Streamed Script
An external script is a script file that is outside the main script file, the main.scm
. External scripts are located in the script.img
in the data/maps
folder. The maximum number of external scripts that can be defined is 82. The maximum number of external scripts that can be used simultaneously is 70.
How 2.0
In order to add more external script files, you have to define the number of files you are going to use:
Add the external script to the list with this:
At the end of the file add your code in.
You can use the following opcodes to do stuff to your script file.
07D3 - I don't know how this work
0884 - Or this
08A9 - Loads the external script
08AB - Checks if the external script has been loaded
08E8 - Assigns an external script to a ped's model
090F - Ends the external script (doesn't seem to work)
0913 - Runs the external script after it has been loaded
0914 - No operation in PC and XBox versions
091C - Gets an actor within a sphere of the object using an external script
0926 - Gets the status of the external script, 0 if not loaded
0928 - Activates the external script when near the ped's model
0929 - Activates the external script when near the object's model
List of Scripts
The following is a list of external scripts that is used in the game.
Number | Name | Description |
0 | PLAYER_PARACHUTE | Controls the player's parachute |
1 | PARACHUTE | Controls the AI's parachute |
2 | BCESAR2 | Smoke's money from Los Santos to San Fierro |
3 | BCESAR3 | Smoke's yay from San Fierro to Los Santos |
4 | SLOT_MACHINE | Slot machine |
5 | ROULETTE | Roulette |
6 | OTB_SCRIPT | Off track betting machine |
7 | ARCADE | Arcade game mission checker (not the game itself) |
8 | VENDING_MACHINE | Vending machines (both food and drinks) |
9 | FOOD_VENDOR | Food vendors |
10 | GATES_SCRIPT | Airport gates |
11 | GYMBIKE | Bike |
12 | GYMBENCH | Bench |
13 | GYMTREAD | Treadmill |
14 | GYMDUMB | Dumbell |
15 | BASKETB | Basketball |
16 | VIDPOK | Video poker machine |
17 | BLACKJ | Blackjack |
18 | WHEELO | Wheel of Fortune |
19 | DEALER | Drug dealer |
20 | HOME_BRAINS | Hobo's AI |
21 | POOL_SCRIPT | Pool |
22 | LOWR_CONT | Lowrider contest |
23 | BURG_BRAINS | Burgulary's ped AI |
24 | GF_MEETING | Girlfriend meeting |
25 | GF_DATE | Girlfriend date |
26 | GF_SEX | Girlfriend sex |
27 | CASINO_AMBIENCE | Casino ambience |
28 | BAR_AMBIENCE | Bar ambience |
29 | FOODBRAINS | Restaurant's ped AI |
30 | OTB_AMBIENCE | Off track betting ambience |
31 | STRIP_AMBIENCE | Strip club ambience |
32 | PLANES | Airline traveling |
33 | TRAINS | |
35 | DANCE | |
38 | BAR_STAFF | |
39 | BOUNCER | |
40 | OTB_STAFF | |
41 | PCHAIR | |
42 | PCUSTOM | |
43 | OTBWTCH | |
44 | OTBSLP | |
45 | OTBTILL | |
46 | FBOOTHR | |
47 | FBOOTHL | |
48 | BARGUY | |
49 | PEDROUL | |
50 | PEDCARD | |
51 | PEDSLOT | |
52 | DANCER |