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This is a list of all known functions and their memory addresses in Vice City. Functions are sorted by class ordered by their locations in memory.
This is a list of all known functions and their memory addresses in Vice City. Functions are sorted by class ordered by their locations in memory.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Category || Name || Description
!Address ||Category ||Name ||Description
| 00401010 || No Category || CAnimBlendAssocGroup::CopyAnimation (( uint )) ||
|00401010 ||No Category ||CAnimBlendAssocGroup::CopyAnimation (( uint )) ||
| 00401180 || No Category || CAnimBlendAssocGroup::GetAnimation (( uint )) ||
|00401180 ||No Category ||CAnimBlendAssocGroup::GetAnimation (( uint )) ||
| 00401190 || No Category || CAnimBlendAssocGroup::GetAnimation ((char const *)) ||
|00401190 ||No Category ||CAnimBlendAssocGroup::GetAnimation ((char const *)) ||
| 004016A0 || No Category || CAnimBlendAssociation::SetFinishCallback ((void (*)( CAnimBlendAssociation *,void *),void *)) ||
|004016A0 ||No Category ||CAnimBlendAssociation::SetFinishCallback ((void (*)( CAnimBlendAssociation *,void *),void *)) ||
| 004016C0 || No Category || CAnimBlendAssociation::SetDeleteCallback ((void (*)( CAnimBlendAssociation *,void *),void *)) ||
|004016C0 ||No Category ||CAnimBlendAssociation::SetDeleteCallback ((void (*)( CAnimBlendAssociation *,void *),void *)) ||
| 00401700 || No Category || CAnimBlendAssociation::Start ((float)) ||
|00401700 ||No Category ||CAnimBlendAssociation::Start ((float)) ||
| 00401740 || No Category || CAnimBlendAssociation::SyncAnimation (( CAnimBlendAssociation *)) ||
|00401740 ||No Category ||CAnimBlendAssociation::SyncAnimation (( CAnimBlendAssociation *)) ||
| 00401770 || No Category || CAnimBlendAssociation::SetCurrentTime ((float)) ||
|00401770 ||No Category ||CAnimBlendAssociation::SetCurrentTime ((float)) ||
| 00402E20 || No Category || RpAnimBlendClumpGetFirstAssociation ( RpClump *) ||
|00402E20 ||No Category ||RpAnimBlendClumpGetFirstAssociation ( RpClump *) ||
| 00405640 || No Category || CAnimManager::BlendAnimation (( RpClump *, AssocGroupId,AnimationId,float )) ||
|00405640 ||No Category ||CAnimManager::BlendAnimation (( RpClump *, AssocGroupId,AnimationId,float )) ||
| 004058B0 || No Category || CAnimManager::AddAnimation (( RpClump *, AssocGroupId,AnimationId )) ||
|004058B0 ||No Category ||CAnimManager::AddAnimation (( RpClump *, AssocGroupId,AnimationId )) ||
| 00405960 || No Category || CAnimManager::GetAnimAssociation (( AssocGroupId,AnimationId )) ||
|00405960 ||No Category ||CAnimManager::GetAnimAssociation (( AssocGroupId,AnimationId )) ||
| 00405990 || No Category || CAnimManager::GetAnimation ((char const *, CAnimBlock *)) ||
|00405990 ||No Category ||CAnimManager::GetAnimation ((char const *, CAnimBlock *)) ||
| 004075D0 || No Category || RpAnimBlendGetNextAssociation ( CAnimBlendAssociation *) ||
|004075D0 ||No Category ||RpAnimBlendGetNextAssociation ( CAnimBlendAssociation *) ||
| 00407780 || No Category || RpAnimBlendClumpGetAssociation ( RpClump *, uint ) ||
|00407780 ||No Category ||RpAnimBlendClumpGetAssociation ( RpClump *, uint ) ||
| 004077B0 || No Category || RpAnimBlendClumpRemoveAssociations ( RpClump *, uint ) ||
|004077B0 ||No Category ||RpAnimBlendClumpRemoveAssociations ( RpClump *, uint ) ||
| 00407800 || No Category || RpAnimBlendClumpRemoveAllAssociations ( RpClump *) ||
|00407800 ||No Category ||RpAnimBlendClumpRemoveAllAssociations ( RpClump *) ||
| 00407830 || No Category || RpAnimBlendClumpSetBlendDeltas ( RpClump *, uint,float ) ||
|00407830 ||No Category ||RpAnimBlendClumpSetBlendDeltas ( RpClump *, uint,float ) ||
| 00407870 || No Category || RpAnimBlendClumpIsInitialized ( RpClump *) ||
|00407870 ||No Category ||RpAnimBlendClumpIsInitialized ( RpClump *) ||
| 00407890 || No Category || RpAnimBlendClumpInit ( RpClump *) ||
|00407890 ||No Category ||RpAnimBlendClumpInit ( RpClump *) ||
| 00407AC0 || No Category || RpAnimBlendClumpFillFrameArray ( RpClump *, AnimBlendFrameData **) ||
|00407AC0 ||No Category ||RpAnimBlendClumpFillFrameArray ( RpClump *, AnimBlendFrameData **) ||
| 0040AEA0 || No Category || CStreaming::SetModelIsDeletable (( int )) ||
|0040AEA0 ||No Category ||CStreaming::SetModelIsDeletable (( int )) ||
| 0040E310 || No Category || CStreaming::RequestModel (( int,int )) ||
|0040E310 ||No Category ||CStreaming::RequestModel (( int,int )) ||
| 0040FBC0 || No Category || ImgFilesLoader (char* Dirpath, short int unknown)  ||
|0040FBC0 ||No Category ||ImgFilesLoader (char* Dirpath, short int unknown)  ||
| 00418CA0 || No Category || CAutoPilot::RemoveOnePathNode ((void)) ||
|00418CA0 ||No Category ||CAutoPilot::RemoveOnePathNode ((void)) ||
| 00419B70 || No Category || CCarAI::AddFiretruckOccupants (( CAutomobile *)) ||
|00419B70 ||No Category ||CCarAI::AddFiretruckOccupants (( CAutomobile *)) ||
| 00419B90 || No Category || CCarAI::AddAmbulanceOccupants (( CAutomobile *)) ||
|00419B90 ||No Category ||CCarAI::AddAmbulanceOccupants (( CAutomobile *)) ||
| 0041C2F0 || No Category || CCarCtrl::MapCouldMoveInThisArea (( float,float )) ||
|0041C2F0 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::MapCouldMoveInThisArea (( float,float )) ||
| 0041C350 || No Category || CCarCtrl::UpdateCarCount (( CVehicle *, uchar )) ||
|0041C350 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::UpdateCarCount (( CVehicle *, uchar )) ||
| 0041C460 || No Category || CCarCtrl::GenerateOneEmergencyServicesCar (( uint,float,float,float )) ||
|0041C460 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::GenerateOneEmergencyServicesCar (( uint,float,float,float )) ||
| 0041C940 || No Category || CCarCtrl::GenerateEmergencyServicesCar ((void)) ||
|0041C940 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::GenerateEmergencyServicesCar ((void)) ||
| 0041CC20 || No Category || CCarCtrl::FindLinksToGoWithTheseNodes (( CVehicle *)) ||
|0041CC20 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::FindLinksToGoWithTheseNodes (( CVehicle *)) ||
| 0041CEB0 || No Category || CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystemGotoCoors (( CVehicle *, float,float,float,bool )) ||
|0041CEB0 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystemGotoCoors (( CVehicle *, float,float,float,bool )) ||
| 0041D000 || No Category || CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystem (( CVehicle *)) ||
|0041D000 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystem (( CVehicle *)) ||
| 0041D2D0 || No Category || CCarCtrl::SwitchVehicleToRealPhysics (( CVehicle *)) ||
|0041D2D0 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::SwitchVehicleToRealPhysics (( CVehicle *)) ||
| 0041D300 || No Category || CCarCtrl::ClearInterestingVehicleList ((void)) ||
|0041D300 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::ClearInterestingVehicleList ((void)) ||
| 0041D320 || No Category || CCarCtrl::RemoveFromInterestingVehicleList (( CVehicle *)) ||
|0041D320 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::RemoveFromInterestingVehicleList (( CVehicle *)) ||
| 0041D350 || No Category || CCarCtrl::IsThisVehicleInteresting (( CVehicle *)) ||
|0041D350 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::IsThisVehicleInteresting (( CVehicle *)) ||
| 0041D370 || No Category || CCarCtrl::RegisterVehicleOfInterest (( CVehicle *)) ||
|0041D370 ||No Category ||CCarCtrl::RegisterVehicleOfInterest (( CVehicle *)) ||
| 0042E900 || Garage || || Used for opcode [[0361]]'s CLOSE_GARAGE
|0042E900 ||Garage ||||Used in [[0361]] CLOSE_<wbr>GARAGE
| 0042E910 || Garage || || Used for opcode [[0360]]'s OPEN_GARAGE
|0042E910 ||Garage ||||Used in [[0360]] OPEN_<wbr>GARAGE
| 0042E930 || Garage || || Export garage rewards
|0042E930 ||Garage ||||Export garage rewards
| 0042EB50 || Garage || || Associated with GXT string GA_20 "We got more of these than we can shift. Sorry man, no deal."
|0042EB50 ||Garage ||||Associated with GXT string GA_20 "We got more of these than we can shift. Sorry man, no deal."
| 0042EC70 || Garage || || Used for opcode [[03B1]]'s IS_GARAGE_CLOSED
|0042EC70 ||Garage ||||Used in [[03B1]] IS_<wbr>GARAGE_<wbr>CLOSED
| 0042ECA0 || Garage || || Used for opcode [[03B0]]'s IS_GARAGE_OPEN
|0042ECA0 ||Garage ||||Used in [[03B0]] IS_<wbr>GARAGE_<wbr>OPEN
| 0042ECD0 || Garage || || Used for opcode [[03D4]]'s HAS_IMPORT_GARAGE_SLOT_BEEN_FILLED
|0042ECD0 ||Garage ||||Used in [[03D4]] HAS_<wbr>IMPORT_<wbr>GARAGE_<wbr>SLOT_<wbr>BEEN_<wbr>FILLED
| 0042ED50 || Garage || || Used for opcode [[021C]]'s IS_CAR_IN_MISSION_GARAGE
|0042ED50 ||Garage ||||Used in [[021C]] IS_<wbr>CAR_<wbr>IN_<wbr>MISSION_<wbr>GARAGE
| 0042ED70 || Garage || || Used for opcode [[021B]]'s SET_TARGET_CAR_FOR_MISSION_GARAGE
|0042ED70 ||Garage ||||Used in [[021B]] SET_<wbr>TARGET_<wbr>CAR_<wbr>FOR_<wbr>MISSION_<wbr>GARAGE
| 0042EDE0 || No Category || || Used for PRINT_BIG, see [[00BA]] for images
|0042EDE0 ||No Category ||||Used for PRINT_BIG, see [[00BA]] for images
| 00436E40 || No Category || CPathFind::FindNodeClosestToCoorsFavourDirection (( float,float,float,uchar,float,float )) ||
|00436E40 ||No Category ||CPathFind::FindNodeClosestToCoorsFavourDirection (( float,float,float,uchar,float,float )) ||
| 004382B0 || No Category || CPathFind::NewGenerateCarCreationCoors (( float,float,float,float,float,float,bool,CVector *, int *, int *,float *, bool )) ||
|004382B0 ||No Category ||CPathFind::NewGenerateCarCreationCoors (( float,float,float,float,float,float,bool,CVector *, int *, int *,float *, bool )) ||
| 00438F90 || No Category || CPathFind::RemoveBadStartNode (( CVector,CPathNode **,short *)) ||
|00438F90 ||No Category ||CPathFind::RemoveBadStartNode (( CVector,CPathNode **,short *)) ||
| 00439070 || No Category || CPathFind::DoPathSearch (( uchar,CVector,int,CVector,CPathNode **,short *, short,CVehicle *,float *, float,int )) ||
|00439070 ||No Category ||CPathFind::DoPathSearch (( uchar,CVector,int,CVector,CPathNode **,short *, short,CVehicle *,float *, float,int )) ||
| 00441F70 || No Category || DeactivateSlowMotion ||
|00441F70 ||No Category ||DeactivateSlowMotion ||
| 00444BE0 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands200To299((int)) ||
|00444BE0 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands200To299((int)) ||
| 0044B400 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands0To99((int)) ||
|0044B400 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands0To99((int)) ||
| 0044FBE0 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessOneCommand((void)) ||
|0044FBE0 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessOneCommand((void)) ||
| 0044FD70 || No Category || CRunningScript::Process((void)) ||
|0044FD70 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::Process((void)) ||
| 00451010 || Mission Script || COpcode::GetParameters ||
|00451010 ||Mission Script ||COpcode::GetParameters ||
| 00451CF0 || No Category || CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::GetIndex(( CPed *)) ||
|00451CF0 ||No Category ||CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::GetIndex(( CPed *)) ||
| 00451F90 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands400To499((int)) ||
|00451F90 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands400To499((int)) ||
| 00453670 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands300To399((int)) ||
|00453670 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands300To399((int)) ||
| 00455030 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands700To799((int)) ||
|00455030 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands700To799((int)) ||
| 00456E20 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands600To699((int)) ||
|00456E20 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands600To699((int)) ||
| 00457580 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands500To599((int)) ||
|00457580 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands500To599((int)) ||
| 00458EC0 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands900To999((int)) ||
|00458EC0 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands900To999((int)) ||
| 0045B220 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands800To899((int)) ||
|0045B220 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands800To899((int)) ||
| 00466AD0 || No Category || CAccidentManager::CountActiveAccidents ((void)) ||
|00466AD0 ||No Category ||CAccidentManager::CountActiveAccidents ((void)) ||
| 00466AF0 || No Category || CAccidentManager::FindNearestAccident (( float,float,float,float *)) ||
|00466AF0 ||No Category ||CAccidentManager::FindNearestAccident (( float,float,float,float *)) ||
| 00487200 || No Category || CDebug::DebugDisplayTextBuffer ||
|00487200 ||No Category ||CDebug::DebugDisplayTextBuffer ||
| 00487D10 || No Category || CEntity::GetDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel ((void)) ||
|00487D10 ||No Category ||CEntity::GetDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel ((void)) ||
| 004898B0 || No Category || CEntity::SetModelIndex (( uint )) ||
|004898B0 ||No Category ||CEntity::SetModelIndex (( uint )) ||
| 0048DFB0 || No Category || CFileMgr::LoadFile ((char const *, uchar *, int )) ||
|0048DFB0 ||No Category ||CFileMgr::LoadFile ((char const *, uchar *, int )) ||
| 0048E030 || No Category || CFileMgr::SetDir ((char const *)) ||
|0048E030 ||No Category ||CFileMgr::SetDir ((char const *)) ||
| 0048E5D0 || No Category || CFire::Extinguish ((void)) ||
