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carvariations.meta / carvariations.#mt

carvariations is used assigning colors, kits, lights, etc to vehicles in GTA V. For modifying these settings, see carcols.ymt. This file is the successor to carcols.dat in previous games.




Vehicle model name.



There can be only 25 color variations per vehicle. Exceeding that amount will cause color ID's to overlap eachother.


Colors IDs, called from carcols.ymt. Those ID's are listed in an array with up to 6 ID's.

  • First ID: Primary Color
  • Second ID: Secondary Color
  • Third ID: Pearlescent Color
  • Fourth ID: Wheel Color
  • Fifth ID: Extra1 Color (typically used for interiors)
  • Sixth ID: Extra2 Color (typically used for dials)

Some recent DLC vehicles feature a seventh color ID, however it doesn't do anything and is ignored by the game.


Sets whether or not to use a livery texture in the vehicle's .ytd. This will not toggle on modkit liveries or livery2's.

Value: true or false.

The Items position under liveries is the texture's number. Example: If you wanted to set the Marshall to use livery #8 (flag_sign_8 in marshall.ytd), you would set the eighth Item to true.


kitName in carcols.ymt that the vehicle uses.


  • window_lf
  • window_rf



Chances for what color license plate the vehicle will have.


Name of the license plate.

License Plates
ID Image Name Notes
0 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID0.png Standard White Base game plate.
1 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID1.png Yellow Plate Base game plate.
2 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID2.png Blue Plate Base game plate.
3 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID3.png White Plate 2 Base game plate.
4 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID4.png Police guv plate Base game plate. Intended for emergency vehicles.
5 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID5.png yankton plate Base game plate. Intended for snowed vehicles during the North Yankton story segments.
6 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID6.png plate mod 01 Added in GTA Online: The Chop Shop DLC.
7 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID7.png plate mod 02 Added in GTA Online: The Chop Shop DLC.
8 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID8.png plate mod 03 Added in GTA Online: The Chop Shop DLC.
9 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID9.png plate mod 04 Added in GTA Online: The Chop Shop DLC.
10 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID10.png plate mod 05 Added in GTA Online: The Chop Shop DLC.
11 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID11.png plate mod 06 Added in GTA Online: The Chop Shop DLC.
12 GTAV-PlateTextures-ID12.png plate mod 07 Added in GTA Online: The Chop Shop DLC.

If one creates custom license plates, any name defined in TextureSetName in carcols.ymt can be used here.


Percentage that it will be that color. Values should add up to 100.


Lighting assignment ID for the vehicle, called from carcols.ymt.


Siren assignment ID for the vehicle, called from carcols.ymt.