0x5C	4b	FLOAT	Max Vectorw 		(Usually 9999.0)
0x60	4b	LONG	ObjectCount
0x64	4b	LONG	Unknown			(Usually 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x68	4b	LONG	Unknown			(Usually 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x6C	4b	LONG	Unknown			(Usually 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x70	4b	FLOAT	Unknown
0x74	20b	Unknown 			(Usually all zeros)
0x88	8b	Unassigned data			(0xCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCD)
0x90	4b	End of Header			(Usually 0x00000000)
ModelCollection (BlockSize 0x08 + Padding till 0x0F)
0x00	4b	Offset	Pointer to Model
0x04	2b	Count	Number of Pointers
0x06	2b	Size
Unknown structure (BlockSize 0xE0; i.e. Pointers[0x50] + Data[0x90])
0x2A0	4b	Offset	Unknown (=> 4*FLOAT)	[0x2F0]
0x2A4	4b	Offset	Unknown			[0x560]
0x2A8	4b	Offset	Unknown	(=> 4*FLOAT)	[0x300]
0x2AC	4b	Offset	Unknown	(=> 16*FLOAT)	[0x310]
0x2B0	4b	Offset	Unknown	(=> 4*FLOAT)	[0x350]
0x2B4	4b	Offset	Unknown	(=> 4*FLOAT)	[0x360]
0x2B8	4b	Offset	Unknown	(=> 4*FLOAT)	[0x370]
0x2BC	4b	Zeros				(0x00000000)
0x2C0	16b	Unknown bytes
0x2D0	32b	8*Unknown FLOAT 
ShaderGroupData (offset remarked in Header at 0x08) (BlockSize 0x50) 
0x00	4b	VTable  [0x44166B00]
0x04	4b	Offset	TextureDictionairy (0 = no Embedded textures)
0x08	8b	PointerCollection to ShaderFX objects
0x10	48b	Zeros
0x40	8b	SimpleCollection VertexDeclarationUsageFlags
0x48	8b	SimpleCollection UnknownInts
ShaderFX (offset remarked in ShaderGroupData in the PointerCollection ShaderFX 0x08) (BlockSize 0x50) 
TODO: Don't edit yet
PointerCollection (BlockSize 0x08) 
0x00	4b	Offset	Offset to the Pointers
0x04	2b	Count   Number of pointers
0x06	2b	Size    Number of pointers
SimpleCollection (BlockSize 0x08) 
0x00	4b	Offset	Offset to the Data
0x04	2b	Count   Data count
0x06	2b	Size

GRAPHICS section (Size found from the flags @ 0x08 of RSC file header)

Data description (BlockSize 0x24 or 0x34 when the Geometry is using a normal map)
Offset	Size	Type	Data			Description
0x00	4b	FLOAT	Position x
0x04	4b	FLOAT	Position y
0x08	4b	FLOAT	Position z
0x0C	4b	FLOAT	Normal x
0x10	4b	FLOAT	Normal y
0x14	4b	FLOAT	Normal z
0x18	4b	DWORD	Color (RGBA)
0x1C	4b	FLOAT	Texcoord u
0x20	4b	FLOAT	Texcoord v
0x24	4b	FLOAT	Tangent x   // Only when there is a normal map applied to the Geometry
0x28	4b	FLOAT	Tangent y   // Only when there is a normal map applied to the Geometry
0x2C	4b	FLOAT	Tangent z   // Only when there is a normal map applied to the Geometry
0x30	4b	FLOAT	Tangent w   // Only when there is a normal map applied to the Geometry