|0048E5D0 ||No Category ||CFire::Extinguish ((void)) ||
| 0048F170 || No Category || CFireManager::FindNearestFire (( CVector,float *)) ||
|0048F170 ||No Category ||CFireManager::FindNearestFire (( CVector,float *)) ||
| 004A6190 || Display || Render2DStuff ||
|004A6190 ||Display ||Render2DStuff ||
| 004A6510 || Display || RenderEffects ||
|004A6510 ||Display ||RenderEffects ||
| 004A68A0 || Display || LoadingIslandScreen ||
|004A68A0 ||Display ||LoadingIslandScreen ||
| 004A69D0 || Display || LoadingScreen ||
|004A69D0 ||Display ||LoadingScreen ||
| 004A73E0 || No Category || CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
|004A73E0 ||No Category ||CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
| 004A7410 || No Category || CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
|004A7410 ||No Category ||CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
| 004A7440 || No Category || CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
|004A7440 ||No Category ||CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
| 004A7470 || No Category || CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
|004A7470 ||No Category ||CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
| 004A74A0 || No Category || CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
|004A74A0 ||No Category ||CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
| 004A74D0 || No Category || CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
|004A74D0 ||No Category ||CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
| 004A7500 || No Category || CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
|004A7500 ||No Category ||CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
| 004A7530 || No Category || CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
|004A7530 ||No Category ||CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
| 004A7560 || No Category || CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
|004A7560 ||No Category ||CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void)) ||
| 004AAA60 || No Category || CPad::GetCarGunFired ((void)) ||
|004AAA60 ||No Category ||CPad::GetCarGunFired ((void)) ||
| 004AAC60 || No Category || CPad::GetLookRight ((void)) ||
|004AAC60 ||No Category ||CPad::GetLookRight ((void)) ||
| 004AAC90 || No Category || CPad::GetLookLeft ((void)) ||
|004AAC90 ||No Category ||CPad::GetLookLeft ((void)) ||
| 004AB060 || No Category || CPad::GetPad (( int )) ||
|004AB060 ||No Category ||CPad::GetPad (( int )) ||
| 004BFF80 || No Category || CPools::GetObject (( int )) ||
|004BFF80 ||No Category ||CPools::GetObject (( int )) ||
| 004BFFA0 || No Category || CPools::GetObjectRef (( CObject *)) ||
|004BFFA0 ||No Category ||CPools::GetObjectRef (( CObject *)) ||
| 004BFFC0 || No Category || CPools::GetVehicle (( int )) ||
|004BFFC0 ||No Category ||CPools::GetVehicle (( int )) ||
| 004BFFE0 || No Category || CPools::GetVehicleRef (( CVehicle *)) ||
|004BFFE0 ||No Category ||CPools::GetVehicleRef (( CVehicle *)) ||
| 004C0000 || No Category || CPools::GetPed (( int )) ||
|004C0000 ||No Category ||CPools::GetPed (( int )) ||
| 004C0020 || No Category || CPools::GetPedRef (( CPed *)) ||
|004C0020 ||No Category ||CPools::GetPedRef (( CPed *)) ||
| 004C0040 || No Category || CPools::CheckPoolsEmpty ((void)) ||
|004C0040 ||No Category ||CPools::CheckPoolsEmpty ((void)) ||
| 004C0070 || No Category || CPools::ShutDown ((void)) ||
|004C0070 ||No Category ||CPools::ShutDown ((void)) ||
| 004C03C0 || No Category || CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::~CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_((void)) ||
|004C03C0 ||No Category ||CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::~CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_((void)) ||
| 004C03D0 || No Category || CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::Flush((void)) ||
|004C03D0 ||No Category ||CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::Flush((void)) ||
| 004C0410 || No Category || CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::~CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_((void)) ||
|004C0410 ||No Category ||CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::~CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_((void)) ||
| 004C0420 || No Category || CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::Flush((void)) ||
|004C0420 ||No Category ||CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::Flush((void)) ||
| 004C0460 || No Category || CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::~CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_((void)) ||
|004C0460 ||No Category ||CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::~CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_((void)) ||
| 004C0470 || No Category || CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::Flush((void)) ||
|004C0470 ||No Category ||CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::Flush((void)) ||
| 004C04B0 || No Category || CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::~CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_((void)) ||
|004C04B0 ||No Category ||CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::~CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_((void)) ||
| 004C04C0 || No Category || CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::Flush((void)) ||
|004C04C0 ||No Category ||CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::Flush((void)) ||
| 004C0500 || No Category || CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::~CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_((void)) ||
|004C0500 ||No Category ||CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::~CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_((void)) ||
| 004C0510 || No Category || CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::Flush((void)) ||
|004C0510 ||No Category ||CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::Flush((void)) ||
| 004C0550 || No Category || CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::~CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_((void)) ||
|004C0550 ||No Category ||CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::~CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_((void)) ||
| 004C0560 || No Category || CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::Flush((void)) ||
|004C0560 ||No Category ||CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::Flush((void)) ||
| 004C05F0 || No Category || CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::~CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_((void)) ||
|004C05F0 ||No Category ||CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::~CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_((void)) ||
| 004C0600 || No Category || CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::Flush((void)) ||
|004C0600 ||No Category ||CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::Flush((void)) ||
| 004C0640 || No Category || CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::~CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_((void)) ||
|004C0640 ||No Category ||CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::~CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_((void)) ||
| 004C0650 || No Category || CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::Flush((void)) ||
|004C0650 ||No Category ||CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::Flush((void)) ||
| 004C0690 || No Category || CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::~CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_((void)) ||
|004C0690 ||No Category ||CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::~CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_((void)) ||
| 004C06A0 || No Category || CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::Flush((void)) ||
|004C06A0 ||No Category ||CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::Flush((void)) ||
| 004C06E0 || No Category || CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_(( int )) ||
|004C06E0 ||No Category ||CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_(( int )) ||
| 004C0850 || No Category || CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_(( int )) ||
|004C0850 ||No Category ||CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_(( int )) ||
| 004C09B0 || No Category || CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_(( int )) ||
|004C09B0 ||No Category ||CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_(( int )) ||
| 004C0C70 || No Category || CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_(( int )) ||
|004C0C70 ||No Category ||CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_(( int )) ||
| 004C0DD0 || No Category || CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_(( int )) ||
|004C0DD0 ||No Category ||CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_(( int )) ||
| 004C0F30 || No Category || CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_(( int )) ||
|004C0F30 ||No Category ||CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_(( int )) ||
| 004C1090 || No Category || CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_(( int )) ||
|004C1090 ||No Category ||CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_(( int )) ||
| 004C11F0 || No Category || CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_(( int )) ||
|004C11F0 ||No Category ||CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_(( int )) ||
| 004C1350 || No Category || CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_(( int )) ||
|004C1350 ||No Category ||CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_(( int )) ||
| 004C14B0 || No Category || CPtrList::Flush ((void)) ||
|004C14B0 ||No Category ||CPtrList::Flush ((void)) ||
| 004C1500 || No Category || CPtrNode::__dl ((void *)) ||
|004C1500 ||No Category ||CPtrNode::__dl ((void *)) ||
| 004C1520 || No Category || CPtrNode::__nw (( uint )) ||
|004C1520 ||No Category ||CPtrNode::__nw (( uint )) ||
| 004C1530 || No Category || CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::Delete(( CPtrNode *)) ||
|004C1530 ||No Category ||CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::Delete(( CPtrNode *)) ||
| 004C1560 || No Category || CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::New((void)) ||
|004C1560 ||No Category ||CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::New((void)) ||
| 004C3A70 || No Category || CRadar::ClearBlipForEntity (( eBlipType,int )) ||
|004C3A70 ||No Category ||CRadar::ClearBlipForEntity (( eBlipType,int )) ||
| 004C6AC0 || No Category || CEntity::RegisterReference (( CEntity **)) ||
|004C6AC0 ||No Category ||CEntity::RegisterReference (( CEntity **)) ||
| 004CDAE4 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0544]]'s SET_LONGEST_TIME_IN_BLOOD_RING
|004CDAE4 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0544]] SET_<wbr>LONGEST_<wbr>TIME_<wbr>IN_<wbr>BLOOD_<wbr>RING
| 004CDAF6 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0543]]'s ADD_BLOOD_RING_KILLS
|004CDAF6 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0543]] ADD_<wbr>BLOOD_<wbr>RING_<wbr>KILLS
| 004CDB01 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0542]]'s SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED
|004CDB01 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0542]] SET_<wbr>PROPERTY_<wbr>AS_<wbr>OWNED
| 004CDB1C || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0536]]'s ADD_ICE_CREAMS_SOLD
|004CDB1C ||Stats ||||Used in [[0536]] ADD_<wbr>ICE_<wbr>CREAMS_<wbr>SOLD
| 004CDB2D || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0534]]'s ADD_PIZZAS_DELIVERED
|004CDB2D ||Stats ||||Used in [[0534]] ADD_<wbr>PIZZAS_<wbr>DELIVERED
| 004CDB3E || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0533]]'s ADD_NUMBER_OF_ASSASSINATIONS
|004CDB3E ||Stats ||||Used in [[0533]] ADD_<wbr>NUMBER_<wbr>OF_<wbr>ASSASSINATIONS
| 004CDB4F || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0531]]'s ADD_STORES_KNOCKED_OFF
|004CDB4F ||Stats ||||Used in [[0531]] ADD_<wbr>STORES_<wbr>KNOCKED_<wbr>OFF
| 004CDB60 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[04CF]]'s ADD_MONEY_SPENT_ON_CLOTHES
|004CDB60 ||Stats ||||Used in [[04CF]] ADD_<wbr>MONEY_<wbr>SPENT_<wbr>ON_<wbr>CLOTHES
| 004CDB71 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0529]]'s ADD_MONEY_SPENT_ON_PROPERTY
|004CDB71 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0529]] ADD_<wbr>MONEY_<wbr>SPENT_<wbr>ON_<wbr>PROPERTY
| 004CDB82 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0528]]'s ADD_MONEY_SPENT_ON_WEAPONS
|004CDB82 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0528]] ADD_<wbr>MONEY_<wbr>SPENT_<wbr>ON_<wbr>WEAPONS
| 004CDB93 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0528]]'s ADD_MONEY_SPENT_ON_WEAPONS
|004CDB93 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0528]] ADD_<wbr>MONEY_<wbr>SPENT_<wbr>ON_<wbr>WEAPONS
| 004CDB9D || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0408]]'s SET_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_KILL_FRENZIES
|004CDB9D ||Stats ||||Used in [[0408]] SET_<wbr>TOTAL_<wbr>NUMBER_<wbr>OF_<wbr>KILL_<wbr>FRENZIES
| 004CDBA7 || Stats || || Increment rampage passed
|004CDBA7 ||Stats ||||Increment rampage passed
| 004CDBAE || Stats || || Media attention level
|004CDBAE ||Stats ||||Media attention level
| 004CDDC5 || Stats || || Criminal ranking level
|004CDDC5 ||Stats ||||Criminal ranking level
