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GXT2 is a new text format used in GTA 5 and files are usually located in \x64b.rpf\data\lang\ and \update\update.rpf\x64\data\lang. Previous analogue of this format used in the past GTA Series is GXT.

File format

Start of the file contains a list of all the GXT entries present in the file.

Key Entries
Offset Type Description
0x00 char[4] 2TXG
0x04 uint32_t Number of GXT Key Entries
0x08 KEY[n] Array of GXT key entries, where n is the number of entries.

All entries must be sorted by their hash. Game uses binary search to find a GXT entry, so this is important.

KEY (8 bytes):
Offset Type Description
0x00 uint32_t Key hash
0x04 uint32_t Offset of the key relative to the start of the file.

This block starts right after the keys block. It contains the data for all of the GXT key entries.

Key Data
Offset Type Description
0x00 char[4] 2TXG
0x04 uint32_t End of the file offset
0x0E char[n] Contains the text data for all the keys. Each entry is null terminated.


OpenIV - Inbuilt GXT2 file viewer/editor