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Checks if the player is in a flying vehicle
04C9:   player [player handle] in_flying_vehicle
[player handle]
The handle of the player

This conditional opcode returns true if the player is in a flying vehicle, either as a driver or a passenger. It behaves the same way as using both opcodes 04AA and 04AC together. This opcode is unsupported in San Andreas and is superseded by opcode 04C8. By default the game will recognize the following list of vehicles as flying vehicles (for which the IS_HELI or IS_PLANE flag is set in the handling.cfg file):

  • Hunter
  • Maverick
  • Police Maverick
  • RC Baron
  • RC Goblin
  • RC Raider
  • Sea Sparrow
  • Skimmer
  • Sparrow
  • VCN Maverick

Legacy documentation describes this as applying to just planes.

Disassembled code

This is disassembled code for this opcode from PC v1.0 US.

    lea     eax, [ebp+10h]                    ; get address of script's current instruction pointer
    mov     ecx, ebp                          ; get address of CRunningScript for thiscall
    push    1                                 ; push 1 for one parameter to collect
    push    eax                               ; push address of script's current instruction pointer
    call    CRunningScript::CollectParameters ; call CRunningScript::CollectParameters
    mov     edi, ds:ScriptParams[0]           ; get value of first parameter, the player handle
    xor     bl, bl                            ; set compare flag to false
    imul    edi, 170h
    add     edi, offset CWorld::Players
    mov     eax, [edi]                        ; get address of player ped at CWorld::Players + player handle * 0x170
    cmp     byte ptr [eax+3ACh], 0            ; offset player ped address by 0x3AC and check whether or not the player ped is in a vehicle
    jz      short loc_630F9A
    mov     ecx, [eax+3A8h]                   ; offset player ped address by 0x3A8 to get address of last entered vehicle for thiscall
    test    ecx, ecx                          ; check whether or not the last entered vehicle address is null
    jz      short loc_630F9A
    call    CVehicle::GetVehicleAppearance    ; call CVehicle::GetVehicleAppearance
    cmp     eax, 5                            ; check whether or not the vehicle is plane
    jz      short loc_630F98
    mov     eax, [edi]                        ; get address of player ped at CWorld::Players + player handle * 0x170
    mov     ecx, [eax+3A8h]                   ; offset player ped address by 0x3A8 to get address of last entered vehicle for thiscall
    call    CVehicle::GetVehicleAppearance    ; call CVehicle::GetVehicleAppearance
    cmp     eax, 3                            ; check whether or not the vehicle is heli
    jnz     short loc_630F9A
    mov     bl, 1                             ; set compare flag to true
    mov     ecx, ebp                          ; get address of CRunningScript for thiscall
    push    ebx                               ; push compare flag
    call    CRunningScript::UpdateCompareFlag ; call CRunningScript::UpdateCompareFlag
    xor     al, al                            ; return 0


player, driving, any, plane, heli, helicopter, flying, vehicle