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== Notes ==
== Notes ==
On the PC, these files are stored only on the PLAY disc unless the game has been upgraded with the 1.1 patch, in which case they will be copied to the audio folder of the game install.
On the PC, these files are stored only on the PLAY disc unless the game has been upgraded with the [[Game_Patches#GTA3_v1.1_Patch|1.1 patch]], in which case they will be copied to the audio folder of the game install.
The SFX files can only be found in the install audio folder regardless of game version. See [[SFX]] for more info.
The SFX files can only be found in the install audio folder regardless of game version. See [[SFX]] for more info.

Revision as of 21:41, 5 February 2015

The .\Audio folder contains all of the audio used in the game. The following lists all files in the folder, their associated mission and text if applicable, and their position in the game memory. Texts in cutscene and radio will not be listed. Italicized script names means the script name differs from the file name.

The Android version uses MP3 files for most of the game's audio, albeit with the .nfx extension instead of .mp3.

Position File name Script name Associated
GXT entries
144 A1_a.wav a1_a - Sayonara Salvatore: "There he is, waste him!"
45 a1_sso.wav - AM1_x Sayonara Salvatore cutscene
46 a2_pp.wav - AM3_x Paparazzi Purge cutscene
145 a3_a.wav a3_a - unused: "Federal agents request immediate backup, Torrington"
47 a3_ss.wav - AM2_x Under Surveillance cutscene
147 a4_a.wav a4_a AM4_1A Payday For Ray: "Get to the Phone in West Belleville Park."
148 a4_b.wav a4_b AM4_1B Payday For Ray: "Get to the Phone on Liberty Campus."
149 a4_c.wav a4_c AM4_1C Payday For Ray: "Get to the Phone in South Belleville Park."
150 a4_d.wav a4_d AM4_1D Payday For Ray: "Meet me in the toilet block in the park."
48 a4_pdr.wav - AM4_x Payday For Ray cutscene
146 a5_a.wav a5_a - Two-Faced Tanner: "Undercover officer requesting immediate backup and clean underwear, cover blown"
49 a5_k2ft.wav - AM5_x Two-Faced Tanner cutscene
70 a6_bait.wav - AS1_x Bait cutscene
71 a7_etg.wav - AS2_x Espresso-2-Go! cutscene
72 a8_ps.wav - AS3_x S.A.M. cutscene
73 a9_asd.wav - CAT1_x Ransom cutscene
182 AMMU_A.wav ammu_a AMMU_A Pump-Action Pimp: "Luigi said you'd need a piece..."
183 AMMU_b.wav ammu_b AMMU_B Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong: "Joey told me to tool you up..."
184 AMMU_C.wav ammu_c AMMU_C "So go around back of the shop. I left you a nine in the yard."
16 BET.mp3 - BETRA_x Introduction cutscene
75 c1_tex.mp3 - CAT2_x The Exchange cutscene
