Objects.dat defines the properties of various scenery objects in the game.
The file contains its own definitions for each value:
(A) Object Name [256 chars max]
(B) Mass [kilograms 1 to 50000]
(C) TurnMass [kg m^3 or some such dimension]
(D) Air Resistance [scale 0 (total resistance) to 1 (zero resistance)]
(E) Elasticity [scale 0 (no bounce) to 1 (full bounce)]
(F) Percent Submerged [percentage 10 to 120]
(G) Uproot Limit [force magnitude required to uproot]
(H) Collision Damage Multiplier [0.1 - 5.0 ish]
(I) Collision Damage Effect [uint8 integer 0 - 4]
- 0: none 1: change_model 2: split_model 3: smash_completely 4: change_then_smash
- 50: smash_cardbox_completely (only for cardbox1 & cardbox4)
- 60: smash_woodenbox_completely (only for woodenbox);
- 70: smash_trafficcone_completely (only for traffic cone);
- 80: smash_barpost_completely (only for smashbar);
(J) Special Collision Response Cases [uint8 0 - 4] 0:none(default) 1:lampost 2:smallbox 3:bigbox 4:fencepart
(K) Camera to avoid this object (0) for no (1) for yes
However, the objects themselves are not defined.
Name | Definition | |||
bar_barrier10 | Chain link fences | |||
bollardlight | Illuminated metal bollards (found at Shoreside Vale safehouse, for example) | |||
roadworkbarrier1 | The orange traffic barrels found in Saint Marks where the road is damaged. | doublestreetlght1 | Street light with extra wide base |