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IF statement

More information on how to use this opcode here.

Old format

Sanny Builder uses a new and more efficient way of dealing with IF statements but can still use the old way of dealing with these. The Mission Builder and most other decompilers uses the old format. The parameter of this opcode is an integer between 0 to 7 and 21 to 27.

00D6: if 0 is equivalent to Sanny Builder format if

A parameter with a value of 0 means there is only one conditional opcode.

00D6: if 1 and any integer up to 7 is equivalent to Sanny Builder format if and

A parameter with a value between 1 and 7 is an IF AND statement. A value of 1 means there are two conditional opcodes and a value of 7 means there are eight conditional opcodes.

00D6: if 21 and any integer up to 27 is equivalent to Sanny Builder format if or

A parameter with a value between 21 and 27 is an IF OR statement. A value of 21 means there are two conditional opcodes and a value of 27 means there are eight conditional opcodes.

Using a higher value will not crash the game but the game will not read more than eight conditions at a time. Counting the correct number of conditions and using the right parameter value is crucial in getting a working code.


if, conditional, statement