Talk:CARS (IDE Section)
San Andreas format
Guess it is like this:
ID, modelName, textureName, type, handlingID, gxtKey, animation, vehicleClass, frequency, flags, comprules
- bmx
- car
- bike
- quad
- boat
- train
- plane
- heli
- mtruck
- trailer
Flag range: 0001
to 0100
, where 0x01 is an streamer flag (object does not stay in memory). 0x02 and 0x04 do only get used by vehicle #579 (Huntley).
- Update: apparently the flags were previously known as "level". Vice City uses the values 6 and 7 for almost each vehicle, but sometimes it also uses 0.
For all classes except boat there are additional wheel information (since wheels are no longer located inside the wheel.dff
wheelFlags, scaleFront, scaleRear, wheelType
Wheel flag range: 0000 0001
to 0001 0000
(?), where almost all vehicles got all flags (-1). Some bikes use the following masks: 0001 0111
or 0001 0000
. This is why I think flag 5 (= 0x10) is something like IgnoreModelScale. If this flag is enabled only the wheel model does not get scaled. Flag 0x08 could be IgnoreCollisionScale. If this flag is enabled collision models do not get scaled. I have no idea what the last 3 flags could be just as I am unsure if my thoughts here are correct!
Wheel types:
- -1 – default
- 0 – regular (Transfender)
- 1 – sports (Wheels Arch Angles)
- 2 – lowrider (Loco Low Co)