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- Description
- Checks if the player is in a flying vehicle
- Syntax
- 04C9: player [player handle] in_flying_vehicle
- Parameter
- [player handle]
- The handle of the player
This conditional opcode returns true if the player is in a flying vehicle, either as a driver or a passenger. It behaves the same way as using both opcodes 04AA and 04AC together. By default the game will recognize the following list of vehicles as flying vehicles (for which the IS_HELI or IS_PLANE flag is set in the handling.cfg file):
- Hunter
- Maverick
- Police Maverick
- RC Baron
- RC Goblin
- RC Raider
- Sea Sparrow
- Skimmer
- Sparrow
- VCN Maverick
Legacy documentation describes this as applying to just planes.
Disassembled code
This is disassembled code for this opcode from PC v1.0 US.
lea eax, [ebp+10h] ; get address of script's current instruction pointer
mov ecx, ebp ; get address of script for thiscall
push 1 ; push 1 for one parameter to collect
push eax ; push address of script's current instruction pointer
call CRunningScript::CollectParameters ; call CRunningScript::CollectParameters(uint *,short)
mov edi, ds:ScriptParams[0] ; get value of first parameter, the player handle
xor bl, bl ; set compare flag to false
imul edi, 170h
add edi, offset CWorld::Players
mov eax, [edi] ; get address of player ped at CWorld::Players + player handle * 0x170
cmp byte ptr [eax+3ACh], 0 ; offset player ped address by 0x3AC and check whether or not the player ped is in a vehicle
jz short loc_630F9A
mov ecx, [eax+3A8h] ; offset player ped address by 0x3A8 to get address of last entered vehicle for thiscall
test ecx, ecx ; check whether or not the last entered vehicle address is null
jz short loc_630F9A
call CVehicle::GetVehicleAppearance ; call CVehicle::GetVehicleAppearance(void)
cmp eax, 5 ; check whether or not the vehicle is plane
jz short loc_630F98
mov eax, [edi] ; get address of player ped at CWorld::Players + player handle * 0x170
mov ecx, [eax+3A8h] ; offset player ped address by 0x3A8 to get address of last entered vehicle for thiscall
call CVehicle::GetVehicleAppearance ; call CVehicle::GetVehicleAppearance(void)
cmp eax, 3 ; check whether or not the vehicle is heli
jnz short loc_630F9A
mov bl, 1 ; set compare flag to true
mov ecx, ebp ; get address of script for thiscall
push ebx ; push compare flag
call CRunningScript::UpdateCompareFlag ; call CRunningScript::UpdateCompareFlag(uchar)
xor al, al ; return 0
player, driving, any, plane, heli, helicopter, flying, vehicle
See also
04C8, checks if the character is in a flying vehicle