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Gets the bus fares collected by the player


057F: get_player [player handle] store_coach_passengers_dropped_off_to [var]


[player handle]
The handle of the player
Variable to store the integer value

This opcode gets the bus fares collected by the player so far. Bus fares can only be collected when you are stopped in a Coach at a bus stop. Each fare costs $5 so the value it can return will be in multiples of 5. Once this opcode is called, the bus fares collected will reset to 0 afterwards so you must store the value to another variable if you want to keep track of the total bus fares collected. You do not need to be in a Coach to use this opcode. The original script called this opcode only in the 'BUS' thread.

Disassembled code

This is disassembled code for this opcode from v1.0 US.

; call subroutine to collect values from input parameters
.text:00637836                 lea     eax, [ebx+10h]
.text:00637839                 mov     ecx, ebx
.text:0063783B                 push    1  ; one parameter to collect
.text:0063783D                 push    eax
.text:0063783E                 call    CRunningScript__CollectParameters
; read collected content
.text:00637843                 mov     edi, ds:_opcodeParameter1
.text:00637849                 imul    edi, 170h
.text:0063784F                 push    1
.text:00637851                 add     edi, offset _playerInfo  ; pointer to the player
.text:00637857                 mov     ecx, [edi]
.text:00637859                 mov     eax, [ecx+6D4h]  ; offset 0x6D4 to get bus fares collected
.text:0063785F                 mov     ecx, ebx
.text:00637861                 mov     ds:_opcodeParameter1, eax
.text:00637866                 mov     eax, [edi]
.text:00637868                 mov     dword ptr [eax+6D4h], 0  ; set bus fares collected to 0 after getting it
; call subroutine to store value from output parameter into variable
.text:00637872                 lea     eax, [ebx+10h]
.text:00637875                 push    eax
.text:00637876                 call    CRunningScript__StoreParameters
; end
.text:0063787B                 lea     esp, [ebp-0Ch]
.text:0063787E                 xor     al, al
.text:00637880                 pop     edi
.text:00637881                 pop     esi
.text:00637882                 pop     ebx
.text:00637883                 pop     ebp
.text:00637884                 retn    4


get, store, bus, coach, collect, collected, dropped, off, passenger