- Sets the range multiplier to enter a vehicle
- 0481: set_enter_car_range_multiplier [flt]
- [flt]
- Floating-point value, default value 1.0
This opcode sets the range multiplier to enter a vehicle. The value must be a floating-point but is stored as an integer so any digits after the decimal mark will be truncated. The opcode has no effect on the player. By default, characters willingly wanting to enter a vehicle (like through opcode 01D5) will go towards it if the vehicle is within about 30 meters. Any further and the character do not go towards the vehicle until it is placed within range. The multiplier affects this distance, meaning a value of 2.0 will allow characters who are willingly wanting to enter a vehicle to go towards it if the vehicle is within 60 meters. The value set by this opcode will carry over when loading another save game. The value is reset to 1.0 when a mission cleanup is being processed.
set, enter, car, range, multiplier