| 004CE331 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0599]]'s REGISTER_FIRE_LEVEL
|004CE331 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0599]] REGISTER_<wbr>FIRE_<wbr>LEVEL
| 004CE348 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0403]]'s REGISTER_AMBULANCE_LEVEL
|004CE348 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0403]] REGISTER_<wbr>AMBULANCE_<wbr>LEVEL
| 004CE35F || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0578]]'s REGISTER_VIGILANTE_LEVEL
|004CE35F ||Stats ||||Used in [[0578]] REGISTER_<wbr>VIGILANTE_<wbr>LEVEL
| 004CE376 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0404]]'s REGISTER_FIRE_EXTINGUISHED
|004CE376 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0404]] REGISTER_<wbr>FIRE_<wbr>EXTINGUISHED
| 004CE37D || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0402]]'s REGISTER_CRIMINAL_CAUGHT
|004CE37D ||Stats ||||Used in [[0402]] REGISTER_<wbr>CRIMINAL_<wbr>CAUGHT
| 004CE384 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0401]]'s REGISTER_LIFE_SAVED
|004CE384 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0401]] REGISTER_<wbr>LIFE_<wbr>SAVED
| 004CE38B || Stats || || Time spent on radio
|004CE38B ||Stats ||||Time spent on radio
| 004CE397 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[0582]]'s REGISTER_BEST_POSITION
|004CE397 ||Stats ||||Used in [[0582]] REGISTER_<wbr>BEST_<wbr>POSITION
| 004CE3B4 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[042F]]'s REGISTER_HIGHEST_SCORE
|004CE3B4 ||Stats ||||Used in [[042F]] REGISTER_<wbr>HIGHEST_<wbr>SCORE
| 004CE3D1 || Stats || || Used for opcode [[042E]]'s REGISTER_FASTEST_TIME
|004CE3D1 ||Stats ||||Used in [[042E]] REGISTER_<wbr>FASTEST_<wbr>TIME
| 004CE3FB || Stats || || Reset stats
|004CE3FB ||Stats ||||Reset stats
| 004DC500 || No Category || CTheZones::GetZoneInfoForTimeOfDay (( CVector const *, CZoneInfo *)) ||
|004DC500 ||No Category ||CTheZones::GetZoneInfoForTimeOfDay (( CVector const *, CZoneInfo *)) ||
| 004DF240 || No Category || CMatrix::SetRotate (( float,float,float )) ||
|004DF240 ||No Category ||CMatrix::SetRotate (( float,float,float )) ||
| 004DF3B0 || No Category || CMatrix::SetRotateZ ((float)) ||
|004DF3B0 ||No Category ||CMatrix::SetRotateZ ((float)) ||
| 004DF450 || No Category || CMatrix::SetRotateY ((float)) ||
|004DF450 ||No Category ||CMatrix::SetRotateY ((float)) ||
| 004DF4F0 || No Category || CMatrix::SetRotateX ((float)) ||
|004DF4F0 ||No Category ||CMatrix::SetRotateX ((float)) ||
| 004DF8F0 || No Category || CMatrix::UpdateRW ((void)) ||
|004DF8F0 ||No Category ||CMatrix::UpdateRW ((void)) ||
| 004DFAE0 || No Category || CMatrix::~CMatrix ((void)) ||
|004DFAE0 ||No Category ||CMatrix::~CMatrix ((void)) ||
| 004DFB00 || No Category || CMatrix::CMatrix (( RwMatrix *, bool )) ||
|004DFB00 ||No Category ||CMatrix::CMatrix (( RwMatrix *, bool )) ||
| 004DFF20 || No Category || __ml( CMatrix const &, CVector const &) ||
|004DFF20 ||No Category ||__ml( CMatrix const &, CVector const &) ||
| 004F17D0 || No Category || CPed::RestoreHeadingRate ((void)) ||
|0052FA10 ||No Category ||CPedIK::CPedIK (( CPed *)) ||
| 004F18A0 || No Category || CPed::Wait ((void)) ||
|00530F00 ||No Category ||CPedType::Initialise ((void)) ||
| 004F28A0 || No Category || CPed::SetWaitState (( eWaitState,void *)) ||
|00532070 ||No Category ||CPlayerPed::SetWantedLevelNoDrop (( int )) ||
| 004F4930 || No Category || CPed::IsPlayer (const(void)) ||
|00536620 ||No Category ||CPlayerPed::SetRealMoveAnim ((void)) ||
| 004F4950 || No Category || CPed::CheckForExplosions ((CVector2D &)) ||
|005371B0 ||No Category ||CPlayerPed::ReApplyMoveAnims ((void)) ||
| 004F65C0 || No Category || CPed::SetDie (( AnimationId,float,float )) ||
|0053A6F0 ||No Category ||CGangs::GetGangPedModelOverride ((short)) ||
| 004F6A20 || No Category || CPed::SetEvasiveDive (( CPhysical *, uchar )) ||
|0053A720 ||No Category ||CPopulation::UpdatePedCount (( ePedType,uchar )) ||
| 0050B4A0 || No Category || CPed::ClearAimFlag ((void)) ||
|0053A8A0 ||No Category ||CPopulation::AddPedInCar (( CVehicle *, int )) ||
| 0050B510 || No Category || CPed::SetAimFlag (( CEntity *)) ||
|00541570 ||No Category ||CRGBA::CRGBA ||
| 0050B5B0 || No Category || CPed::SetAimFlag ((float)) ||
|00543500 ||Render ||CCoronas::Render ||
| 0050B700 || No Category || CPed::MoveHeadToLook ((void)) ||
|0054FFE0 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetFontStyle ||
| 0050B9C0 || No Category || CPed::ClearLookFlag ((void)) ||
|00550020 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetPropsOn ||
| 0050BB70 || No Category || CPed::SetLookFlag (( CEntity *, bool )) ||
|00550060 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetRightJustifyOn ||
| 0050BE00 || No Category || CPed::ScanForThreats ((void)) ||
|005500D0 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetBackgroundOff ||
| 0050C600 || No Category || CPed::RestorePreviousState ((void)) ||
|005500E0 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetBackgroundOn ||
| 0050CC40 || No Category || CPed::SetStoredState ((void)) ||
|005500F0 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetCentreSize ||
| 0050CCF0 || No Category || CPed::RestartNonPartialAnims ((void)) ||
|00550100 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetWrapx ||
| 0050CD20 || No Category || CPed::StopNonPartialAnims ((void)) ||
|00550110 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetCentreOff ||
| 0050CD50 || No Category || CPed::SetMoveAnim ((void)) ||
|00550120 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetCentreOn ||
| 0050D110 || No Category || CPed::SetMoveState (( eMoveState )) ||
|00550170 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetColor ||
| 0050D120 || No Category || CPed::SortPeds (( CPed **, int,int )) ||
|00550230 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::SetScale ||
| 0050D360 || No Category || CPed::OurPedCanSeeThisOne (( CEntity *)) ||
|00551040 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::PrintString ||
| 0050D4B0 || No Category || CPed::BuildPedLists ((void)) ||
|00551620 ||Text display (CFont) ||CFont::PrintChar ||
| 0050D8E0 || No Category || CPed::SetPedStats (( ePedStats )) ||
|00552500 ||No Category ||AsciiToUnicode ||
| 0050D900 || No Category || CPed::SetModelIndex (( uint )) ||
|005608C0 ||Render ||CParticle::Render ||
| 0050D9F0 || No Category || CPed::Initialise ((void)) ||
|00567F20 ||Render ||CRubbish::Render ||
| 0050DA70 || No Category || CPed::~CPed ((void)) ||
|0056C690 ||Render ||CShadows::RenderStaticShadows ||
| 0050DC20 || No Category || CPed::CPed (( uint )) ||
|0056CC40 ||Render ||CShadows::RenderStoredShadows ||
| 005155E0 || No Category || CPed::SetAnimOffsetForEnterOrExitVehicle ((void)) ||
|00570BA0 ||Render ||C3dMarker::Render ||
| 005164D0 || No Category || CPed::GetPositionToOpenCarDoor (( CVehicle *, uint )) ||
|00570DA0 ||Render ||C3dMarker::RenderArrow ||
| 005179D0 || No Category || CPed::QuitEnteringCar ((void)) ||
|005719B0 ||Render ||CBrightLights::Render((void)) ||
| 00517BA0 || No Category || CPed::EnterCar ((void)) ||
|00572660 ||Render ||CRegisteredMotionBlurStreak::Render((void)) ||
| 00518AD0 || No Category || CPed::LineUpPedWithCar (( uint )) ||
|00572920 ||Render ||CMotionBlurStreaks::Render((void)) ||
| 00521720 || No Category || CPed::ClearObjective ((void)) ||
|005729F0 ||Render ||CBulletTraces::Render ||
| 00527570 || No Category || CPed::LoadFightData ((void)) ||
|00574790 ||Render ||CSpecialFX::Render ||
| 0052FA10 || No Category || CPedIK::CPedIK (( CPed *)) ||
|00576690 ||No Category ||CSprite::RenderOneXLUSprite ((float,float,float,float,float,uchar,uchar,uchar,short,float,uchar)) ||
| 00530F00 || No Category || CPedType::Initialise ((void)) ||
|005778B0 ||No Category ||CSprite::CalcScreenCoors ((RwV3d const &,RwV3d *,float *,float *, bool )) ||
| 00532070 || No Category || CPlayerPed::SetWantedLevelNoDrop (( int )) ||
|00606730 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1100To1199((int)) ||
| 00536620 || No Category || CPlayerPed::SetRealMoveAnim ((void)) ||
|006084C0 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1000To1099((int)) ||
| 005371B0 || No Category || CPlayerPed::ReApplyMoveAnims ((void)) ||
|0062E940 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1300To1399((int)) ||
| 0053A6F0 || No Category || CGangs::GetGangPedModelOverride ((short)) ||
|00630650 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1200To1299((int)) ||
| 0053A720 || No Category || CPopulation::UpdatePedCount (( ePedType,uchar )) ||
|00637600 ||No Category ||CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1400To1499((int)) ||
| 0053A8A0 || No Category || CPopulation::AddPedInCar (( CVehicle *, int )) ||
|006453B0 ||No Category ||RwFrameForAllObjects ||
| 00541570 || No Category || CRGBA::CRGBA ||
|00649BA0 ||No Category ||RwRenderStateSet ||
| 00543500 || Render || CCoronas::Render ||
|006857B0 ||No Category ||CAnimManager::ms_aAnimAssocDefinitions (void) ||
Contains some stuff from <!--http://squiddy.marway.org/gta/mods/functions.txt-->Squiddy and <!--http://gtaconnection.net/files/modelingman/vcfunc.htm-->Modelingman.
== CDarkel ==
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0054FFE0 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetFontStyle ||
|00429AF0 ||QueryModelsKilledByPlayer((int)) ||Used in [[0298]] GET_<wbr>NUM_<wbr>OF_<wbr>MODELS_<wbr>KILLED_<wbr>BY_<wbr>PLAYER
| 00550020 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetPropsOn ||
|00429B00 ||ResetModelsKilledByPlayer((void)) ||Used in [[0297]] RESET_<wbr>NUM_<wbr>OF_<wbr>MODELS_<wbr>KILLED_<wbr>BY_<wbr>PLAYER
| 00550060 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetRightJustifyOn ||
|00429B60 ||StartFrenzy((eWeaponType,int,ushort,int,ushort *,int,int,int,bool,bool)) ||Used in [[01F9]] START_<wbr>KILL_<wbr>FRENZY
* [[Weapon#Vice City|Weapon index number]]
* Time in milliseconds
* Number of targets
* Target #1 model
* Pointer to [[GXT]] string
* Target #2 model
* Target #3 model
* Target #4 model
* Has rampage passed message
* Is headshot rampage
| 005500D0 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetBackgroundOff ||
|00429F90 ||ResetOnPlayerDeath((void)) ||Resets rampage settings on player death or arrest
| 005500E0 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetBackgroundOn ||
|00429FC0 ||FrenzyOnGoing((void)) ||Checks if the rampage status is 1 (rampage is ongoing)
* Returns true or false
| 005500F0 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetCentreSize ||
|00429FD0 ||ReadStatus((void)) ||Used in [[01FA]] READ_<wbr>KILL_<wbr>FRENZY_<wbr>STATUS
* Returns rampage status
| 00550100 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetWrapx ||
|00429FE0 ||DrawMessages((void)) ||Draws messages specific to the rampage, including the timer, start text, and end text
| 00550110 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetCentreOff ||
|0042A650 ||Update((void)) ||
| 00550120 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetCentreOn ||
|0042A7A0 ||Init((void)) ||Initialises the rampage status to 0 (rampage is initialised)
== CTheScripts ==
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 00550170 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetColor ||
|0045ED20 ||IsVehicleStopped((CVehicle *)) ||Checks if the vehicle is stopped; used in [[01C1]] IS_<wbr>CAR_<wbr>STOPPED
* Returns true or false
* Pointer to vehicle
| 00550230 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::SetScale ||
|0045ED50 ||IsPlayerStopped((CPlayerInfo *)) ||Checks if the player is stopped
* Returns true or false
* Pointer to player info
| 00551040 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::PrintString ||
|0045F080 ||HighlightImportantArea((uint,float,float,float,float,float)) ||Marks an area with a marker on the ground
* Pointer to script object
* X1-coordinate
* Y1-coordinate
* X2-coordinate
* Y2-coordinate
*(Z1-coordinate + Z2-coordinate) / 2.0; or -100.0 for ground z
== CCamera ==
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 00551620 || Text display (CFont) || CFont::PrintChar ||
|0046FC1C ||DrawBordersForWideScreen((void)) ||Draws [[02A3|widescreen]] borders
| 00552500 || No Category || AsciiToUnicode ||
|0046FF21 ||CamShake((float,float,float,float)) ||[[0136|Shakes the camera with point]]
* thiscall on camera object
* Intensity * 0.001
* X-coordinate
* Y-coordinate
* Z-coordinate
== CPhysical ==
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Address ||Function ||Notes
|004B9010 ||GetHasCollidedWith((CEntity *)) ||Checks if the entity is colliding with another entity
* Returns true or false
* thiscall on entity object
* Colliding entity
| 00557320 || Display || CHud::Draw ||
|004BACC0 ||ApplyTurnForce((float,float,float,float,float,float)) ||
| 005608C0 || Render || CParticle::Render ||
|004BAE90 ||AddToMovingList((void)) ||
| 00567F20 || Render || CRubbish::Render ||
|004BB630 ||~CPhysical((void)) ||
| 0056C690 || Render || CShadows::RenderStaticShadows ||
|004BB650 ||CPhysical((void)) ||
== CWorld ==
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0056CC40 || Render || CShadows::RenderStoredShadows ||
|004D53A0 ||FindGroundZFor3DCoord((float,float,float,bool *)) ||Finds the [[02CE|ground z]] for the 3d coordinates
| 00570BA0 || Render || C3dMarker::Render ||
|004D5540 ||FindGroundZForCoord((float,float)) ||Finds the ground z for the 2d coordinates
* Returns z-coordinate
* X-coordinate
* Y-coordinate
| 00570DA0 || Render || C3dMarker::RenderArrow ||
