Memory Addresses (VC)

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Revision as of 10:50, 13 December 2005 by DracoBlue (talk | contribs) (Functions)
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  • 0x68AEE0 Cinema top border height [float]
  • 0x68AEE4 Cinema bottom border height [float]
  • 0x7E46F5 Cinema border on/off [byte]
  • 0xA10AF6 Replay display on/off [byte]
  • 0x86963A Hud on/off [byte]
  • 0x869652 Widescreen on/off [byte]

Mp3 player

  • 0xA108B0 Number of mp3s found [dword]
  • 0xA10B50 Mp3 station playing [byte]
  • 0x9753E0 Pointer to first mp3 file block [dword]
  • 0x97881C Index of mp3 playing [dword]
  • 0x978550 Pointer to HDIG Driver (mss) [dword]
  • 0x978668 Current stream (mss) [dword]
  • 0x94C104 Total length of all mp3s (in milliseconds) [dword]

Loading screen

  • 0xA0CE94 Progress [float]
  • 0x68E6FC Progress step [float]
  • 0x68E70C Bar width [float]
  • 0x68E710 Bar height [float]
  • 0x68E708 Distance from bottom [float]
  • 0x68E704 Distance from left [float]


  • 0x703997 Selected menu index [byte]
  • 0x936908 Mouse button pressed [byte]
  • 0x869660 Selected menu item id [byte]
  • 0x869728 Current menu id [byte]
  • 0x68D5D4 Stats menu scroll speed [float]
  • 0x68D12C Stats menu line spacing [float]

