Create a mission
Creating a mission is tough. It is recommended that you start practicing with simple threads and work your way up instead of attempting to create a mission right away. There are many ways to do create a mission so to simplify this for beginners, the rest of the article will show the basic structure of creating a working mission. The format uses Sanny Builder.
Define your mission
First define your mission. Find
Increment that number by one. Scroll down until you see the last defined mission. Define your mission below it.
DEFINE MISSION ### AT @MissionStart
Insert your trigger
Next create a thread that will trigger your mission to start. Find
create_thread @TRACE
Insert before it
004F: create_thread @MissionTrigger
//-------------Mission 0---------------
That is where the MAIN section ends and the first mission begins. Insert your trigger between that.
:MissionTrigger 0001: wait 0 ms 00D6: if 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined 004D: jump_if_false @MissionTriggerEnd 00D6: if // Place your condition to start your mission 004D: jump_if_false @MissionTriggerEnd start_mission ### 0004: $ONMISSION = 1 :MissionTriggerEnd jump @MissionTrigger
Insert your mission
Last insert your mission. Find
//-------------External script 0 (PLAYER_PARACHUTE)---------------
That is where the last mission ends and the first external scrpt starts. Insert your mission between that.
:MissionStart 03A4: name_thread 'NAME' 0050: gosub @MissionBegin 00D6: if 0112: wasted_or_busted 004D: jump_if_false @MissionEnd 0050: gosub @MissionFailed :MissionEnd 0050: gosub @MissionCleanup 004E: end_thread ::MissionBegin // This section is where you place the contents of your mission 0051: return :MissionFailed // This section is what happens after you died or got busted during your mission 0051: return :MissionCleanup // This section is where you clean up the contents of your mission so you can end it 0004: $ONMISSION = 0 00D8: mission_cleanup 0051: return
Final note
Using this format requires you to start a new game. If you do not understand what is being said here, try looking into the Tutorial Forum for more in-depth tutorials on how to understand this.
External Link
- Tutorial Forum at GTAForums