|004D6370 ||FindObjectsKindaColliding((CVector const &,float,bool,short *,short,CEntity **,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool)) ||
| 005719B0 || Render || CBrightLights::Render((void)) ||
|004D8B00 ||ProcessVerticalLine((CVector const &,float,CColPoint &,CEntity *&,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,CStoredCollPoly *)) ||
| 00572660 || Render || CRegisteredMotionBlurStreak::Render((void)) ||
|004DB310 ||Remove((CEntity *)) ||
| 00572920 || Render || CMotionBlurStreaks::Render((void)) ||
|004DB3F0 ||Add((CEntity *)) ||
== CPed ==
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005729F0 || Render || CBulletTraces::Render ||
|004F17D0 ||RestoreHeadingRate((void)) ||
| 00574790 || Render || CSpecialFX::Render ||
|004F18A0 ||Wait((void)) ||
| 00576690 || No Category || CSprite::RenderOneXLUSprite ((float,float,float,float,float,uchar,uchar,uchar,short,float,uchar)) ||
|004F28A0 ||SetWaitState((eWaitState,void *)) ||
| 005778B0 || No Category || CSprite::CalcScreenCoors ((RwV3d const &,RwV3d *,float *,float *, bool )) ||
|004F4930 ||IsPlayer(const((void)) ||
| 005C84D0 || No Category || CPed::IsPedDoingDriveByShooting ((void)) ||
|004F4950 ||CheckForExplosions((CVector2D &)) ||
| 00606730 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1100To1199((int)) ||
|004F65C0 ||SetDie((AnimationId,float,float)) ||
| 006084C0 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1000To1099((int)) ||
|004F6A20 ||SetEvasiveDive((CPhysical *,uchar)) ||
| 0062E940 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1300To1399((int)) ||
|004FF780 ||SetAmmo((eWeaponType,uint)) ||Sets the ped's weapon ammo; used in [[017A]] SET_<wbr>PLAYER_<wbr>AMMO
* thiscall on ped object
* [[Weapon#Vice City|Weapon index number]]
* Ammo count
| 00630650 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1200To1299((int)) ||
|004FF840 ||GrantAmmo((eWeaponType,uint)) ||Adds ammo to the ped's weapon; used in [[0114]] ADD_<wbr>AMMO_<wbr>TO_<wbr>CHAR
* thiscall on ped object
* [[Weapon#Vice City|Weapon index number]]
* Ammo count
| 00637600 || No Category || CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1400To1499((int)) ||
|00501950 ||IsPedInControl((void)) ||Checks if the ped is in control; behaves similarly to [[03E9]] IS_<wbr>CHAR_<wbr>IN_<wbr>CONTROL
* Returns true or false
* thiscall on ped object
| 006453B0 || No Category || RwFrameForAllObjects ||
|0050B4A0 ||ClearAimFlag((void)) ||
| 00649BA0 || No Category || RwRenderStateSet ||
|0050B510 ||SetAimFlag((CEntity *)) ||
| 006857B0 || No Category || CAnimManager::ms_aAnimAssocDefinitions (void) ||  
|0050B5B0 ||SetAimFlag((float)) ||
Contains some stuff from <!--http://squiddy.marway.org/gta/mods/functions.txt-->Squiddy and <!--http://gtaconnection.net/files/modelingman/vcfunc.htm-->Modelingman.
|0050B700 ||MoveHeadToLook((void)) ||
== CDarkel ==
|0050B9C0 ||ClearLookFlag((void)) ||
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
|0050BB70 ||SetLookFlag((CEntity *,bool)) ||
|0050BE00 ||ScanForThreats((void)) ||
|0050C600 ||RestorePreviousState((void)) ||
|0050CC40 ||SetStoredState((void)) ||
|0050CCF0 ||RestartNonPartialAnims((void)) ||
|0050CD20 ||StopNonPartialAnims((void)) ||
| 00429B60 || StartFrenzy(eWeaponType,int,ushort,int,ushort *,int,int,int,bool,bool) || Used for opcode [[01F9]] START_KILL_FRENZY
|0050CD50 ||SetMoveAnim((void)) ||
* [[Weapon#Vice_City|Weapon index number]]
* Time in milliseconds
* Number of targets
* Target #1 model
* Pointer to [[GXT]] string
* Target #2 model
* Target #3 model
* Target #4 model
* Has rampage passed message
* Is headshot rampage
| 00429F90 || ResetOnPlayerDeath(void) || Resets rampage settings on player death or arrest
|0050D110 ||SetMoveState((eMoveState)) ||
| 00429FC0 || FrenzyOnGoing(void) || Checks if the rampage status is 1 (rampage is ongoing)
|0050D120 ||SortPeds((CPed **,int,int)) ||
* Returns true or false
| 00429FD0 || ReadStatus(void) || Used for opcode [[01FA]] READ_KILL_FRENZY_STATUS
|0050D360 ||OurPedCanSeeThisOne((CEntity *)) ||
* Returns rampage status
| 00429FE0 || DrawMessages(void) || Draws messages specific to the rampage, including the timer, start text, and end text
|0050D4B0 ||BuildPedLists((void)) ||
| 0042A650 || Update(void) ||
|0050D8E0 ||SetPedStats((ePedStats)) ||
| 0042A7A0 || Init(void) || Initialises the rampage status to 0 (rampage is initialised)
|0050D900 ||SetModelIndex((uint)) ||
== CCamera ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
| 0046FC1C || DrawBordersForWideScreen(void) || Draws [[02A3|widescreen]] borders
|0050D9F0 ||Initialise((void)) ||
| 0046FF21 || CamShake(float,float,float,float) || [[0136|Shakes the camera with point]]
|0050DA70 ||~CPed((void)) ||
* thiscall on camera object
* Intensity * 0.001
* X-coordinate
* Y-coordinate
* Z-coordinate
== CPhysical ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
| 004B9010 || GetHasCollidedWith(CEntity *) || Checks if the entity is colliding with another entity
|0050DC20 ||CPed((uint)) ||
* Returns true or false
* thiscall on entity object
* Colliding entity
| 004BACC0 || ApplyTurnForce(float,float,float,float,float,float) ||
|005155E0 ||SetAnimOffsetForEnterOrExitVehicle((void)) ||
| 004BAE90 || AddToMovingList(void) ||
|005164D0 ||GetPositionToOpenCarDoor((CVehicle *,uint)) ||
| 004BB630 || ~CPhysical(void) ||
|005179D0 ||QuitEnteringCar((void)) ||
| 004BB650 || CPhysical(void) ||
|00517BA0 ||EnterCar((void)) ||
== CWorld ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
| 004D53A0 || FindGroundZFor3DCoord(float,float,float,bool *) || Finds the [[02CE|ground z]] for the 3d coordinates
|00518AD0 ||LineUpPedWithCar((uint)) ||
| 004D5540 || FindGroundZForCoord(float,float) || Finds the ground z for the 2d coordinates
|00521720 ||ClearObjective((void)) ||
* Returns z-coordinate
* X-coordinate
* Y-coordinate
| 004D6370 || FindObjectsKindaColliding(CVector const &,float,bool,short *,short,CEntity **,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool) ||
|00527570 ||LoadFightData((void)) ||
| 004D8B00 || ProcessVerticalLine(CVector const &,float,CColPoint &,CEntity *&,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,CStoredCollPoly *) ||
|005C84D0 ||IsPedDoingDriveByShooting((void)) ||
== CHud ==
{|class="wikitable sortable"
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 004DB310 || Remove(CEntity *) ||
|0055BFC0 ||SetHelpMessage((ushort *,bool,int)) ||Sets up a help message
* Pointer to [[GXT]] string
* Is duration short
* Is permanent
| 004DB3F0 || Add(CEntity *) ||
|00557320 ||Draw((void)) ||
== CWaterCannons ==
== CWaterCannons ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0057B0E0 || Render(void) ||
|0057B0E0 ||Render((void)) ||
| 0057B120 || Update(void) ||
|0057B120 ||Update((void)) ||
== CWeather ==
== CWeather ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0057C900 || AddRain(void) ||
|0057C900 ||AddRain((void)) ||
| 0057D540 || ReleaseWeather(void) || Behaves similarly to opcode [[01B7]] RELEASE_WEATHER
|0057D540 ||ReleaseWeather((void)) ||Used in [[01B7]] RELEASE_<wbr>WEATHER
| 0057D550 || ForceWeatherNow(short) || Behaves similarly to opcode [[01B6]] FORCE_WEATHER_NOW
|0057D550 ||ForceWeatherNow((short)) ||Used in [[01B6]] FORCE_<wbr>WEATHER_<wbr>NOW
| 0057D570 || ForceWeather(short) || Used for opcode [[01B5]] FORCE_WEATHER
|0057D570 ||ForceWeather((short)) ||Used in [[01B5]] FORCE_<wbr>WEATHER
| 0057D580 || Update(void) ||
|0057D580 ||Update((void)) ||
| 0057E040 || Init(void) ||
|0057E040 ||Init((void)) ||
== CCullZones ==
== CCullZones ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0057E0C0 || PlayerNoRain(void) || Detects if the player is in [[CULL]] type 8
|0057E0C0 ||PlayerNoRain((void)) ||Detects if the player is in [[CULL]] type 8
| 0057E0E0 || CamNoRain(void) || Detects if the player is in [[CULL]] type 8
|0057E0E0 ||CamNoRain((void)) ||Detects if the player is in [[CULL]] type 8
| 0057E330 || AddCullZone(CVector const &,float,float,float,float,float,float,ushort,short) || Adds [[CULL]] entries into the game
|0057E330 ||AddCullZone((CVector const &,float,float,float,float,float,float,ushort,short)) ||Adds [[CULL]] entries into the game
== CTxdStore ==
== CTxdStore ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0x580990 || GetNumRefs(int) ||
|00580990 ||GetNumRefs((int)) ||
| 0x5809D0 || RemoveRefWithoutDelete(int) ||
|005809D0 ||RemoveRefWithoutDelete((int)) ||
| 0x580A10 || RemoveRef(int) ||
|00580A10 ||RemoveRef((int)) ||
| 0x580A60 || AddRef(int) ||
|00580A60 ||AddRef((int)) ||
| 0x580AA0 || PopCurrentTxd(void) ||
|00580AA0 ||PopCurrentTxd((void)) ||
| 0x580AC0 || PushCurrentTxd(void) ||
|00580AC0 ||PushCurrentTxd((void)) ||
| 0x580AD0 || SetCurrentTxd(int) ||
|00580AD0 ||SetCurrentTxd((int)) ||
| 0x580B60 || Create(int) ||
|00580B60 ||Create((int)) ||
| 0x580BA0 || FinishLoadTxd(int,RwStream *) ||
|00580BA0 ||FinishLoadTxd((int,RwStream *)) ||
| 0x580BF0 || StartLoadTxd(int,RwStream *) ||
|00580BF0 ||StartLoadTxd((int,RwStream *)) ||
| 0x580C60 || LoadTxd(int,RwStream *) ||
|00580C60 ||LoadTxd((int,RwStream *)) ||
| 0x580CD0 || LoadTxd(int,char const *) ||
|00580CD0 ||LoadTxd((int,char const *)) ||
| 0x580D70 || FindTxdSlot(char const *) ||
|00580D70 ||FindTxdSlot((char const *)) ||
| 0x580E50 || GetTxdName(int) ||
|00580E50 ||GetTxdName((int)) ||
| 0x580F00 || AddTxdSlot(char const *) ||
|00580F00 ||AddTxdSlot((char const *)) ||
| 0x581010 || Initialise(void) ||
|00581010 ||Initialise((void)) ||
== CVisibilityPlugins ==
== CVisibilityPlugins ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0x581310 || RenderFadingEntities(void) ||
|00581310 ||RenderFadingEntities((void)) ||
| 0x581360 || RenderFadingEntities(CLinkList_CVisibilityPlugins_AlphaObjectInfo const &) ||
|00581360 ||RenderFadingEntities((CLinkList_CVisibilityPlugins_AlphaObjectInfo const &)) ||
| 0x581410 || RenderAlphaAtomics(void) ||
|00581410 ||RenderAlphaAtomics((void)) ||
| 0x581440 || InsertEntityIntoSortedList(CEntity *,float) ||
|00581440 ||InsertEntityIntoSortedList((CEntity *,float)) ||
| 0x5814C0 || InitAlphaEntityList(void) ||
|005814C0 ||InitAlphaEntityList((void)) ||
| 0x5814E0 || InitAlphaAtomicList(void) ||
|005814E0 ||InitAlphaAtomicList((void)) ||
| 0x5814F0 || GetClumpAlpha(RpClump *) ||
|005814F0 ||GetClumpAlpha((RpClump *)) ||
| 0x581500 || SetClumpAlpha(RpClump *,int) ||
|00581500 ||SetClumpAlpha((RpClump *,int)) ||
| 0x581520 || SetClumpModelInfo(RpClump *,CClumpModelInfo *) ||
|00581520 ||SetClumpModelInfo((RpClump *,CClumpModelInfo *)) ||
| 0x581590 || VehicleVisibilityCB_BigVehicle(RpClump *) ||
|00581590 ||VehicleVisibilityCB_BigVehicle((RpClump *)) ||
| 0x581610 || VehicleVisibilityCB(RpClump *) ||
|00581610 ||VehicleVisibilityCB((RpClump *)) ||
| 0x581700 || MloVisibilityCB(RpClump *) ||
|00581700 ||MloVisibilityCB((RpClump *)) ||
| 0x581800 || DefaultVisibilityCB(RpClump *) ||
|00581800 ||DefaultVisibilityCB((RpClump *)) ||
| 0x581810 || GetFrameHierarchyId(RwFrame *) ||
|00581810 ||GetFrameHierarchyId((RwFrame *)) ||
| 0x581820 || SetFrameHierarchyId(RwFrame *,int) ||
|00581820 ||SetFrameHierarchyId((RwFrame *,int)) ||
| 0x581840 || SetRenderWareCamera(RwCamera *) ||
|00581840 ||SetRenderWareCamera((RwCamera *)) ||
| 0x581940 || SetAtomicRenderCallback(RpAtomic *,RpAtomic *(*)(RpAtomic *)) ||
|00581940 ||SetAtomicRenderCallback(RpAtomic *,RpAtomic *(*)((RpAtomic *))) ||
| 0x581A00 || RenderPedCB(RpAtomic *) ||
|00581A00 ||RenderPedCB((RpAtomic *)) ||
| 0x581AE0 || RenderPlayerWithSkinCB(RpAtomic *) ||
|00581AE0 ||RenderPlayerWithSkinCB((RpAtomic *)) ||
| 0x581E50 || RenderVehicleLowDetailCB_BigVehicle(RpAtomic *) ||
|00581E50 ||RenderVehicleLowDetailCB_BigVehicle((RpAtomic *)) ||
| 0x581F00 || RenderVehicleReallyLowDetailCB_BigVehicle(RpAtomic *) ||
|00581F00 ||RenderVehicleReallyLowDetailCB_BigVehicle((RpAtomic *)) ||
| 0x582160 || RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB(RpAtomic *) ||
|00582160 ||RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB((RpAtomic *)) ||
| 0x5822B0 || RenderVehicleHiDetailCB(RpAtomic *) ||
|005822B0 ||RenderVehicleHiDetailCB((RpAtomic *)) ||
| 0x5823A0 || GetDotProductWithCameraVector(RwMatrix *,RwMatrix *,uint) ||
|005823A0 ||GetDotProductWithCameraVector((RwMatrix *,RwMatrix *,uint)) ||
| 0x5824E0 || RenderVehicleReallyLowDetailCB(RpAtomic *) ||
|005824E0 ||RenderVehicleReallyLowDetailCB((RpAtomic *)) ||
| 0x582560 || RenderFadingAtomic(RpAtomic *,float) ||
|00582560 ||RenderFadingAtomic((RpAtomic *,float)) ||
| 0x5826B0 || RenderWheelAtomicCB(RpAtomic *) ||
|005826B0 ||RenderWheelAtomicCB((RpAtomic *)) ||
| 0x582720 || ClearAtomicFlag(RpAtomic *,int) ||
|00582720 ||ClearAtomicFlag((RpAtomic *,int)) ||
| 0x5827F0 || GetAtomicId(RpAtomic *) ||
|005827F0 ||GetAtomicId((RpAtomic *)) ||
| 0x582800 || ClearAtomicFlag(RpAtomic *,int) ||
|00582800 ||ClearAtomicFlag((RpAtomic *,int)) ||
| 0x582820 || SetAtomicFlag(RpAtomic *,int) ||
|00582820 ||SetAtomicFlag((RpAtomic *,int)) ||
| 0x582930 || PluginAttach(void) ||
|00582930 ||PluginAttach((void)) ||
| 0x5829C0 || ClumpDestructor(void *,int,int) ||
|005829C0 ||ClumpDestructor((void *,int,int)) ||
| 0x5829D0 || ClumpCopyConstructor(void *,void const *,int,int) ||
|005829D0 ||ClumpCopyConstructor((void *,void const *,int,int)) ||
| 0x5829F0 || ClumpConstructor(void *,int,int) ||
|005829F0 ||ClumpConstructor((void *,int,int)) ||
| 0x582A20 || FrameDestructor(void *,int,int) ||
|00582A20 ||FrameDestructor((void *,int,int)) ||
| 0x582A30 || FrameCopyConstructor(void *,void const *,int,int) ||
