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Sets the player to sprint without tiring
0330: set_player [player handle] infinite_run_to [int]
[player handle]
The handle of the player
0 = disable (default), 1 = enable
Native analog

This opcode sets the player's ability to sprint without tiring out. The value set with this opcode is saved in block 16 of the save file in GTA III, block 18 in Vice City, and block 15 in San Andreas.

Disassembled code

These are disassembled code for this opcode both from PC v1.0 US.


    mov     eax, [esp+398h+var_388]
    mov     ecx, [esp+398h+var_388]           ; get address of CRunningScript for thiscall
    add     eax, 10h                          ; get address of script's current instruction pointer
    push    2                                 ; push 2 for two parameters to collect
    push    eax                               ; push address of script's current instruction pointer
    call    CRunningScript::CollectParameters ; call CRunningScript::CollectParameters
    mov     eax, ds:ScriptParams[0]           ; get value of first parameter, the player handle
    imul    eax, 13Ch
    add     eax, offset CWorld::Players       ; get address of the player at CWorld::Players + player handle * 0x13C
    cmp     ds:ScriptParams[1], 0             ; check whether or not value of second parameter is 0
    jz      short loc_448C70
    mov     byte ptr [eax+114h], 1            ; offset player address by 0x114 and set to enable infinite run
    jmp     short loc_448C77
    align 10h
    mov     byte ptr [eax+114h], 0            ; offset player address by 0x114 and set to disable infinite run
    lea     ecx, [esp+398h+var_258]
    call    CMatrix::~CMatrix
    xor     al, al                            ; return 0

Vice City

    mov     eax, [esp+2D0h+var_2B8]
    mov     ecx, [esp+2D0h+var_2B8]           ; get address of CRunningScript for thiscall
    add     eax, 10h                          ; get address of script's current instruction pointer
    push    2                                 ; push 2 for two parameters to collect
    push    eax                               ; push address of script's current instruction pointer
    call    CRunningScript::CollectParameters ; call CRunningScript::CollectParameters
    mov     eax, ds:ScriptParams[0]           ; get value of first parameter, the player handle
    imul    eax, 170h
    add     eax, offset CWorld::Players       ; get address of the player at CWorld::Players + player handle * 0x170
    cmp     ds:ScriptParams[1], 0             ; check whether or not value of second parameter is 0
    jz      short loc_45B985
    mov     byte ptr [eax+140h], 1            ; offset player address by 0x140 and set to enable infinite run
    jmp     short loc_45B98C
    mov     byte ptr [eax+140h], 0            ; offset player address by 0x140 and set to disable infinite run
    lea     ecx, [esp+2D0h+var_1B0]
    call    CMatrix::~CMatrix
    xor     al, al                            ; return 0


set, toggle, player, infinite, run, sprint, never gets tired