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Revision as of 21:12, 24 September 2010 by Spaceeinstein (talk | contribs) (Types)
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I guess the rule for types is something like this:

ID, ModelName, TextureName, [Clumps, {DrawDistance,...}], Flags

This is the reason for the appearance of the types listed in this article:

Params = 4 (Type 0)
int,  string,     string,       int
ID,   ModelName,  TextureName,  Flags
Params = 6 (Type 1)
int,  string,     string,       int,     float,  int
ID,   ModelName,  TextureName,  Clumps,  DD1,    Flags
Params = 7 (Type 2)
int,  string,     string,       int,     float,  float,  int
ID,   ModelName,  TextureName,  Clumps,  DD1,    DD2,    Flags
Params = 8 (Type 3)
int,  string,     string,       int,     float,  float,  float,  int
ID,   ModelName,  TextureName,  Clumps,  DD1,    DD2,    DD3,    Flags
Params = 5 (Type 4) | SA only - if Clumps not set it will get 1)
int,  string,     string,       float,  int
ID,   ModelName,  TextureName,  DD1,    Flags

Even though it is never used by default there can be up to 8 clumps inside 1 model (in theory even more!)... so there should be also some format like this:

int,  string,     string,       int,     float,  float,  float,  float,  float,  float,  int
ID,   ModelName,  TextureName,  Clumps,  DD1,    DD2,    DD3,    DD4,    DD5,    DD6,    Flags

So I am writing this just to clarify if I am wrong. I don't know how the IPL line parser is implemented but basicly I guess it follows the rule I wrote above. This is why I think those "types" which are descriped in the article at the moment are just making it more difficult to understand. Please correct me if I am wrong - it is also possible, that R* implemented the parser something like that: See parameter count --> get type --> parse. Would not be the first unportable thing they produce... --Aschratt - oO 10:11, 24 September 2010 (UTC)

I got these types just by looking at the IDB but I have little knowledge on how things work in that file. I see stuff like "%d %s %s %d %f %d" and that closely matches to what we currently know about OBJS. There were only 5 of these in SA's OBJS section. All sections in both IDE and IPL files are like this so I assumed that if there are only 5 types of OBJS listed, then it is limited to those 5.--Spaceeinstein 21:12, 24 September 2010 (UTC)