Metadata File

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Revision as of 03:42, 22 September 2014 by SonofUgly (talk | contribs)
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META is the extension used for many of the data files for GTA V. They are Extensible Markup Language (XML) text files.

List of data files

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Game File Description Notes
GTA V action_table.meta
GTA V agitatedpersonalities.meta
GTA V agitatedresponses.meta
GTA V agitatedtriggers.meta
GTA V alternate_accept_cancel.meta Control input settings for scripted button inputs with the alternate profile.
GTA V ambientaudio.meta
GTA V ambientpedmodelsets.meta
GTA V animpostfx.meta
GTA V branches.meta
GTA V cargens.meta
GTA V combattasks.meta
GTA V common.meta
GTA V common_anim.meta
GTA V common_cutscene.meta
GTA V common_cutscene_fat.meta
GTA V conditionalanims.meta
GTA V crimeinformation.meta Witness requirements for crimes.
GTA V crimes.meta Crime info manager. Unused?
GTA V crimetasks.meta Police pursuit and vehicle theft tunable.
GTA V damages.meta
GTA V defaulttaskdata.meta
GTA V definitions.meta
GTA V deformableobjects.meta
GTA V dispatch.meta Dispatch times and radii, emergency vehicle/ped sets, and hidden evasion time.
GTA V dispatchtuning.meta
GTA V doortuning.meta Contains the attributes of all doors in the game.
GTA V events.meta Pedestrian responses and decision making for various events.
GTA V explosion.meta Contains info on the different types of explosions.
GTA V extratitleupdatedata.meta
GTA V facial_anim_sets.meta
GTA V firingpatterns.meta
GTA V garages.meta Contains info and coordinates for garages and vehicle save locations.
GTA V generalevents.meta
GTA V generaltasks.meta
GTA V gestures.meta
GTA V gta5.meta
GTA V handling.meta Contains the attributes of all vehicles in the game. Newer version of handling.dat
GTA V homings.meta
GTA V iksolvers.meta
GTA V impulses.meta
GTA V installpartitions.meta
GTA V interrelations.meta
GTA V ladders.meta General ladder attributes for different types of ladders.
GTA V loadouts.meta Ped inventory load out manager.
GTA V motiontaskdata.meta
GTA V motivations.meta
GTA V movementevents.meta
GTA V movementtasks.meta
GTA V navcapabilities.meta
GTA V nm_blend_out_sets.meta
GTA V noisetuning.meta
GTA V ondemandpartitions.meta
GTA V pedaccuracy.meta
GTA V pedalternatevariations.meta
GTA V pedbrawlingstyle.meta
GTA V pedcomponentcloth.meta
GTA V pedcomponentsets.meta
GTA V pedhealth.meta
GTA V pediksettings.meta
GTA V pedperception.meta
GTA V pedpersonality.meta Pedestrian movement, personality, bravery and criminality settings.
GTA V pedtargetevaluator.meta
GTA V physicstasks.meta
GTA V pickups.meta Pickup data manager. Health packs, dropped weapons.
GTA V playerinfo.meta Character tunables. Also has world limit and world extent guard settings
GTA V playerspecialabilities.meta
GTA V pedperception.meta General FOV and visual/hearing range of different creatures.
GTA V playerswitch.meta Settings for different types of switch sequences.
GTA V playertargetting.meta
GTA V popgroups.meta
GTA V procedural.meta Contains the attributes of all procedurally placed models.
GTA V propsets.meta
GTA V randomevents.meta
GTA V reactionevents.meta
GTA V relationshiptuning.meta
GTA V responsetasks.meta
GTA V results.meta
GTA V rumbleprofiles.meta
GTA V rumbles.meta
GTA V scenarios.meta
GTA V scenariotasks.meta
GTA V scenariotriggers.meta
GTA V scriptedguntasks.meta
GTA V servicetasks.meta
GTA V settings.meta Control input settings.
GTA V shockingevents.meta
GTA V situationalclipsets.meta
GTA V slownesszones.meta
GTA V southpaw.meta Control input settings for southpaw profile.
GTA V southpaw_trigger_swap.meta Control input settings for southpaw trigger swap profile.
GTA V sp_manifest.meta
GTA V standard.meta Control input settings for standard profile.
GTA V standard_accept_cancel.meta Control input settings for accept and cancel button with the standard profile.
GTA V standard_scripted.meta Control input settings for scripted button inputs with the standard profile.
GTA V statsmgr.meta
GTA V stealth_kills.meta
GTA V streaming.meta
GTA V strike_bones.meta
GTA V tacticalanalysis.meta
GTA V taskdata.meta
GTA V tcinstbox_insts.meta
GTA V tcinstbox_types.meta
GTA V textpatch.meta
GTA V tunableobjects.meta
GTA V vehicleaihandlinginfo.meta
GTA V vehicleaitasks.meta
GTA V vehiclelayouts.meta
GTA V vehiclemodelsets.meta
GTA V vehicles.meta Contains settings of all vehicles in the game.
GTA V vfx.meta
GTA V vfxregioninfo.meta
GTA V wantedtuning.meta
GTA V weaponanimations.meta
GTA V weaponarchetypes.meta
GTA V weaponcomponents.meta
GTA V weapons.meta Contains the attributes of all weapons in the game.
GTA V weapontargetsequences.meta
GTA V weapontasks.meta
GTA V wildlifemanager.meta Tunables for wildlife spawning and AI.
GTA V witnessinformation.meta Settings for who can be a witness.

See also