|00582A30 ||FrameCopyConstructor((void *,void const *,int,int)) ||
| 0x582A50 || FrameConstructor(void *,int,int) ||
|00582A50 ||FrameConstructor((void *,int,int)) ||
| 0x582A70 || AtomicDestructor(void *,int,int) ||
|00582A70 ||AtomicDestructor((void *,int,int)) ||
| 0x582A80 || AtomicCopyConstructor(void *,void const *,int,int) ||
|00582A80 ||AtomicCopyConstructor((void *,void const *,int,int)) ||
| 0x582AA0 || AtomicConstructor(void *,int,int) ||
|00582AA0 ||AtomicConstructor((void *,int,int)) ||
== CMessages ==
== CMessages ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0x582C70 || ClearAllMessagesDisplayedByGame(void) ||
|00582C70 ||ClearAllMessagesDisplayedByGame((void)) ||
| 0x582CF0 || ClearThisBigPrint(ushort *) ||
|00582CF0 ||ClearThisBigPrint((ushort *)) ||
| 0x582FA0 || ClearThisPrint(ushort *) ||
|00582FA0 ||ClearThisPrint((ushort *)) ||
| 0x583350 || AddBigMessageWithNumber(ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int) ||
|00583350 ||AddBigMessageWithNumber((ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int)) ||
| 0x583440 || AddMessageJumpQWithNumber(ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int) ||
|00583440 ||AddMessageJumpQWithNumber((ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int)) ||
| 0x583560 || AddMessageWithNumber(ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int) ||
|00583560 ||AddMessageWithNumber((ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int)) ||
| 0x583AF0 || InsertStringInString(ushort *,ushort *) ||
|00583AF0 ||InsertStringInString((ushort *,ushort *)) ||
| 0x583C80 || InsertNumberInString(ushort *,int,int,int,int,int,int,ushort *) || Inserts up to six numbers into a [[GXT]] string containing ~1~
|00583C80 ||InsertNumberInString((ushort *,int,int,int,int,int,int,ushort *)) ||Inserts up to six numbers into a [[GXT]] string containing ~1~
* Pointer to source GXT string
* Pointer to source GXT string
* Number #1
* Number #1
Line 782: Line 836:
* Pointer to destination GXT string
* Pointer to destination GXT string
| 0x583DE0 || AddToPreviousBriefArray(ushort *,int,int,int,int,int,int,ushort *) ||
|00583DE0 ||AddToPreviousBriefArray((ushort *,int,int,int,int,int,int,ushort *)) ||
| 0x583F40 || AddBigMessageQ(ushort *,uint,ushort) ||
|00583F40 ||AddBigMessageQ((ushort *,uint,ushort)) ||
| 0x584050 || AddBigMessage(ushort *,uint,ushort) || Prints a big message; used for opcode [[00BA]] PRINT_BIG and messages for taxi ride, good citizen bonus, busted, and wasted
|00584050 ||AddBigMessage((ushort *,uint,ushort)) ||Prints a big message; used in [[00BA]] PRINT_BIG and messages for taxi ride, good citizen bonus, busted, and wasted
* Pointer to [[GXT]] string
* Pointer to [[GXT]] string
* Time in milliseconds
* Time in milliseconds
* [[00BA|Style of text]] - 1
* [[00BA|Style of text]] - 1
| 0x5841E0 || ClearMessages(void) ||
|005841E0 ||ClearMessages((void)) ||
| 0x584300 || AddMessageJumpQ(ushort *,uint,ushort) ||
|00584300 ||AddMessageJumpQ((ushort *,uint,ushort)) ||
| 0x584410 || AddMessage(ushort *,uint,ushort) ||
|00584410 ||AddMessage((ushort *,uint,ushort)) ||
| 0x5849C0 || Init(void) ||
|005849C0 ||Init((void)) ||
== CPager ==
== CPager ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0x584C40 || Process(void) ||
|00584C40 ||Process((void)) ||
| 0x584DB0 || Init(void) ||
|00584DB0 ||Init((void)) ||
== CText ==
== CText ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0x584F30 || Get(char const *) ||
|00584F30 ||Get((char const *)) ||
| 0x5850B0 || UnloadMissionText(void) ||
|005850B0 ||UnloadMissionText((void)) ||
| 0x585150 || LoadMissionText(char const *) ||
|00585150 ||LoadMissionText((char const *)) ||
| 0x5854F0 || Load(void) ||
|005854F0 ||Load((void)) ||
== CKeyArray ==
== CKeyArray ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0x585A80 || BinarySearch(char const *,CKeyEntry *,short,short) ||
|00585A80 ||BinarySearch((char const *,CKeyEntry *,short,short)) ||
== CAutomobile ==
== CAutomobile ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 00588530 || Fix(void) || Completely fixes the car in spray shops. See [[0A30#For GTA III and Vice City|this]] for a practical usage.
|00588530 ||Fix((void)) ||Completely fixes the car in spray shops. See [[0A30#For GTA III and Vice City|this]] for a practical usage.
| 00588A30 || RemoveRefsToVehicle(CEntity *) ||
|00588A30 ||RemoveRefsToVehicle((CEntity *)) ||
| 00588A60 || BlowUpCar(CEntity *) ||
|00588A60 ||BlowUpCar((CEntity *)) ||
| 00588DE0 || ProcessControlInputs(uchar) ||
|00588DE0 ||ProcessControlInputs((uchar)) ||
| 005894E0 || ProcessEntityCollision(CEntity *,CColPoint *) ||
|005894E0 ||ProcessEntityCollision((CEntity *,CColPoint *)) ||
| 00589790 || Render(void) ||
|00589790 ||Render((void)) ||
| 00589AD0 || PreRender(void) ||
|00589AD0 ||PreRender((void)) ||
| 00591B90 || AddWheelDirtAndWater(CColPoint &,uint) ||
|00591B90 ||AddWheelDirtAndWater((CColPoint &,uint)) ||
| 005920A0 || AddDamagedVehicleParticles(void) ||
|005920A0 ||AddDamagedVehicleParticles((void)) ||
| 00592BA0 || RemoveBonnetInPedCollision(void) ||
|00592BA0 ||RemoveBonnetInPedCollision((void)) ||
| 00592ED0 || Teleport(CVector) ||
|00592ED0 ||Teleport((CVector)) ||
| 00593030 || ProcessControl(void) ||
|00593030 ||ProcessControl((void)) ||
| 00599B30 || ProcessBuoyancy(void) ||
|00599B30 ||ProcessBuoyancy((void)) ||
| 0059AAA0 || SpawnFlyingComponent(int,uint) ||
|0059AAA0 ||SpawnFlyingComponent((int,uint)) ||
| 0059B550 || VehicleDamage(float,bool) ||
|0059B550 ||VehicleDamage((float,bool)) ||
| 0059C480 || dmgDrawCarCollidingParticles(CVector const &,float) ||
|0059C480 ||dmgDrawCarCollidingParticles((CVector const &,float)) ||
| 0059C7E0 || HasNoRoof(void) ||
|0059C7E0 ||HasNoRoof((void)) ||
| 0059C830 || IsDoorMissing(eDoors) ||
|0059C830 ||IsDoorMissing((eDoors)) ||
| 0059C860 || IsDoorClosed(eDoors) ||
|0059C860 ||IsDoorClosed((eDoors)) ||
| 0059C890 || IsDoorFullyOpen(eDoors) ||
|0059C890 ||IsDoorFullyOpen((eDoors)) ||
| 0059C8D0 || ProcessOpenDoor(uint,uint,float) ||
|0059C8D0 ||ProcessOpenDoor((uint,uint,float)) ||
| 0059CF50 || OpenDoor(int,eDoors,float) ||
|0059CF50 ||OpenDoor((int,eDoors,float)) ||
| 0059D100 || SetComponentRotation(int,CVector) ||
|0059D100 ||SetComponentRotation((int,CVector)) ||
| 0059D1D0 || IsComponentPresent(int) ||
|0059D1D0 ||IsComponentPresent((int)) ||
| 0059D1F0 || GetComponentWorldPosition(int,CVector &) ||
|0059D1F0 ||GetComponentWorldPosition((int,CVector &)) ||
| 0059D260 || HydraulicControl(void) ||
|0059D260 ||HydraulicControl((void)) ||
| 0059E590 || SetModelIndex(uint) ||
|0059E590 ||SetModelIndex((uint)) ||
| 0059E600 || ~CAutomobile(void) ||
|0059E600 ||~CAutomobile((void)) ||
| 0059E620 || CAutomobile(int,uchar) ||
|0059E620 ||CAutomobile((int,uchar)) ||
== CBoat ==
== CBoat ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 0059FE90 || ProcessControl(void) ||
|0059FE90 ||ProcessControl((void)) ||
| 005A6470 || CBoat(int,uchar) ||
|005A6470 ||CBoat((int,uchar)) ||
== CTheCarGenerators ==
== CTheCarGenerators ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005A6AA0 || SaveAllCarGenerators(uchar *,uint *) || Save data to [[Saves (GTA VC)#Block 14: All Car Generators|block 14 of save]]
|005A6AA0 ||SaveAllCarGenerators((uchar *,uint *)) ||Save data to [[Saves (GTA VC)#Block 14: All Car Generators|block 14 of save]]
== CCranes ==
== CCranes ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005A7680 || Load(uchar *,uint) || Load data from [[Saves (GTA VC)#Block 7: Cranes|block 7 of save]]
|005A7680 ||Load((uchar *,uint)) ||Load data from [[Saves (GTA VC)#Block 7: Cranes|block 7 of save]]
| 005A78B0 || Save(uchar *,uint *) || Save data to [[Saves (GTA VC)#Block 7: Cranes|block 7 of save]]
|005A78B0 ||Save((uchar *,uint *)) ||Save data to [[Saves (GTA VC)#Block 7: Cranes|block 7 of save]]
| 005A7A80 || IsThisCarBeingTargettedByAnyCrane(CVehicle *) ||
|005A7A80 ||IsThisCarBeingTargettedByAnyCrane((CVehicle *)) ||
| 005A7AB0 || IsThisCarBeingCarriedByAnyCrane(CVehicle *) ||
|005A7AB0 ||IsThisCarBeingCarriedByAnyCrane((CVehicle *)) ||
| 005A7EF0 || RegisterCarForMilitaryCrane(uint) ||
|005A7EF0 ||RegisterCarForMilitaryCrane((uint)) ||
| 005A7F90 || DoesMilitaryCraneHaveThisOneAlready(uint) ||
|005A7F90 ||DoesMilitaryCraneHaveThisOneAlready((uint)) ||
| 005A92E0 || UpdateCranes(void) ||
|005A92E0 ||UpdateCranes((void)) ||
| 005A93C0 || AddThisOneCrane(CEntity *) ||
|005A93C0 ||AddThisOneCrane((CEntity *)) ||
| 005A94B0 || InitCranes(void) ||
|005A94B0 ||InitCranes((void)) ||
== CCrane ==
== CCrane ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005A7B00 || SetHookMatrix(void) ||
|005A7B00 ||SetHookMatrix((void)) ||
| 005A7CA0 || GoTowardsTarget(float,float,float,float) ||
|005A7CA0 ||GoTowardsTarget((float,float,float,float)) ||
| 005A8040 || DoesCranePickUpThisCarType(uint) ||
|005A8040 ||DoesCranePickUpThisCarType((uint)) ||
| 005A80D0 || FindCarInSectorList(CPtrList *) ||
|005A80D0 ||FindCarInSectorList((CPtrList *)) ||
| 005A8310 || RotateCarriedCarProperly(void) ||
|005A8310 ||RotateCarriedCarProperly((void)) ||
| 005A8460 || Update(void) ||
|005A8460 ||Update((void)) ||
== CDamageManager ==
== CDamageManager ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005A9600 || FuckCarCompletely(void) ||
|005A9600 ||FuckCarCompletely((void)) ||
| 005A9650 || ApplyDamage(tComponent,float,float) ||
|005A9650 ||ApplyDamage((tComponent,float,float)) ||
| 005A97E0 || GetEngineStatus(void) ||
|005A97E0 ||GetEngineStatus((void)) ||
| 005A97F0 || SetEngineStatus(uint) ||
|005A97F0 ||SetEngineStatus((uint)) ||
| 005A9810 || GetDoorStatus(int) ||
|005A9810 ||GetDoorStatus((int)) ||
| 005A9820 || SetDoorStatus(int,uint) ||
|005A9820 ||SetDoorStatus((int,uint)) ||
| 005A9830 || GetWheelStatus(int) ||
|005A9830 ||GetWheelStatus((int)) ||
| 005A9840 || SetWheelStatus(int,uint) ||
|005A9840 ||SetWheelStatus((int,uint)) ||
| 005A9850 || GetPanelStatus(int) ||
|005A9850 ||GetPanelStatus((int)) ||
| 005A9870 || GetLightStatus(eLights) ||
|005A9870 ||GetLightStatus((eLights)) ||
| 005A9890 || ResetDamageStatus(void) ||
|005A9890 ||ResetDamageStatus((void)) ||
| 005A98D0 || GetComponentGroup(tComponent,tComponentGroup *,uchar *) ||
|005A98D0 ||GetComponentGroup((tComponent,tComponentGroup *,uchar *)) ||
== CDoor ==
== CDoor ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005A9A10 || IsClosed(void) ||
|005A9A10 ||IsClosed((void)) ||
| 005A9A70 || RetAngleWhenOpen(void) ||
|005A9A70 ||RetAngleWhenOpen((void)) ||
| 005A9AB0 || RetAngleWhenClosed(void) ||
|005A9AB0 ||RetAngleWhenClosed((void)) ||
| 005A9AF0 || GetAngleOpenRatio(void) ||
|005A9AF0 ||GetAngleOpenRatio((void)) ||
| 005A9B50 || Open(float) ||
|005A9B50 ||Open((float)) ||
== cBuoyancy ==
== cBuoyancy ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005A9F20 || ProcessBuoyancy(CPhysical *,float,CVector *,CVector *,bool) ||
|005A9F20 ||ProcessBuoyancy((CPhysical *,float,CVector *,CVector *,bool)) ||
| 005AA890 || PreCalcSetup(CPhysical *,float) ||
|005AA890 ||PreCalcSetup((CPhysical *,float)) ||
| 005AAC90 || ProcessBuoyancy(CPhysical *,float,CVector *,CVector *) ||
|005AAC90 ||ProcessBuoyancy((CPhysical *,float,CVector *,CVector *)) ||
== cHandlingDataMgr ==
== cHandlingDataMgr ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005AAE20 || LoadHandlingData(void) ||
|005AAE20 ||LoadHandlingData((void)) ||
| 005ABA10 || Initialise(void) ||
|005ABA10 ||Initialise((void)) ||
| 005ABAA0 || ConvertDataToGameUnits(tHandlingData *) ||
|005ABAA0 ||ConvertDataToGameUnits((tHandlingData *)) ||
| 005ABCC0 || GetHandlingId(char const *) ||
|005ABCC0 ||GetHandlingId((char const *)) ||
| 005ABD30 || FindExactWord(char *,char *,int,int) ||
|005ABD30 ||FindExactWord((char *,char *,int,int)) ||
== CHeli ==
== CHeli ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005AC1E0 || SpawnFlyingComponent(int) ||
|005AC1E0 ||SpawnFlyingComponent((int)) ||
| 005AC500 || SpecialHeliPreRender(void) ||
|005AC500 ||SpecialHeliPreRender((void)) ||
| 005AC50E || DrawCoronas(CEntity*) ||
|005AC50E ||DrawCoronas((CEntity*)) ||
| 005AC6C0 || TestBulletCollision(CVector *,CVector *,CVector *) ||
|005AC6C0 ||TestBulletCollision((CVector *,CVector *,CVector *)) ||
| 005AC9A0 || TestRocketCollision(CVector *) ||
|005AC9A0 ||TestRocketCollision((CVector *)) ||
| 005ACAA0 || ~CHeli(void) ||
|005ACAA0 ||~CHeli((void)) ||
| 005ACB30 || GenerateHeli(bool) ||
|005ACB30 ||GenerateHeli((bool)) ||
| 005ACDA0 || UpdateHelis(void) ||
|005ACDA0 ||UpdateHelis((void)) ||
| 005AF2E0 || PreRenderAlways(void) ||
|005AF2E0 ||PreRenderAlways((void)) ||
| 005AF7F0 || CHeli(int,uchar) ||
|005AF7F0 ||CHeli((int,uchar)) ||
== CTrain ==
== CTrain ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005AFDC0 || ProcessControl(void) ||
|005AFDC0 ||ProcessControl((void)) ||
| 005B2AD0 || DeleteRwObject(void) ||
|005B2AD0 ||DeleteRwObject((void)) ||
| 005B2B20 || SetModelIndex(uint) ||
|005B2B20 ||SetModelIndex((uint)) ||
== CPlane ==
== CPlane ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005B21E0 || InitPlanes(void) ||
|005B21E0 ||InitPlanes((void)) ||
== cTransmission ==
== cTransmission ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005B3120 || InitGearRatios(void) ||
|005B3120 ||InitGearRatios((void)) ||
== CVehicle ==
== CVehicle ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005B7910 || CarHasRoof(void) ||
|005B7910 ||CarHasRoof((void)) ||
| 005B8460 || CanPedOpenLocks(CPed const *) ||
|005B8460 ||CanPedOpenLocks((CPed const *)) ||
| 005B84B0 || IsOnItsSide(void) ||
