- Description
- Checks if there is a sniper bullet within the specified 2d area
- Syntax
- 047B: locate_sniper_bullet_at [flt1] [flt2] offset [flt3] [flt4] sphere [int]
- Parameter
- [flt1]
- X-coordinate
- [flt2]
- Y-coordinate
- [flt3]
- X-radius offset
- [flt4]
- Y-radius offset
- [int]
- Show cylindrical marker
This conditional opcode supposedly returns true if there is a sniper bullet within the specified 2d area, but its area detection seems to be bugged. It returns true if a sniper bullet is within any x-coordinate greater than the specified x-coordinate minus the x-radius, and any y-coordinate greater than the specified y-coordinate minus the y-radius. Its cylindrical marker does not reflect the bug and behaves similarly to opcode 0056.
check, locate, sniper, bullet, 2d, area, rectangle