Item Definition
Item definition files are known by the extension .ide and are usually used to assign a model and texture file to a unique object ID, along with many parameters, depending on the section. These files are in human readable text format, and allow the # character to comment lines out.
The .ide files are split up into many sections. How many of them you use in your file is optional, they can even be empty. Each section starts with a section identifier and ends with the keyword "end", both in a single line.
objs ... end
Static Map Objects, used to define standard map objects.
GTA III, VC and SA format:
ID, ModelName, TextureName, ObjectCount, DrawDist, [DrawDist2, ...], Flags
- ID
- unique object ID (integer)
- ModelName
- name of the .dff model file, without extension (string)
- TextureName
- name of the .txd texture dictionary, without extension (string)
- ObjectCount
- amount of sub objects, e.g. damaged parts, usually 1 (integer) - optional for SA, default 1
- DrawDist
- draw distance in units, one for each sub object (float)
- Flags
- object flags, defining special behavior, default 0 (integer)
Object Flags
Object Flags in SA are text formatted UInt32-Values (Like nearly all other Flags). To understand them better you have to calculate them to binary numbers. Then You will get the Bitsets of the Flags. 1 means Enabled, 0 disabled.
Heres a list of all SA Flags known until now:
0000000000000000000000000000001 = 1 - Wet Effect 0000000000000000000000000000010 = 2 - Time Object Night Flag 0000000000000000000000000000100 = 4 - ALPHA Transparency 1 0000000000000000000000000001000 = 8 - ALPHA Transparency 2 * 0000000000000000000000000010000 = 16 - Time Object Day Flag 0000000000000000000000000100000 = 32 - Interior-Object ** 0000000000000000000000001000000 = 64 - Disable Shadow Mesh (?) 0000000000000000000000010000000 = 128 - Disables Collision Mesh (?) 0000000000000000000000100000000 = 256 - Disable Draw Distance (?) 0000000000000000000001000000000 = 512 - Breakable Glass ** 0000000000000000000010000000000 = 1024 - Breakable Glass with crack ** 0000000000000000000100000000000 = 2048 - Garage door ** 0000000000000000001000000000000 = 4096 - Use timecycle PoleShadow flag 0000000000000000010000000000000 = 8192 - Small Vegetation (?) 0000000000000000100000000000000 = 16384 - Standard Vegetation ** (Palms in Hotels, etc.) (?) 0000000000000001000000000000000 = 32768 - Generic Object Renderer (Seems to render often used Objects faster) (?) 0000000000000010000000000000000 = 65536 - Explosive-Flag ** 0000000000000100000000000000000 = 131072 - UNKNOWN (Seems to be an SCM Flag) (?) 0000000000001000000000000000000 = 262144 - UNKNOWN (1 Object in Jizzy`s Club) (?) 0000000000010000000000000000000 = 524288 - UNKNOWN (?) 0000000000100000000000000000000 = 1048576 - Graffiti Flag 0000000001000000000000000000000 = 2097152 - No backface culling 0000000010000000000000000000000 = 4194304 - UNKNOWN (Parts of a statue in Atrium) (?) ... 1000000000000000000000000000000 = 1073741824 - Unknown
* If theres no Interior the Texture behind the object changes to black (=> IPL | Interior-value) ** Objects needs to be activated using Object.dat (?) Not 100 % known ... All Flags in a special interval are unknown
To connect different flags you have to add the bit which belongs to the flag. Its the same as adding one value to another..
01 + 10 = 11 1 + 2 = 3
Timed Map Objects, used to define map objects which are only visible during a special time of the day.
GTA III, VC and SA format:
ID, ModelName, TextureName, ObjectCount, DrawDist, [DrawDist2, ...], Flags, TimeOn, TimeOff
- ID, ModelName, TextureName, ObjectCount, DrawDist, Flags
- same as for the OBJS section
- TimeOn
- activation time in hours (integer)
- TimeOff
- deactivation time in hours (integer)
Animated Map Objects, used to define objects whose sub objects are animated. Note: There must be animation frames for each sub object, also the collision model remains static - no solid animations.
GTA SA only:
ID, ModelName, TextureName, AnimName, DrawDist, Flags
- ID, ModelName, TextureName, DrawDist, Flags
- same as for the OBJS section
- AnimName
- name of the .ifp animation archive, without extension (string)
GTA III and VC format:
ID, ModelName, TextureName, Threat, Behavior, AnimationType, ?, StartAnimation?, ?, ?
- Threat
- running over and shooting other peds
- Behavior
- angry/hateful/thrilled
- AnimationType
- being drunk like walk
GTA III and VC format:
ID, ModelName, TextureName, Animation, ?, DrawDistance, ?
- Animation
- From ped.ifp, animation used to wield and shoot the weapon
GTA III and VC format:
ID, ModelName, TextureName, Type, HandlingID, GXTEntry, PedDrivingAnimation, Class, Frequency, Level, SpecificType, WheelID, WheelSize
- HandlingID
- From handling.cfg
- PedDrivingAnimation
- From ped.ifp, type of animation to enter, exit, drive, and drive-by from a vehicle
- WheelID
- not available for type "boat"
- WheelSize
- not available for type "boat"
SA Format comming soon
SA Format only
This is (e.g.) used in default.ide in the 'data\'-folder Normal structure is like this:
ID, model, texture, null, float (normaly 2000.00)
The meaning of these lines isn't known yet, but it seems to be a kind of bodyparts for the player.
- Texture Archive Parent
SA format only:
TextureName, TextureParentName
Both parameters are names of texture archives (.txd
). The second archive (the "parent") virtually extends the first one. Practically, the game looks up a texture in the primary archive, and if it's not there and a parent txd has been assigned, it checks for the texture in the parent archive. This way shared archives can be created, which contain often used textures, without the need to create duplicates or split up a model just for that purpose.
Particle and Environment Effects
GTA III and VC only:
ID, X, Y, Z, R, G, B, U, Type, ...
- ID
- ID of the object it's assigned to (integer)
- X, Y, Z
- position of the effect, relative to the object (3 floats)
- R, G, B
- color of the effect, if available (3 integers, 0 - 255)
- U
- unknown color component, always 200 (integer)
- Type
- specifies the type of effect
Effect #0: Light
Coming soon.
Effect #1: ...
Coming soon.
Please note that the 2dfx Section is moved to the DFF Files by using R*'s custom section IDs in SA!
Ped and Car Paths, defines paths relative to the objects. Only used in GTA III, quite complicated format and hardly usable without a editing program (such as Ked).
External Links
- GTAVC IDE Definitions - GTA Forums topic by ODIE, covering specific details of IDE files in GTAVC.
- GTA3/VC Map File Documentation and Troubleshooting - GTA Forums topic covering general features of IDE files in GTA3 and GTAVC.
- ID Flagvalue Decoding Project - Project to decode all missing flagvalues.
- Aschratts FlagValue Calculator - Calculates all Flagvalues (even those unknown)