|005B84B0 ||IsOnItsSide((void)) ||
| 005B84F0 || IsUpsideDown(void) ||
|005B84F0 ||IsUpsideDown((void)) ||
| 005B8520 || UsesSiren(uint) ||
|005B8520 ||UsesSiren((uint)) ||
| 005B8700 || SetupPassenger(int) ||
|005B8700 ||SetupPassenger((int)) ||
| 005B8870 || SetUpDriver(void) ||
|005B8870 ||SetUpDriver((void)) ||
| 005B8920 || RemoveDriver(void) ||
|005B8920 ||RemoveDriver((void)) ||
| 005B89F0 || SetDriver(CPed *) ||
|005B89F0 ||SetDriver((CPed *)) ||
| 005B8CE0 || RemovePassenger(CPed *) ||
|005B8CE0 ||RemovePassenger((CPed *)) ||
| 005B8D50 || AddPassenger(CPed *,uchar) ||
|005B8D50 ||AddPassenger((CPed *,uchar)) ||
| 005B8E60 || AddPassenger(CPed *) ||
|005B8E60 ||AddPassenger((CPed *)) ||
| 005B8F50 || ProcessDelayedExplosion(void) ||
|005B8F50 ||ProcessDelayedExplosion((void)) ||
| 005B9020 || InflictDamage(CEntity *,eWeaponType,float) ||
|005B9020 ||InflictDamage((CEntity *,eWeaponType,float)) ||
| 005BA070 || ProcessWheel(CVector &,CVector &,CVector &,CVector &,int,float,float,float,char,float *,tWheelState *) ||
|005BA070 ||ProcessWheel((CVector &,CVector &,CVector &,CVector &,int,float,float,float,char,float *,tWheelState *)) ||
| 005BA900 || ProcessWheelRotation(tWheelState,CVector const &,CVector const &,float) ||
|005BA900 ||ProcessWheelRotation((tWheelState,CVector const &,CVector const &,float)) ||
| 005BA960 || CanBeDeleted(void) ||
|005BA960 ||CanBeDeleted((void)) ||
| 005BAA40 || SetModelIndex(uint) ||
|005BAA40 ||SetModelIndex((uint)) ||
| 005BAAE0 || __dl(void *) ||
|005BAAE0 ||__dl((void *)) ||
| 005BAB00 || __nw(uint,int) ||
|005BAB00 ||__nw((uint,int)) ||
| 005BAB20 || __nw(uint) ||
|005BAB20 ||__nw((uint)) ||
| 005BAB30 || ~CVehicle(void) ||
|005BAB30 ||~CVehicle((void)) ||
| 005BAC10 || CVehicle(uchar) ||
|005BAC10 ||CVehicle((uchar)) ||
| 005C8E40 || DoFixedMachineGuns(void) ||
|005C8E40 ||DoFixedMachineGuns((void)) ||
== CPool<CVehicle, CAutomobile> ==
== CPool<CVehicle, CAutomobile> ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005BB440 || Delete(CVehicle *) ||
|005BB440 ||Delete((CVehicle *)) ||
| 005BB470 || New(int) ||
|005BB470 ||New((int)) ||
| 005BB490 || New(void) ||
|005BB490 ||New((void)) ||
== CWaterLevel ==
== CWaterLevel ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005C2BE0 || GetWaterLevelNoWaves(float,float,float,float *) ||
|005C2BE0 ||GetWaterLevelNoWaves((float,float,float,float *)) ||
| 005C2C80 || GetWaterLevel(float,float,float,float *,bool) ||
|005C2C80 ||GetWaterLevel((float,float,float,float *,bool)) ||
| 005C2DE0 || CreateWavyAtomic(void) ||
|005C2DE0 ||CreateWavyAtomic((void)) ||
| 005C3940 || Initialise(char *) ||
|005C3940 ||Initialise((char *)) ||
== CBulletInfo ==
== CBulletInfo ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005C3B20 || TestForSniperBullet(float,float,float,float,float,float) ||
|005C3B20 ||TestForSniperBullet((float,float,float,float,float,float)) ||
| 005C3DE0 || Update(void) ||
|005C3DE0 ||Update((void)) ||
| 005C47C0 || AddBullet(CEntity *,eWeaponType,CVector,CVector) ||
|005C47C0 ||AddBullet((CEntity *,eWeaponType,CVector,CVector)) ||
| 005C48A0 || Shutdown(void) ||
|005C48A0 ||Shutdown((void)) ||
| 005C48C0 || Initialise(void) ||
|005C48C0 ||Initialise((void)) ||
== CExplosion ==
== CExplosion ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005C4BA0 || Update(void) ||
|005C4BA0 ||Update((void)) ||
| 005C5720 || AddExplosion(CEntity *,CEntity *,eExplosionType,CVector const &,uint) ||
|005C5720 ||AddExplosion((CEntity *,CEntity *,eExplosionType,CVector const &,uint)) ||
| 005C6820 || Shutdown(void) ||
|005C6820 ||Shutdown((void)) ||
| 005C6900 || Initialise(void) ||
|005C6900 ||Initialise((void)) ||
== CProjectileInfo ==
== CProjectileInfo ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005C69D0 || RemoveAllProjectiles(void) ||
|005C69D0 ||RemoveAllProjectiles((void)) ||
| 005C6A20 || Update(void) ||
|005C6A20 ||Update((void)) ||
| 005C7C10 || Shutdown(void) ||
|005C7C10 ||Shutdown((void)) ||
| 005C7C30 || Initialise(void) ||
|005C7C30 ||Initialise((void)) ||
== CShotInfo ==
== CShotInfo ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005C7E60 || Update(void) ||
|005C7E60 ||Update((void)) ||
| 005C8390 || Shutdown(void) ||
|005C8390 ||Shutdown((void)) ||
| 005C83B0 || Initialise(void) ||
|005C83B0 ||Initialise((void)) ||
== CWeapon ==
== CWeapon ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005C8AB0 || HasWeaponAmmoToBeUsed(void) ||
|005C8AB0 ||HasWeaponAmmoToBeUsed((void)) ||
| 005C8AE0 || BlowUpExplosiveThings(CEntity *) ||
|005C8AE0 ||BlowUpExplosiveThings((CEntity *)) ||
| 005C8C30 || MakePedsJumpAtShot(CPhysical *,CVector *,CVector *) ||
|005C8C30 ||MakePedsJumpAtShot((CPhysical *,CVector *,CVector *)) ||
| 005C9B50 || IsType2Handed(void) ||
|005C9B50 ||IsType2Handed((void)) ||
| 005C9B90 || IsTypeMelee(void) ||
|005C9B90 ||IsTypeMelee((void)) ||
| 005CA0B0 || Update(int) ||
|005CA0B0 ||Update((int)) ||
| 005CA3C0 || Reload(void) ||
|005CA3C0 ||Reload((void)) ||
| 005CA400 || DoDriveByAutoAiming(CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *) ||
|005CA400 ||DoDriveByAutoAiming((CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *)) ||
| 005CA8B0 || DoTankDoomAiming(CEntity *, CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *) ||
|005CA8B0 ||DoTankDoomAiming((CEntity *, CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *)) ||
| 005CB0A0 || FireInstantHitFromCar(CAutomobile *,bool) ||
|005CB0A0 ||FireInstantHitFromCar((CAutomobile *,bool)) ||
| 005CBFF0 || FireM16_1stPerson(CEntity *) ||
|005CBFF0 ||FireM16_1stPerson((CEntity *)) ||
| 005CC730 || FireSniper(CEntity *) ||
|005CC730 ||FireSniper((CEntity *)) ||
| 005CCF90 || FireProjectile(CEntity *, CVector *,float) ||
|005CCF90 ||FireProjectile((CEntity *, CVector *,float)) ||
| 005CD340 || FireShotgun(CEntity *,CVector *) ||
|005CD340 ||FireShotgun((CEntity *,CVector *)) ||
| 005CEE60 || DoBulletImpact(CEntity *, CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *, CColPoint *,CVector2D) ||
|005CEE60 ||DoBulletImpact((CEntity *, CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *, CColPoint *,CVector2D)) ||
| 005D0560 || FireHeliGun(CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *,float) ||
|005D0560 ||FireHeliGun((CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *,float)) ||
| 005D1140 || FireInstantHit(CEntity *,CVector *) ||
|005D1140 ||FireInstantHit((CEntity *,CVector *)) ||
| 005D2CE0 || FireMelee(CEntity *,CVector &) ||
|005D2CE0 ||FireMelee((CEntity *,CVector &)) ||
| 005D44E0 || FireFromCar(CAutomobile *,bool) ||
|005D44E0 ||FireFromCar((CAutomobile *,bool)) ||
| 005D45E0 || Fire(CEntity *,CVector *) ||
|005D45E0 ||Fire((CEntity *,CVector *)) ||
| 005D4C90 || Initialise(eWeaponType,int) ||
|005D4C90 ||Initialise((eWeaponType,int)) ||
| 005D4DB0 || UpdateWeapons(void) ||
|005D4DB0 ||UpdateWeapons((void)) ||
| 005D4DD0 || ShutdownWeapons(void) ||
|005D4DD0 ||ShutdownWeapons((void)) ||
| 005D4DF0 || InitialiseWeapons(void) ||
|005D4DF0 ||InitialiseWeapons((void)) ||
| 005D4E20 || Initialise(eWeaponType,int) ||
|005D4E20 ||Initialise((eWeaponType,int)) ||
== CWeaponEffects ==
== CWeaponEffects ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005D4E90 || Render(void) ||
|005D4E90 ||Render((void)) ||
| 005D5050 || ClearCrossHair(void) ||
|005D5050 ||ClearCrossHair((void)) ||
== CWeaponInfo ==
== CWeaponInfo ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005D5170 || GetFireType ||
|005D5170 ||GetFireType ||
| 005D5250 || LoadWeaponData(void) ||
|005D5250 ||LoadWeaponData((void)) ||
| 005D5710 || GetWeaponInfo(eWeaponType) ||
|005D5710 ||GetWeaponInfo((eWeaponType)) ||
| 005D5730 || Shutdown(void) ||
|005D5730 ||Shutdown((void)) ||
| 005D5750 || Initialise(void) ||
|005D5750 ||Initialise((void)) ||
== cAudioManager ==
== cAudioManager ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005DA4C0 || ReportCollision(CEntity *,CEntity *,uchar,uchar,float,float) ||
|005DA4C0 ||ReportCollision((CEntity *,CEntity *,uchar,uchar,float,float)) ||
| 005F80C0 || DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities(void) ||
|005F80C0 ||DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities((void)) ||
| 005F81F0 || ResetTimers(uint) ||
|005F81F0 ||ResetTimers((uint)) ||
| 005F8330 || SetMusicFadeVol(uchar) ||
|005F8330 ||SetMusicFadeVol((uchar)) ||
| 005F8350 || SetEffectsFadeVol(uchar) ||
|005F8350 ||SetEffectsFadeVol((uchar)) ||
| 005F8370 || SetMusicMasterVolume(uchar) ||
|005F8370 ||SetMusicMasterVolume((uchar)) ||
| 005F8390 || SetEffectsMasterVolume(uchar) ||
|005F8390 ||SetEffectsMasterVolume((uchar)) ||
| 005F83B0 || PlayOneShot(int,ushort,float) ||
|005F83B0 ||PlayOneShot((int,ushort,float)) ||
| 005F85E0 || SetEntityStatus(int,uchar) ||
|005F85E0 ||SetEntityStatus((int,uchar)) ||
| 005F8620 || DestroyEntity(int) ||
|005F8620 ||DestroyEntity((int)) ||
| 005F86E0 || CreateEntity(eAudioType,void *) ||
|005F86E0 ||CreateEntity((eAudioType,void *)) ||
| 005F87D0 || Service(void) ||
|005F87D0 ||Service((void)) ||
| 005F8850 || Terminate(void) ||
|005F8850 ||Terminate((void)) ||
| 005F89D0 || Initialise(void) ||
|005F89D0 ||Initialise((void)) ||
| 005FCEC0 || PlaySuspectLastSeen(float,float,float) ||
|005FCEC0 ||PlaySuspectLastSeen((float,float,float)) ||
| 005FD3C0 || ReportCrime(eCrimeType,CVector const &) ||
|005FD3C0 ||ReportCrime((eCrimeType,CVector const &)) ||
| 005FDB60 || SetupCrimeReport(void) ||
|005FDB60 ||SetupCrimeReport((void)) ||
== cMusicManager ==
== cMusicManager ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005EB600 || SetRadioChannelByScript(uchar,int) ||
|005EB600 ||SetRadioChannelByScript((uchar,int)) ||
| 005F9EE0 || DisplayRadioStationName(void) ||
|005F9EE0 ||DisplayRadioStationName((void)) ||
| 005FA570 || PlayAnnouncement(uchar) ||
|005FA570 ||PlayAnnouncement((uchar)) ||
| 005FA590 || StopFrontEndTrack(void) ||
|005FA590 ||StopFrontEndTrack((void)) ||
| 005FA5B0 || PlayFrontEndTrack(uchar,uchar) ||
|005FA5B0 ||PlayFrontEndTrack((uchar,uchar)) ||
| 005FA600 || StopCutSceneMusic(void) ||
|005FA600 ||StopCutSceneMusic((void)) ||
| 005FA630 || PlayPreloadedCutSceneMusic(void) ||
|005FA630 ||PlayPreloadedCutSceneMusic((void)) ||
| 005FA660 || PreloadCutSceneMusic(uchar) ||
|005FA660 ||PreloadCutSceneMusic((uchar)) ||
| 005FC540 || ChangeMusicMode(uchar) ||
|005FC540 ||ChangeMusicMode((uchar)) ||
== cAudioScriptObject ==
== cAudioScriptObject ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005F9350 || SaveAllAudioScriptObjects(uchar *,uint *) || Save data to [[Saves (GTA VC)#Block 16: All Audio Script Objects|block 16 of save]]
|005F9350 ||SaveAllAudioScriptObjects((uchar *,uint *)) ||Save data to [[Saves (GTA VC)#Block 16: All Audio Script Objects|block 16 of save]]
== cDMAudio ==
== cDMAudio ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Address || Function || Notes
!Address ||Function ||Notes
| 005F9650 || SetRadioChannel(uchar,int) ||
|005F9650 ||SetRadioChannel((uchar,int)) ||
| 005F9850 || StopCutSceneMusic(void) ||
|005F9850 ||StopCutSceneMusic((void)) ||
| 005F9870 || PlayPreloadedCutSceneMusic(void) ||
|005F9870 ||PlayPreloadedCutSceneMusic((void)) ||
| 005F9890 || PreloadCutSceneMusic(uchar) ||
|005F9890 ||PreloadCutSceneMusic((uchar)) ||
| 005F98B0 || ChangeMusicMode(uchar) ||
|005F98B0 ||ChangeMusicMode((uchar)) ||
| 005F98D0 || ResetTimers(uint) ||
|005F98D0 ||ResetTimers((uint)) ||
| 005F98F0 || StopFrontEndTrack(void) ||
|005F98F0 ||StopFrontEndTrack((void)) ||
| 005F9910 || PlayFrontEndTrack(uchar,uchar) ||
|005F9910 ||PlayFrontEndTrack((uchar,uchar)) ||
| 005F9940 || PlayRadioAnnouncement(uchar) || Used for opcode [[057D]] PLAY_ANNOUNCEMENT
|005F9940 ||PlayRadioAnnouncement((uchar)) ||Used in [[057D]] PLAY_<wbr>ANNOUNCEMENT
| 005F9960 || PlayFrontEndSound(ushort,uint) ||
|005F9960 ||PlayFrontEndSound((ushort,uint)) ||
| 005F99A0 || ReportCollision(CEntity *,CEntity *,uchar,uchar,float,float) ||
|005F99A0 ||ReportCollision((CEntity *,CEntity *,uchar,uchar,float,float)) ||
| 005F99E0 || PlaySuspectLastSeen(float,float,float) ||
|005F99E0 ||PlaySuspectLastSeen((float,float,float)) ||
| 005F9A10 || CreateOneShotScriptObject(cAudioScriptObject *) ||
|005F9A10 ||CreateOneShotScriptObject((cAudioScriptObject *)) ||
| 005F9A80 || CreateLoopingScriptObject(cAudioScriptObject *) ||
|005F9A80 ||CreateLoopingScriptObject((cAudioScriptObject *)) ||
| 005F9AC0 || ReportCrime(eCrimeType,CVector const &) ||
|005F9AC0 ||ReportCrime((eCrimeType,CVector const &)) ||
| 005F9CC0 || SetMusicFadeVol(uchar) ||
|005F9CC0 ||SetMusicFadeVol((uchar)) ||
| 005F9CF0 || SetEffectsFadeVol(uchar) ||
|005F9CF0 ||SetEffectsFadeVol((uchar)) ||
| 005F9D20 || SetMusicMasterVolume(uchar) ||
|005F9D20 ||SetMusicMasterVolume((uchar)) ||
| 005F9D50 || SetEffectsMasterVolume(uchar) ||
|005F9D50 ||SetEffectsMasterVolume((uchar)) ||
| 005F9D80 || DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities(void) ||
|005F9D80 ||DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities((void)) ||
| 005F9DA0 || PlayOneShot(int,ushort,float) ||
|005F9DA0 ||PlayOneShot((int,ushort,float)) ||
| 005F9DD0 || SetEntityStatus(int,uchar) ||
|005F9DD0 ||SetEntityStatus((int,uchar)) ||
| 005F9E00 || DestroyEntity(int) ||
|005F9E00 ||DestroyEntity((int)) ||
| 005F9E20 || CreateEntity(eAudioType,void *) ||
|005F9E20 ||CreateEntity((eAudioType,void *)) ||
| 005F9E50 || Service(void) ||
|005F9E50 ||Service((void)) ||
| 005F9E70 || Terminate(void) ||
|005F9E70 ||Terminate((void)) ||
| 005F9E90 || Initialise(void) ||
|005F9E90 ||Initialise((void)) ||

