- Description
- Sets the zone's peds, gangs, and cops spawn density on foot
- Syntax
015C: set_zone_gang_info '[string]' [int1] [int2] [int3] [int4] [int5] [int6] [int7] [int8] [int9] [int]
015C: set_zone_gang_info '[string]' [int1] [int2] [int3] [int4] [int5] [int6] [int7] [int8] [int9] [int10] [int11] [int]
- Parameter
- [string]
- Zone's name as defined in the ZONE section of an IPL or ZON file, must be type 0/1/2 for GTA III or type 2 for Vice City
- [int1]
- Time (0 = night: 19:00 - 8:00, 1 = day: 8:00 - 19:00)
- [int2]
- Density of pedestrians to spawn (default 12)
- [int3]
- Density of gang 0 to spawn
- [int4]
- Density of gang 1 to spawn
- [int5]
- Density of gang 2 to spawn
- [int6]
- Density of gang 3 to spawn
- [int7]
- Density of gang 4 to spawn
- [int8]
- Density of gang 5 to spawn
- [int9]
- Density of gang 6 to spawn
- [int10]
- Density of gang 7 to spawn (only for
- [int11]
- Density of gang 8 to spawn (for nonzero values gang ped models must be set first, only for
- [int]
- Density of cops to spawn
This opcode sets the zone's peds, gangs, and cops spawn density on foot. To spawn gangs in cars, use opcode 0152. By default, GTA III's type 0, 1, or 2 zones are in gta3.zon
and Vice City's type 2 zones are in info.zon
. The spawned gang members use hardcoded models by default if models are not set by opcode 0235 in Vice City. Only two gang members each are set per gang. The models depend on their model indexes defined in the IDE file, by default the default.ide file. The densities of gangs and cops have a range between 0 and 1000 and they must all add up to less than or equal to 1000 for them to spawn properly. 0 means they take up 0% of the random ped in the area and 1000 means they take up 100%.
The density of pedestrians is treated very differently. The value does not depend on the densities of gangs and is measured differently from them. Its default value of 12 already spawns a lot of pedestrians. Rockstar has used a range between 0 and 50, however values that high show no noticeable increase in rate or number. There is one instance of 200 being used in Vice City but that may be an error in coding. The density of pedestrians is affected by the density of cops. If you want to have no pedestrians, you must also have no cops or have gangs and cops take up 100% of the random peds; having some cops will spawn some pedestrians.
1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
- All pedestrians will be gang 0500 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
- All pedestrians will be gangs 0 and 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
- Some pedestrians will be gang 0500 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
- Some pedestrians will be gangs 0 and 1, gang 0 will spawn more often than gang 1
set, zone, gang, ped, info
See also
0152, set zone car info