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RwGeometry section RwData
VersionNumber(s) 0, 2048, 3074
- Gauranteed, first and only data in the RwGeometryList
abc | def | ghi |
jkl | mno | pqr |
stu | vwx | yz |
u16 flags = stream->ReadU16(); stream->SkipUnknownU8s(2); s32 triangleCount = stream->ReadS32(); s32 vertexCount = stream->ReadS32(); s32 morphTargetCount = stream->ReadS32(); if(versionNumber == 0 || versionNumber == 2048 || versionNumber == 3074) { u32 ambientRgba = stream->ReadU32(); u32 diffuseRgba = stream->ReadU32(); u32 specularRgba = stream->ReadU32(); } if(flags & rwGEOM_COLOR) u32 colorsRgba[vertexCount] = stream->readU32(vertexCount); if(flags & rwGEOM_TEXTURE) { f32 uvs[vertexCount * 2]; for(int idx = 0; idx < vertexCount; ++idx) { uvs[idx * 2 + 0] = stream->readF32(); uvs[idx * 2 + 1] = stream->readF32(); } }