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Revision as of 22:59, 7 February 2015 by Seemann (talk | contribs) (035b)
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Weapon pickup with a red halo in GTA III

A pickup is a spinning object (with a glowing halo in GTA III and Vice City) that can disappear when the player goes through it or interacts with it. If the model is a usable weapon, the player can "pick" it up and use it. Also there are pickups called hidden packages. They are usually difficult to find but collecting them required for a 100% completiton of the game.

Mission script

0213 GTA III Vice City San Andreas creates a pickup
0214 GTA III Vice City San Andreas checks if the pickup has been collected
0215 GTA III Vice City San Andreas removes the pickup
032B GTA III Vice City San Andreas creates a pickup with ammo, equivalent to 0213 with an additional parameter to set a weapon's ammo
035B GTA III creates a drop-off package, used in the Donald Love's mission "A Drop In The Ocean"
03DC GTA III Vice City San Andreas adds a blip to the pickup
03DD GTA III adds a sprite blip to the pickup
048C Vice City San Andreas checks if there is any pickup at the coordinates point
04A6 Vice City San Andreas creates a protection pickup
0517 Vice City San Andreas creates a locked property pickup
0518 Vice City San Andreas creates a for sale property pickup
055B Vice City creates a clothes pickup

See also