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Revision as of 19:42, 18 March 2010 by Aschratt (talk | contribs) (Please undo this if the icons should be there... but I guess they just were junk...)
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0400=7,%5d% %6d% %7d% %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
Description: Gets the offset of the object's position

Parameter 1 Integer value  Existing object handle
Parameter 2: Float (X-offset in units)
Parameter 3: Float (Y-offset in units)
Parameter 4: Float (Z-offset in units)
Parameter 5: Variable to store the X-coordinate of the X-offset
Parameter 6: Variable to store the Y-coordinate of the Y-offset
Parameter 7: Variable to store the Z-coordinate of the Z-offset

Supports: GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City Stories (0405), Vice City Stories (0279)

In GTA III, this opcode saves the time stat for Multistorey Mayhem. In Vice City and San Andreas, this stores coordinates offset from the object's position. If you set the X, Y, and Z offsets to 0.0, it is better to use opcode 01BB instead since you are getting the object's own position. Note that the parameters are mixed around.

Sanny Builder example:

0400: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_object 0@ with_offset 1@ 2@ 3@


The above format is more commonly used. The actual format of this opcode is in order:
0400=7,%1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
The format to use depends on which INI file you use.


get, store, object, position, location, offset