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Creates a vehicle at a coordinate
Native analog

This creates a vehicle at a coordinate. Using this opcode requires 0247 or else the game might crash. Some cars are locked by default when created, including Enforcer, Police, and Rhino. Those can be unlocked using 020A. Note that the fifth parameter is placed in the beginning instead of at the end.

Sanny Builder example:

00A5: 0@ = create_car #PONY at 0.0 0.0 0.0


The above format is more commonly used. The actual format of this opcode is in order:
00A5=5,%1o% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
The format to use depends on which INI file you use.

In Sanny Builder, this opcode is equivalent to the command Car.Create.


Car.Create(0@, #PONY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)


Beginners have a hard time creating vehicles because it is tough to learn how to make a code that would create a vehicle successfully. This will be only shown as an example and shouldn't be copied verbatim. There are other ways of doing this. The following code uses the Sanny Builder.

 0247: load_model #PONY
 0001: wait 0 ms
 00D6: if 0
 0248:   model #PONY available
 004D: jump_if_false @CheckModel
 00A5: 0@ = create_car #PONY at 0.0 0.0 0.0
 0249: release_model #PONY
 004E: end_thread


create, spawn, car, vehicle, model