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Number of parameters: 8
Parameter #TypeDescription
1.IntegerChar Handle
2.IntegerVehicle Handle
3.IntegerTarget Vehicle Handle
5.FloatDriving speed (Meters per second)
6.IntegerDriving style
7.IntegerDistance from target at which to stop (Flag 4 must be specified)
8.IntegerUnknown (seems to be "10")
Return value:

This function will have the char (parameter_1) use the vehicle (parameter_2) to follow the target vehicle (parameter_3). The char (parameter_1) will get in the driver of the vehicle automatically.

Known Flags Flag 2 and 4 can be combined (2 binary or 4) to make the car go to the target, stop, then go to the target, stop, and so on.

Integer Description
0 Do nothing
1 Seems to make the car cruise around the city. Whether it is related to the target in any way, is still unknown.
2 Will make the car follow the target.
4 Will make the car go to the target, then stop.

Known Driving Styles

Integer Description
0 Normal driving, stop for traffic lights
1 Stop for lights, stays in lane (appears to be same as "0")
2 Ignore traffic, drive around
3 Ignore traffic, stay in lane
4 Normal driving, ignore traffic lights