User talk:Gentry

From GTAMods Wiki
Revision as of 15:21, 24 February 2011 by Squaminator (talk | contribs) (Handling.dat: new section)
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This is my talk page where I'll be keeping "backend" info and links.

Anything Useful to Share

  • This is the best place to talk about pages I'm working on for now. When I feel a page I've created reaches a point where it will benefit others, I'll start a tread over at


Welcome to the wiki. Thanks for your contributions and good luck with adding new information. Also check out the list of available templates, they will help you to make the articles better looking and organised. Seemann?! 01:20, 23 October 2010 (UTC)


Could you please continue working on the Handling.dat page? It'll be extremely useful to me as I continue making my mod. You can check out my youtube profile ( I believe) to see a couple of the videos I've made so far. It is based heavily off of the handling.dat file, so any contributions would be appreciated. Thanks!

also, if you have any ideas for car attributes to try, or a special car to include, feel free to tell me.