Revision as of 04:32, 7 February 2016

This is a list of all known functions and their memory addresses in Vice City. Functions are sorted by class ordered by their locations in memory.

Address Category Name Description
00401010 No Category CAnimBlendAssocGroup::CopyAnimation (( uint ))
00401180 No Category CAnimBlendAssocGroup::GetAnimation (( uint ))
00401190 No Category CAnimBlendAssocGroup::GetAnimation ((char const *))
004016A0 No Category CAnimBlendAssociation::SetFinishCallback ((void (*)( CAnimBlendAssociation *,void *),void *))
004016C0 No Category CAnimBlendAssociation::SetDeleteCallback ((void (*)( CAnimBlendAssociation *,void *),void *))
00401700 No Category CAnimBlendAssociation::Start ((float))
00401740 No Category CAnimBlendAssociation::SyncAnimation (( CAnimBlendAssociation *))
00401770 No Category CAnimBlendAssociation::SetCurrentTime ((float))
00402E20 No Category RpAnimBlendClumpGetFirstAssociation ( RpClump *)
00405640 No Category CAnimManager::BlendAnimation (( RpClump *, AssocGroupId,AnimationId,float ))
004058B0 No Category CAnimManager::AddAnimation (( RpClump *, AssocGroupId,AnimationId ))
00405960 No Category CAnimManager::GetAnimAssociation (( AssocGroupId,AnimationId ))
00405990 No Category CAnimManager::GetAnimation ((char const *, CAnimBlock *))
004075D0 No Category RpAnimBlendGetNextAssociation ( CAnimBlendAssociation *)
00407780 No Category RpAnimBlendClumpGetAssociation ( RpClump *, uint )
004077B0 No Category RpAnimBlendClumpRemoveAssociations ( RpClump *, uint )
00407800 No Category RpAnimBlendClumpRemoveAllAssociations ( RpClump *)
00407830 No Category RpAnimBlendClumpSetBlendDeltas ( RpClump *, uint,float )
00407870 No Category RpAnimBlendClumpIsInitialized ( RpClump *)
00407890 No Category RpAnimBlendClumpInit ( RpClump *)
00407AC0 No Category RpAnimBlendClumpFillFrameArray ( RpClump *, AnimBlendFrameData **)
0040AEA0 No Category CStreaming::SetModelIsDeletable (( int ))
0040E310 No Category CStreaming::RequestModel (( int,int ))
0040FBC0 No Category ImgFilesLoader (char* Dirpath, short int unknown)
00418CA0 No Category CAutoPilot::RemoveOnePathNode ((void))
00419B70 No Category CCarAI::AddFiretruckOccupants (( CAutomobile *))
00419B90 No Category CCarAI::AddAmbulanceOccupants (( CAutomobile *))
0041C2F0 No Category CCarCtrl::MapCouldMoveInThisArea (( float,float ))
0041C350 No Category CCarCtrl::UpdateCarCount (( CVehicle *, uchar ))
0041C460 No Category CCarCtrl::GenerateOneEmergencyServicesCar (( uint,float,float,float ))
0041C940 No Category CCarCtrl::GenerateEmergencyServicesCar ((void))
0041CC20 No Category CCarCtrl::FindLinksToGoWithTheseNodes (( CVehicle *))
0041CEB0 No Category CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystemGotoCoors (( CVehicle *, float,float,float,bool ))
0041D000 No Category CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystem (( CVehicle *))
0041D2D0 No Category CCarCtrl::SwitchVehicleToRealPhysics (( CVehicle *))
0041D300 No Category CCarCtrl::ClearInterestingVehicleList ((void))
0041D320 No Category CCarCtrl::RemoveFromInterestingVehicleList (( CVehicle *))
0041D350 No Category CCarCtrl::IsThisVehicleInteresting (( CVehicle *))
0041D370 No Category CCarCtrl::RegisterVehicleOfInterest (( CVehicle *))
0042E900 Garage Used in 0361 CLOSE_GARAGE
0042E910 Garage Used in 0360 OPEN_GARAGE
0042E930 Garage Export garage rewards
0042EB50 Garage Associated with GXT string GA_20 "We got more of these than we can shift. Sorry man, no deal."
0042EC70 Garage Used in 03B1 IS_GARAGE_CLOSED
0042ECA0 Garage Used in 03B0 IS_GARAGE_OPEN
0042ED50 Garage Used in 021C IS_CAR_IN_MISSION_GARAGE
0042EDE0 No Category Used for PRINT_BIG, see 00BA for images
00436E40 No Category CPathFind::FindNodeClosestToCoorsFavourDirection (( float,float,float,uchar,float,float ))
004382B0 No Category CPathFind::NewGenerateCarCreationCoors (( float,float,float,float,float,float,bool,CVector *, int *, int *,float *, bool ))
00438F90 No Category CPathFind::RemoveBadStartNode (( CVector,CPathNode **,short *))
00439070 No Category CPathFind::DoPathSearch (( uchar,CVector,int,CVector,CPathNode **,short *, short,CVehicle *,float *, float,int ))
00441F70 No Category DeactivateSlowMotion
00444BE0 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands200To299((int))
0044B400 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands0To99((int))
0044FBE0 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessOneCommand((void))
0044FD70 No Category CRunningScript::Process((void))
00451010 Mission Script COpcode::GetParameters
00451CF0 No Category CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::GetIndex(( CPed *))
00451F90 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands400To499((int))
00453670 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands300To399((int))
00455030 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands700To799((int))
00456E20 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands600To699((int))
00457580 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands500To599((int))
00458EC0 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands900To999((int))
0045B220 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands800To899((int))
00466AD0 No Category CAccidentManager::CountActiveAccidents ((void))
00466AF0 No Category CAccidentManager::FindNearestAccident (( float,float,float,float *))
00487200 No Category CDebug::DebugDisplayTextBuffer
00487D10 No Category CEntity::GetDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel ((void))
004898B0 No Category CEntity::SetModelIndex (( uint ))
0048DFB0 No Category CFileMgr::LoadFile ((char const *, uchar *, int ))
0048E030 No Category CFileMgr::SetDir ((char const *))
0048E5D0 No Category CFire::Extinguish ((void))
0048F170 No Category CFireManager::FindNearestFire (( CVector,float *))
004A6190 Display Render2DStuff
004A6510 Display RenderEffects
004A68A0 Display LoadingIslandScreen
004A69D0 Display LoadingScreen
004A73E0 No Category CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void))
004A7410 No Category CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void))
004A7440 No Category CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void))
004A7470 No Category CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void))
004A74A0 No Category CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void))
004A74D0 No Category CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void))
004A7500 No Category CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void))
004A7530 No Category CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void))
004A7560 No Category CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::GetNoOfUsedSpaces((void))
004AAA60 No Category CPad::GetCarGunFired ((void))
004AAC60 No Category CPad::GetLookRight ((void))
004AAC90 No Category CPad::GetLookLeft ((void))
004AB060 No Category CPad::GetPad (( int ))
004BFF80 No Category CPools::GetObject (( int ))
004BFFA0 No Category CPools::GetObjectRef (( CObject *))
004BFFC0 No Category CPools::GetVehicle (( int ))
004BFFE0 No Category CPools::GetVehicleRef (( CVehicle *))
004C0000 No Category CPools::GetPed (( int ))
004C0020 No Category CPools::GetPedRef (( CPed *))
004C0040 No Category CPools::CheckPoolsEmpty ((void))
004C0070 No Category CPools::ShutDown ((void))
004C03C0 No Category CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::~CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_((void))
004C03D0 No Category CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::Flush((void))
004C0410 No Category CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::~CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_((void))
004C0420 No Category CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::Flush((void))
004C0460 No Category CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::~CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_((void))
004C0470 No Category CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::Flush((void))
004C04B0 No Category CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::~CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_((void))
004C04C0 No Category CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::Flush((void))
004C0500 No Category CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::~CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_((void))
004C0510 No Category CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::Flush((void))
004C0550 No Category CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::~CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_((void))
004C0560 No Category CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::Flush((void))
004C05F0 No Category CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::~CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_((void))
004C0600 No Category CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::Flush((void))
004C0640 No Category CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::~CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_((void))
004C0650 No Category CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::Flush((void))
004C0690 No Category CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::~CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_((void))
004C06A0 No Category CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::Flush((void))
004C06E0 No Category CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_(( int ))
004C0850 No Category CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_::CPool_14CEntryInfoNode_14CEntryInfoNode_(( int ))
004C09B0 No Category CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_::CPool_4CPed_10CPlayerPed_(( int ))
004C0C70 No Category CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_::CPool_9CBuilding_9CBuilding_(( int ))
004C0DD0 No Category CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_::CPool_10CTreadable_10CTreadable_(( int ))
004C0F30 No Category CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_::CPool_7CObject_13CCutsceneHead_(( int ))
004C1090 No Category CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_::CPool_6CDummy_9CDummyPed_(( int ))
004C11F0 No Category CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_::CPool_18cAudioScriptObject_18cAudioScriptObject_(( int ))
004C1350 No Category CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_::CPool_10CColModels_10CColModels_(( int ))
004C14B0 No Category CPtrList::Flush ((void))
004C1500 No Category CPtrNode::__dl ((void *))
004C1520 No Category CPtrNode::__nw (( uint ))
004C1530 No Category CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::Delete(( CPtrNode *))
004C1560 No Category CPool_8CPtrNode_8CPtrNode_::New((void))
004C3A70 No Category CRadar::ClearBlipForEntity (( eBlipType,int ))
004C6AC0 No Category CEntity::RegisterReference (( CEntity **))
004CDAF6 Stats Used in 0543 ADD_BLOOD_RING_KILLS
004CDB01 Stats Used in 0542 SET_PROPERTY_AS_OWNED
004CDB1C Stats Used in 0536 ADD_ICE_CREAMS_SOLD
004CDB2D Stats Used in 0534 ADD_PIZZAS_DELIVERED
004CDB4F Stats Used in 0531 ADD_STORES_KNOCKED_OFF
004CDB82 Stats Used in 0528 ADD_MONEY_SPENT_ON_WEAPONS
004CDB93 Stats Used in 0528 ADD_MONEY_SPENT_ON_WEAPONS
004CDBA7 Stats Increment rampage passed
004CDBAE Stats Media attention level
004CDDC5 Stats Criminal ranking level
004CE331 Stats Used in 0599 REGISTER_FIRE_LEVEL
004CE348 Stats Used in 0403 REGISTER_AMBULANCE_LEVEL
004CE384 Stats Used in 0401 REGISTER_LIFE_SAVED
004CE38B Stats Time spent on radio
004CE397 Stats Used in 0582 REGISTER_BEST_POSITION
004CE3FB Stats Reset stats
004DC500 No Category CTheZones::GetZoneInfoForTimeOfDay (( CVector const *, CZoneInfo *))
004DF240 No Category CMatrix::SetRotate (( float,float,float ))
004DF3B0 No Category CMatrix::SetRotateZ ((float))
004DF450 No Category CMatrix::SetRotateY ((float))
004DF4F0 No Category CMatrix::SetRotateX ((float))
004DF8F0 No Category CMatrix::UpdateRW ((void))
004DFAE0 No Category CMatrix::~CMatrix ((void))
004DFB00 No Category CMatrix::CMatrix (( RwMatrix *, bool ))
004DFF20 No Category __ml( CMatrix const &, CVector const &)
0052FA10 No Category CPedIK::CPedIK (( CPed *))
00530F00 No Category CPedType::Initialise ((void))
00532070 No Category CPlayerPed::SetWantedLevelNoDrop (( int ))
00536620 No Category CPlayerPed::SetRealMoveAnim ((void))
005371B0 No Category CPlayerPed::ReApplyMoveAnims ((void))
0053A6F0 No Category CGangs::GetGangPedModelOverride ((short))
0053A720 No Category CPopulation::UpdatePedCount (( ePedType,uchar ))
0053A8A0 No Category CPopulation::AddPedInCar (( CVehicle *, int ))
00541570 No Category CRGBA::CRGBA
00543500 Render CCoronas::Render
0054FFE0 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetFontStyle
00550020 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetPropsOn
00550060 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetRightJustifyOn
005500D0 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetBackgroundOff
005500E0 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetBackgroundOn
005500F0 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetCentreSize
00550100 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetWrapx
00550110 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetCentreOff
00550120 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetCentreOn
00550170 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetColor
00550230 Text display (CFont) CFont::SetScale
00551040 Text display (CFont) CFont::PrintString
00551620 Text display (CFont) CFont::PrintChar
00552500 No Category AsciiToUnicode
005608C0 Render CParticle::Render
00567F20 Render CRubbish::Render
0056C690 Render CShadows::RenderStaticShadows
0056CC40 Render CShadows::RenderStoredShadows
00570BA0 Render C3dMarker::Render
00570DA0 Render C3dMarker::RenderArrow
005719B0 Render CBrightLights::Render((void))
00572660 Render CRegisteredMotionBlurStreak::Render((void))
00572920 Render CMotionBlurStreaks::Render((void))
005729F0 Render CBulletTraces::Render
00574790 Render CSpecialFX::Render
00576690 No Category CSprite::RenderOneXLUSprite ((float,float,float,float,float,uchar,uchar,uchar,short,float,uchar))
005778B0 No Category CSprite::CalcScreenCoors ((RwV3d const &,RwV3d *,float *,float *, bool ))
00606730 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1100To1199((int))
006084C0 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1000To1099((int))
0062E940 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1300To1399((int))
00630650 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1200To1299((int))
00637600 No Category CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1400To1499((int))
006453B0 No Category RwFrameForAllObjects
00649BA0 No Category RwRenderStateSet
006857B0 No Category CAnimManager::ms_aAnimAssocDefinitions (void)

Contains some stuff from Squiddy and Modelingman.


Address Function Notes
00429AF0 QueryModelsKilledByPlayer((int)) Used in 0298 GET_NUM_OF_MODELS_KILLED_BY_PLAYER
00429B00 ResetModelsKilledByPlayer((void)) Used in 0297 RESET_NUM_OF_MODELS_KILLED_BY_PLAYER
00429B60 StartFrenzy((eWeaponType,int,ushort,int,ushort *,int,int,int,bool,bool)) Used in 01F9 START_KILL_FRENZY
  • Weapon index number
  • Time in milliseconds
  • Number of targets
  • Target #1 model
  • Pointer to GXT string
  • Target #2 model
  • Target #3 model
  • Target #4 model
  • Has rampage passed message
  • Is headshot rampage
00429F90 ResetOnPlayerDeath((void)) Resets rampage settings on player death or arrest
00429FC0 FrenzyOnGoing((void)) Checks if the rampage status is 1 (rampage is ongoing)
  • Returns true or false
00429FD0 ReadStatus((void)) Used in 01FA READ_KILL_FRENZY_STATUS
  • Returns rampage status
00429FE0 DrawMessages((void)) Draws messages specific to the rampage, including the timer, start text, and end text
0042A650 Update((void))
0042A7A0 Init((void)) Initialises the rampage status to 0 (rampage is initialised)


Address Function Notes
0045ED20 IsVehicleStopped((CVehicle *)) Checks if the vehicle is stopped; used in 01C1 IS_CAR_STOPPED
  • Returns true or false
  • Pointer to vehicle
0045ED50 IsPlayerStopped((CPlayerInfo *)) Checks if the player is stopped
  • Returns true or false
  • Pointer to player info
0045F080 HighlightImportantArea((uint,float,float,float,float,float)) Marks an area with a marker on the ground
  • Pointer to script object
  • X1-coordinate
  • Y1-coordinate
  • X2-coordinate
  • Y2-coordinate
  • (Z1-coordinate + Z2-coordinate) / 2.0; or -100.0 for ground z


Address Function Notes
0046FC1C DrawBordersForWideScreen((void)) Draws widescreen borders
0046FF21 CamShake((float,float,float,float)) Shakes the camera with point
  • thiscall on camera object
  • Intensity * 0.001
  • X-coordinate
  • Y-coordinate
  • Z-coordinate


Address Function Notes
004B9010 GetHasCollidedWith((CEntity *)) Checks if the entity is colliding with another entity
  • Returns true or false
  • thiscall on entity object
  • Colliding entity
004BACC0 ApplyTurnForce((float,float,float,float,float,float))
004BAE90 AddToMovingList((void))
004BB630 ~CPhysical((void))
004BB650 CPhysical((void))


Address Function Notes
004D53A0 FindGroundZFor3DCoord((float,float,float,bool *)) Finds the ground z for the 3d coordinates
004D5540 FindGroundZForCoord((float,float)) Finds the ground z for the 2d coordinates
  • Returns z-coordinate
  • X-coordinate
  • Y-coordinate
004D6370 FindObjectsKindaColliding((CVector const &,float,bool,short *,short,CEntity **,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool))
004D8B00 ProcessVerticalLine((CVector const &,float,CColPoint &,CEntity *&,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,CStoredCollPoly *))
004DB310 Remove((CEntity *))
004DB3F0 Add((CEntity *))


Address Function Notes
004F17D0 RestoreHeadingRate((void))
004F18A0 Wait((void))
004F28A0 SetWaitState((eWaitState,void *))
004F4930 IsPlayer(const((void))
004F4950 CheckForExplosions((CVector2D &))
004F65C0 SetDie((AnimationId,float,float))
004F6A20 SetEvasiveDive((CPhysical *,uchar))
004FF780 SetAmmo((eWeaponType,uint)) Sets the ped's weapon ammo; used in 017A SET_PLAYER_AMMO
004FF840 GrantAmmo((eWeaponType,uint)) Adds ammo to the ped's weapon; used in 0114 ADD_AMMO_TO_CHAR
00501950 IsPedInControl((void)) Checks if the ped is in control; behaves similarly to 03E9 IS_CHAR_IN_CONTROL
  • Returns true or false
  • thiscall on ped object
0050B4A0 ClearAimFlag((void))
0050B510 SetAimFlag((CEntity *))
0050B5B0 SetAimFlag((float))
0050B700 MoveHeadToLook((void))
0050B9C0 ClearLookFlag((void))
0050BB70 SetLookFlag((CEntity *,bool))
0050BE00 ScanForThreats((void))
0050C600 RestorePreviousState((void))
0050CC40 SetStoredState((void))
0050CCF0 RestartNonPartialAnims((void))
0050CD20 StopNonPartialAnims((void))
0050CD50 SetMoveAnim((void))
0050D110 SetMoveState((eMoveState))
0050D120 SortPeds((CPed **,int,int))
0050D360 OurPedCanSeeThisOne((CEntity *))
0050D4B0 BuildPedLists((void))
0050D8E0 SetPedStats((ePedStats))
0050D900 SetModelIndex((uint))
0050D9F0 Initialise((void))
0050DA70 ~CPed((void))
0050DC20 CPed((uint))
005155E0 SetAnimOffsetForEnterOrExitVehicle((void))
005164D0 GetPositionToOpenCarDoor((CVehicle *,uint))
005179D0 QuitEnteringCar((void))
00517BA0 EnterCar((void))
00518AD0 LineUpPedWithCar((uint))
00521720 ClearObjective((void))
00527570 LoadFightData((void))
005C84D0 IsPedDoingDriveByShooting((void))


Address Function Notes
0055BFC0 SetHelpMessage((ushort *,bool,int)) Sets up a help message
  • Pointer to GXT string
  • Is duration short
  • Is permanent
00557320 Draw((void))


Address Function Notes
0057B0E0 Render((void))
0057B120 Update((void))


Address Function Notes
0057C900 AddRain((void))
0057D540 ReleaseWeather((void)) Used in 01B7 RELEASE_WEATHER
0057D550 ForceWeatherNow((short)) Used in 01B6 FORCE_WEATHER_NOW
0057D570 ForceWeather((short)) Used in 01B5 FORCE_WEATHER
0057D580 Update((void))
0057E040 Init((void))


Address Function Notes
0057E0C0 PlayerNoRain((void)) Detects if the player is in CULL type 8
0057E0E0 CamNoRain((void)) Detects if the player is in CULL type 8
0057E330 AddCullZone((CVector const &,float,float,float,float,float,float,ushort,short)) Adds CULL entries into the game


Address Function Notes
00580990 GetNumRefs((int))
005809D0 RemoveRefWithoutDelete((int))
00580A10 RemoveRef((int))
00580A60 AddRef((int))
00580AA0 PopCurrentTxd((void))
00580AC0 PushCurrentTxd((void))
00580AD0 SetCurrentTxd((int))
00580B60 Create((int))
00580BA0 FinishLoadTxd((int,RwStream *))
00580BF0 StartLoadTxd((int,RwStream *))
00580C60 LoadTxd((int,RwStream *))
00580CD0 LoadTxd((int,char const *))
00580D70 FindTxdSlot((char const *))
00580E50 GetTxdName((int))
00580F00 AddTxdSlot((char const *))
00581010 Initialise((void))