195 cat1.wav c_1 CAT2_J The Exchange: "Get this thing airborne!!"
8 CHAT.wav - - Chatterbox 109 radio
11 City.wav - - City ambiance
1 CLASS.wav - - Double Cleff FM radio
13 COMopen.wav - - Staunton Island unlocked radio
62 d1_stog.mp3 - LOVE1_x Liberator cutscene
63 d2_kk.mp3 - LOVE2_x Waka-Gashira Wipeout! cutscene
64 d3_ado.mp3 - LOVE3_x A Drop In The Ocean cutscene
67 d4_gta.mp3 - LOVE4_x Grand Theft Aero cutscene
68 d4_gta2.mp3 - GTAB_x Grand Theft Aero second cutscene
65 d5_es.mp3 - LOVE5_x Escort Service cutscene
69 d6_sts.mp3 - LOVE6_x Decoy cutscene
66 d7_mld.mp3 - - Love's Disappearance cutscene
185 door_1.wav door_1 - Portland hideout door closing
186 door_2.wav door_2 - unused: Portland hideout door opening
187 door_3.wav door_3 - Staunton hideout door closing
188 door_4.wav door_4 - unused: Staunton hideout door opening
189 door_5.wav door_5 - unused
190 door_6.wav door_6 - unused
134 el3_a.wav el3_a - Big'N'Veiny: "All units be on a lookout for donkey porn being dropped in Portland area."
76 el_ph1.mp3 - DIAB1_x Turismo cutscene
77 el_ph2.mp3 - DIAB2_x I Scream, You Scream cutscene
78 el_ph3.mp3 - DIAB4_x Big'N'Veiny cutscene
79 el_ph4.mp3 - DIAB3_x Trial By Fire cutscene
94 END.mp3 - END_x End cutscene
7 FLASH.wav - - Flashback 95.6 radio
5 GAME.wav - - Game FM radio
179 h5_a.wav h5_a HM5_1 Rumble: "Yo, Ice said was comin'. There rules. Bats only. No guns, no cars."
180 h5_b.wav h5_b HM5_5 Rumble: "This is a battle for respect, you cool?"
181 h5_c.wav h5_c HM5_6 Rumble: "Let's go crack some skulls..."
84 hd_ph1.mp3 - HM1_x Uzi Money cutscene
85 hd_ph2.mp3 - HM2_x Toyminator cutscene
86 hd_ph3.mp3 - HM3_x Rigged To Blow cutscene
87 hd_ph4.mp3 - HM4_x Bullion Run cutscene
88 hd_ph5.mp3 - HM5_x Rumble cutscene
0 HEAD.wav - - Head Radio
22 j0_dm2.mp3 -
23 j1_lfl.mp3 -
24 j2_kcl.mp3 -
25 j3_vh.mp3 -
106 j4_a.wav j4_a
107 j4_b.wav j4_b
108 j4_c.wav j4_c
109 j4_d.wav j4_d
110 j4_e.wav j4_e
26 j4_eth.mp3 -
111 j4_f.wav j4_f
102 j4t_1.wav j4t_1
103 j4t_2.wav j4t_2
104 j4t_3.wav j4t_3
105 j4t_4.wav j4t_4
27 j5_dst.mp3 -
112 j6_1.wav j6_1
113 j6_a.wav j6_a
114 j6_b.wav j6_b
115 j6_c.wav j6_c
116 j6_d.wav j6_d
28 j6_tbj.mp3 -
15 JB.mp3 - JAILB_x Introduction second cutscene
151 k1_a.wav k1_a
194 k1_b.wav k1_b
50 k1_kbo.mp3 -
51 k2_gis.mp3 -
152 K3_A.wav k3_a
52 k3_ds.mp3 -
53 k4_shi.mp3 -
74 k4_shi2.mp3 -
54 k5_sd.mp3 -
2 KJAH.wav - - Jah Radio
17 l1_lg.mp3 -
101 l2_a.wav l2_a
18 l2_dsb.mp3 -
19 l3_dm.mp3 -
20 l4_pap.mp3 -
21 l5_tfb.mp3 -
97 lib_a.wav lib_a
95 lib_a1.wav lib_a1
96 lib_a2.wav lib_a2
98 lib_b.wav lib_b
99 lib_c.wav lib_c
100 lib_d.wav lib_d
