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Platinum pickups created through 02C7 in GTA III.


Creates a collection of platinum pickups
02C7: scatter_platinum [int] at [flt1] [flt2] [flt3] [flt4]
Z-coordinate (or ≤-100.0 for ground z)
Maximum distance
Number of pickups

This opcode creates a collection of platinum pickups. Each pickup is pseudorandomly placed on a point within a rectangular area, up to the x-coordinate plus or minus the maximum distance and y-coordinate minus the maximum distance. The point also must be above collision that is considered a "road," which is an object that has a PATH attached to it. If no such point is found, the game will lock up without producing a crash. The pickups are created using a model that matches the name bullion and can only be picked up while the player is in a vehicle. Every pickup collected increases your chaos level by 10, increases the vehicle's resistance to acceleration and turn, and increases the vehicle's mass. The original script called this opcode during "Bullion Run".


start, create, scatter, bullion, platinum, pickup, pacman, scramble

See also

  • GTA III 02C3, creates a collection of donkey magazine pickups