Address Function Notes
00581310 RenderFadingEntities((void))
00581360 RenderFadingEntities((CLinkList_CVisibilityPlugins_AlphaObjectInfo const &))
00581410 RenderAlphaAtomics((void))
00581440 InsertEntityIntoSortedList((CEntity *,float))
005814C0 InitAlphaEntityList((void))
005814E0 InitAlphaAtomicList((void))
005814F0 GetClumpAlpha((RpClump *))
00581500 SetClumpAlpha((RpClump *,int))
00581520 SetClumpModelInfo((RpClump *,CClumpModelInfo *))
00581590 VehicleVisibilityCB_BigVehicle((RpClump *))
00581610 VehicleVisibilityCB((RpClump *))
00581700 MloVisibilityCB((RpClump *))
00581800 DefaultVisibilityCB((RpClump *))
00581810 GetFrameHierarchyId((RwFrame *))
00581820 SetFrameHierarchyId((RwFrame *,int))
00581840 SetRenderWareCamera((RwCamera *))
00581940 SetAtomicRenderCallback(RpAtomic *,RpAtomic *(*)((RpAtomic *)))
00581A00 RenderPedCB((RpAtomic *))
00581AE0 RenderPlayerWithSkinCB((RpAtomic *))
00581E50 RenderVehicleLowDetailCB_BigVehicle((RpAtomic *))
00581F00 RenderVehicleReallyLowDetailCB_BigVehicle((RpAtomic *))
00582160 RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB((RpAtomic *))
005822B0 RenderVehicleHiDetailCB((RpAtomic *))
005823A0 GetDotProductWithCameraVector((RwMatrix *,RwMatrix *,uint))
005824E0 RenderVehicleReallyLowDetailCB((RpAtomic *))
00582560 RenderFadingAtomic((RpAtomic *,float))
005826B0 RenderWheelAtomicCB((RpAtomic *))
00582720 ClearAtomicFlag((RpAtomic *,int))
005827F0 GetAtomicId((RpAtomic *))
00582800 ClearAtomicFlag((RpAtomic *,int))
00582820 SetAtomicFlag((RpAtomic *,int))
00582930 PluginAttach((void))
005829C0 ClumpDestructor((void *,int,int))
005829D0 ClumpCopyConstructor((void *,void const *,int,int))
005829F0 ClumpConstructor((void *,int,int))
00582A20 FrameDestructor((void *,int,int))
00582A30 FrameCopyConstructor((void *,void const *,int,int))
00582A50 FrameConstructor((void *,int,int))
00582A70 AtomicDestructor((void *,int,int))
00582A80 AtomicCopyConstructor((void *,void const *,int,int))
00582AA0 AtomicConstructor((void *,int,int))


Address Function Notes
00582C70 ClearAllMessagesDisplayedByGame((void))
00582CF0 ClearThisBigPrint((ushort *))
00582FA0 ClearThisPrint((ushort *))
00583350 AddBigMessageWithNumber((ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int))
00583440 AddMessageJumpQWithNumber((ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int))
00583560 AddMessageWithNumber((ushort *,uint,ushort,int,int,int,int,int,int))
00583AF0 InsertStringInString((ushort *,ushort *))
00583C80 InsertNumberInString((ushort *,int,int,int,int,int,int,ushort *)) Inserts up to six numbers into a GXT string containing ~1~
  • Pointer to source GXT string
  • Number #1
  • Number #2
  • Number #3
  • Number #4
  • Number #5
  • Number #6
  • Pointer to destination GXT string
00583DE0 AddToPreviousBriefArray((ushort *,int,int,int,int,int,int,ushort *))
00583F40 AddBigMessageQ((ushort *,uint,ushort))
00584050 AddBigMessage((ushort *,uint,ushort)) Prints a big message; used in 00BA PRINT_BIG and messages for taxi ride, good citizen bonus, busted, and wasted
005841E0 ClearMessages((void))
00584300 AddMessageJumpQ((ushort *,uint,ushort))
00584410 AddMessage((ushort *,uint,ushort))
005849C0 Init((void))


Address Function Notes
00584C40 Process((void))
00584DB0 Init((void))


Address Function Notes
00584F30 Get((char const *))
005850B0 UnloadMissionText((void))
00585150 LoadMissionText((char const *))
005854F0 Load((void))


Address Function Notes
00585A80 BinarySearch((char const *,CKeyEntry *,short,short))


Address Function Notes
00588530 Fix((void)) Completely fixes the car in spray shops. See this for a practical usage.
00588A30 RemoveRefsToVehicle((CEntity *))
00588A60 BlowUpCar((CEntity *))
00588DE0 ProcessControlInputs((uchar))
005894E0 ProcessEntityCollision((CEntity *,CColPoint *))
00589790 Render((void))
00589AD0 PreRender((void))
00591B90 AddWheelDirtAndWater((CColPoint &,uint))
005920A0 AddDamagedVehicleParticles((void))
00592BA0 RemoveBonnetInPedCollision((void))
00592ED0 Teleport((CVector))
00593030 ProcessControl((void))
00599B30 ProcessBuoyancy((void))
0059AAA0 SpawnFlyingComponent((int,uint))
0059B550 VehicleDamage((float,bool))
0059C480 dmgDrawCarCollidingParticles((CVector const &,float))
0059C7E0 HasNoRoof((void))
0059C830 IsDoorMissing((eDoors))
0059C860 IsDoorClosed((eDoors))
0059C890 IsDoorFullyOpen((eDoors))
0059C8D0 ProcessOpenDoor((uint,uint,float))
0059CF50 OpenDoor((int,eDoors,float))
0059D100 SetComponentRotation((int,CVector))
0059D1D0 IsComponentPresent((int))
0059D1F0 GetComponentWorldPosition((int,CVector &))
0059D260 HydraulicControl((void))
0059E590 SetModelIndex((uint))
0059E600 ~CAutomobile((void))
0059E620 CAutomobile((int,uchar))


Address Function Notes
0059FE90 ProcessControl((void))
005A6470 CBoat((int,uchar))


Address Function Notes
005A6AA0 SaveAllCarGenerators((uchar *,uint *)) Save data to block 14 of save


Address Function Notes
005A7680 Load((uchar *,uint)) Load data from block 7 of save
005A78B0 Save((uchar *,uint *)) Save data to block 7 of save
005A7A80 IsThisCarBeingTargettedByAnyCrane((CVehicle *))
005A7AB0 IsThisCarBeingCarriedByAnyCrane((CVehicle *))
005A7EF0 RegisterCarForMilitaryCrane((uint))
005A7F90 DoesMilitaryCraneHaveThisOneAlready((uint))
005A92E0 UpdateCranes((void))
005A93C0 AddThisOneCrane((CEntity *))
005A94B0 InitCranes((void))


Address Function Notes
005A7B00 SetHookMatrix((void))
005A7CA0 GoTowardsTarget((float,float,float,float))
005A8040 DoesCranePickUpThisCarType((uint))
005A80D0 FindCarInSectorList((CPtrList *))
005A8310 RotateCarriedCarProperly((void))
005A8460 Update((void))


Address Function Notes
005A9600 FuckCarCompletely((void))
005A9650 ApplyDamage((tComponent,float,float))
005A97E0 GetEngineStatus((void))
005A97F0 SetEngineStatus((uint))
005A9810 GetDoorStatus((int))
005A9820 SetDoorStatus((int,uint))
005A9830 GetWheelStatus((int))
005A9840 SetWheelStatus((int,uint))
005A9850 GetPanelStatus((int))
005A9870 GetLightStatus((eLights))
005A9890 ResetDamageStatus((void))
005A98D0 GetComponentGroup((tComponent,tComponentGroup *,uchar *))


Address Function Notes
005A9A10 IsClosed((void))
005A9A70 RetAngleWhenOpen((void))
005A9AB0 RetAngleWhenClosed((void))
005A9AF0 GetAngleOpenRatio((void))
005A9B50 Open((float))


Address Function Notes
005A9F20 ProcessBuoyancy((CPhysical *,float,CVector *,CVector *,bool))
005AA890 PreCalcSetup((CPhysical *,float))
005AAC90 ProcessBuoyancy((CPhysical *,float,CVector *,CVector *))


Address Function Notes
005AAE20 LoadHandlingData((void))
005ABA10 Initialise((void))
005ABAA0 ConvertDataToGameUnits((tHandlingData *))
005ABCC0 GetHandlingId((char const *))
005ABD30 FindExactWord((char *,char *,int,int))


Address Function Notes
005AC1E0 SpawnFlyingComponent((int))
005AC500 SpecialHeliPreRender((void))
005AC50E DrawCoronas((CEntity*))
005AC6C0 TestBulletCollision((CVector *,CVector *,CVector *))
005AC9A0 TestRocketCollision((CVector *))
005ACAA0 ~CHeli((void))
005ACB30 GenerateHeli((bool))
005ACDA0 UpdateHelis((void))
005AF2E0 PreRenderAlways((void))
005AF7F0 CHeli((int,uchar))


Address Function Notes
005AFDC0 ProcessControl((void))
005B2AD0 DeleteRwObject((void))
005B2B20 SetModelIndex((uint))


Address Function Notes
005B21E0 InitPlanes((void))


Address Function Notes
005B3120 InitGearRatios((void))


Address Function Notes
005B7910 CarHasRoof((void))
005B8460 CanPedOpenLocks((CPed const *))
005B84B0 IsOnItsSide((void))
005B84F0 IsUpsideDown((void))
005B8520 UsesSiren((uint))
005B8700 SetupPassenger((int))
005B8870 SetUpDriver((void))
005B8920 RemoveDriver((void))
005B89F0 SetDriver((CPed *))
005B8CE0 RemovePassenger((CPed *))
005B8D50 AddPassenger((CPed *,uchar))
005B8E60 AddPassenger((CPed *))
005B8F50 ProcessDelayedExplosion((void))
005B9020 InflictDamage((CEntity *,eWeaponType,float))
005BA070 ProcessWheel((CVector &,CVector &,CVector &,CVector &,int,float,float,float,char,float *,tWheelState *))
005BA900 ProcessWheelRotation((tWheelState,CVector const &,CVector const &,float))
005BA960 CanBeDeleted((void))
005BAA40 SetModelIndex((uint))
005BAAE0 __dl((void *))
005BAB00 __nw((uint,int))
005BAB20 __nw((uint))
005BAB30 ~CVehicle((void))
005BAC10 CVehicle((uchar))
005C8E40 DoFixedMachineGuns((void))

CPool<CVehicle, CAutomobile>

Address Function Notes
005BB440 Delete((CVehicle *))
005BB470 New((int))
005BB490 New((void))


Address Function Notes
005C2BE0 GetWaterLevelNoWaves((float,float,float,float *))
005C2C80 GetWaterLevel((float,float,float,float *,bool))
005C2DE0 CreateWavyAtomic((void))
005C3940 Initialise((char *))


Address Function Notes
005C3B20 TestForSniperBullet((float,float,float,float,float,float))
005C3DE0 Update((void))
005C47C0 AddBullet((CEntity *,eWeaponType,CVector,CVector))
005C48A0 Shutdown((void))
005C48C0 Initialise((void))


Address Function Notes
005C4BA0 Update((void))
005C5720 AddExplosion((CEntity *,CEntity *,eExplosionType,CVector const &,uint))
005C6820 Shutdown((void))
005C6900 Initialise((void))


Address Function Notes
005C69D0 RemoveAllProjectiles((void))
005C6A20 Update((void))
005C7C10 Shutdown((void))
005C7C30 Initialise((void))


Address Function Notes
005C7E60 Update((void))
005C8390 Shutdown((void))
005C83B0 Initialise((void))


Address Function Notes
005C8AB0 HasWeaponAmmoToBeUsed((void))
005C8AE0 BlowUpExplosiveThings((CEntity *))
005C8C30 MakePedsJumpAtShot((CPhysical *,CVector *,CVector *))
005C9B50 IsType2Handed((void))
005C9B90 IsTypeMelee((void))
005CA0B0 Update((int))
005CA3C0 Reload((void))
005CA400 DoDriveByAutoAiming((CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *))
005CA8B0 DoTankDoomAiming((CEntity *, CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *))
005CB0A0 FireInstantHitFromCar((CAutomobile *,bool))
005CBFF0 FireM16_1stPerson((CEntity *))
005CC730 FireSniper((CEntity *))
005CCF90 FireProjectile((CEntity *, CVector *,float))
005CD340 FireShotgun((CEntity *,CVector *))
005CEE60 DoBulletImpact((CEntity *, CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *, CColPoint *,CVector2D))
005D0560 FireHeliGun((CEntity *, CVector *, CVector *,float))
005D1140 FireInstantHit((CEntity *,CVector *))
005D2CE0 FireMelee((CEntity *,CVector &))
005D44E0 FireFromCar((CAutomobile *,bool))
005D45E0 Fire((CEntity *,CVector *))
005D4C90 Initialise((eWeaponType,int))
005D4DB0 UpdateWeapons((void))
005D4DD0 ShutdownWeapons((void))
005D4DF0 InitialiseWeapons((void))
005D4E20 Initialise((eWeaponType,int))


Address Function Notes
005D4E90 Render((void))
005D5050 ClearCrossHair((void))


Address Function Notes
005D5170 GetFireType
005D5250 LoadWeaponData((void))
005D5710 GetWeaponInfo((eWeaponType))
005D5730 Shutdown((void))
005D5750 Initialise((void))


Address Function Notes
005DA4C0 ReportCollision((CEntity *,CEntity *,uchar,uchar,float,float))
005F80C0 DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities((void))
005F81F0 ResetTimers((uint))
005F8330 SetMusicFadeVol((uchar))
005F8350 SetEffectsFadeVol((uchar))
005F8370 SetMusicMasterVolume((uchar))
005F8390 SetEffectsMasterVolume((uchar))
005F83B0 PlayOneShot((int,ushort,float))
005F85E0 SetEntityStatus((int,uchar))
005F8620 DestroyEntity((int))
005F86E0 CreateEntity((eAudioType,void *))
005F87D0 Service((void))
005F8850 Terminate((void))
005F89D0 Initialise((void))
005FCEC0 PlaySuspectLastSeen((float,float,float))
005FD3C0 ReportCrime((eCrimeType,CVector const &))
005FDB60 SetupCrimeReport((void))


Address Function Notes
005EB600 SetRadioChannelByScript((uchar,int))
005F9EE0 DisplayRadioStationName((void))
005FA570 PlayAnnouncement((uchar))
005FA590 StopFrontEndTrack((void))
005FA5B0 PlayFrontEndTrack((uchar,uchar))
005FA600 StopCutSceneMusic((void))
005FA630 PlayPreloadedCutSceneMusic((void))
005FA660 PreloadCutSceneMusic((uchar))
005FC540 ChangeMusicMode((uchar))


Address Function Notes
005F9350 SaveAllAudioScriptObjects((uchar *,uint *)) Save data to block 16 of save


Address Function Notes
005F9650 SetRadioChannel((uchar,int))
005F9850 StopCutSceneMusic((void))
005F9870 PlayPreloadedCutSceneMusic((void))
005F9890 PreloadCutSceneMusic((uchar))
005F98B0 ChangeMusicMode((uchar))
005F98D0 ResetTimers((uint))
005F98F0 StopFrontEndTrack((void))
005F9910 PlayFrontEndTrack((uchar,uchar))
005F9940 PlayRadioAnnouncement((uchar)) Used in 057D PLAY_ANNOUNCEMENT
005F9960 PlayFrontEndSound((ushort,uint))
005F99A0 ReportCollision((CEntity *,CEntity *,uchar,uchar,float,float))
005F99E0 PlaySuspectLastSeen((float,float,float))
005F9A10 CreateOneShotScriptObject((cAudioScriptObject *))
005F9A80 CreateLoopingScriptObject((cAudioScriptObject *))
005F9AC0 ReportCrime((eCrimeType,CVector const &))
005F9CC0 SetMusicFadeVol((uchar))
005F9CF0 SetEffectsFadeVol((uchar))
005F9D20 SetMusicMasterVolume((uchar))
005F9D50 SetEffectsMasterVolume((uchar))
005F9D80 DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities((void))
005F9DA0 PlayOneShot((int,ushort,float))
005F9DD0 SetEntityStatus((int,uchar))
005F9E00 DestroyEntity((int))
005F9E20 CreateEntity((eAudioType,void *))
005F9E50 Service((void))
005F9E70 Terminate((void))
005F9E90 Initialise((void))

External links