4 LIPS.wav - - Lips 106 radio
166 lo2_a.wav lo2_a
167 lo6_a.wav lo6_a
135 mf1_a.wav mf1_a
136 mf2_a.wav mf2_a
137 mf3_a.wav mf3_a
138 mf3_b.wav mf3_b
139 mf3_b1.wav mf3_b1
140 mf3_c.wav mf3_c
141 mf4_a.wav mf4_a
142 mf4_b.wav mf4_b
143 mf4_c.wav mf4_c
93 Miscom.wav - - Mission passed tune
6 MSX.wav - - MSX FM radio
89 mt_ph1.mp3 -
90 mt_ph2.mp3 -
91 mt_ph3.mp3 -
92 mt_ph4.mp3 -
10 police.wav - - Police radio
55 r0_pdr2.mp3 -
153 r1_a.wav r1_a
56 r1_sw.mp3 -
154 r2_a.wav r2_a
57 r2_ap.mp3 -
155 r2_b.wav r2_b
156 r2_c.wav r2_c
157 r2_d.wav r2_d
158 r2_e.wav r2_e
159 r2_f.wav r2_f
160 r2_g.wav r2_g
161 r2_h.wav r2_h
58 r3_ed.mp3 -
59 r4_gf.mp3 -
162 r5_a.wav r5_a
60 r5_pb.mp3 -
163 r6_a.wav r6_a
164 r6_a1.wav r6_a1
165 r6_b.wav r6_b
61 r6_mm.mp3 -
3 RISE.wav - - Rise FM radio
34 s0_mas.mp3 -
118 s1_a.wav s1_a
119 s1_a1.wav s1_a1
120 s1_b.wav s1_b
121 s1_c.wav s1_c
122 s1_c1.wav s1_c1
123 s1_d.wav s1_d
124 s1_e.wav s1_e
125 s1_f.wav s1_f
126 s1_g.wav s1_g
127 s1_h.wav s1_h
128 s1_i.wav s1_i
129 s1_j.wav s1_j
130 s1_k.wav s1_k
131 s1_l.wav s1_l
35 s1_pf.mp3 -
36 s2_ctg.mp3 -
41 s2_ctg2.mp3 -
132 s3_a.wav s3_a
133 s3_b.wav s3_b
37 s3_rtc.mp3 -
39 s4_bdba.mp3 -
40 s4_bdbb.mp3 -
42 s4_bdbd.mp3 -
38 s5_lrq.mp3 -
43 s5_lrqb.mp3 -
44 s5_lrqc.mp3 -
- sfx.RAW - - Sound effects compiled into one file, can be opened with Nullpointer's Tool.
- sfx.SDT - - Directory file of the above.
14 SUBopen.wav - - Shoreside Vale unlocked radio
29 t1_tol.mp3 - TM1_x Taking Out The Laundry cutscene
30 t2_tpu.mp3 - TM2_x The Pick-Up cutscene
191 t3_a.wav t3_a - Salvatore's Called A Meeting: "How you doin'."
192 t3_b.wav t3_b - Salvatore's Called A Meeting: "How you doin', kid."
193 t3_c.wav t3_c - Salvatore's Called A Meeting: "No fancy crap."
31 t3_mas.mp3 - TM3_x Salvatore's Called A Meeting cutscene
117 t4_a.wav t4_a - Triads And Tribulations: "Calling all units, gang war in progress, Chinatown, advice caution."
32 t4_tat.mp3 - TM4_x Triads And Tribulations cutscene
33 t5_bf.mp3 - TM5_x Blow Fish cutscene
12 Water.wav - - Water ambiance
168 YD2_A.wav yd2_a
177 yd2_ass.wav yd2_ass
169 yd2_b.wav yd2_b
170 yd2_c.wav yd2_c
171 yd2_c1.wav yd2_c1
172 yd2_d.wav yd2_d
173 yd2_e.wav yd2_e
174 yd2_f.wav yd2_f
175 yd2_g.wav yd2_g
176 yd2_h.wav yd2_h
178 yd2_ok.wav yd2_ok
80 yd_ph1.mp3 -
81 yd_ph2.mp3 -
82 yd_ph3.mp3 -
83 yd_ph4.mp3 -


On the PC, these files are stored only on the PLAY disc unless the game has been upgraded with the 1.1 patch, in which case they will be copied to the audio folder of the game install. The SFX files can only be found in the install audio folder regardless of game version. See SFX for more info.