- Sets the ped type's hostility to other ped types
- 03F1: pedtype [int1] add_threat [int2]
This opcode sets the ped type's hostility to other ped types and will attack the threat ped type on sight. The threat ped type cannot overwrite hardcoded threats but it can overwrite most threats set in the ped.dat file. The threat ped type is binary converted to decimal format. The effect of this opcode can be reset using 03F2. Peds that are already spawned cannot have their hostility changed actively using this opcode; this opcode only works on newly spawned peds.
List of values
The following is a list of usable flags to use as threat pedtype.
[int1] | [int2] | GTA III | Vice City |
0 | 1 | PLAYER1 (you) | |
1 | 2 | PLAYER2 (unused) | |
2 | 4 | PLAYER3 (unused) | |
3 | 8 | PLAYER4 (unused) | |
4 | 16 | CIVMALE | |
5 | 32 | CIVFEMALE | |
6 | 64 | COP | |
7 | 128 | GANG1 (Mafia) | GANG1 (Cubans) |
8 | 256 | GANG2 (Triads) | GANG2 (Haitians) |
9 | 512 | GANG3 (Diablos) | GANG3 (Streetwannabe's) |
10 | 1024 | GANG4 (Yakuza) | GANG4 (Diaz's gang) |
11 | 2048 | GANG5 (Yardies) | GANG5 (Security guards) |
12 | 4096 | GANG6 (Colombians) | GANG6 (Biker gang) |
13 | 8192 | GANG7 Hoods | GANG7 (Vercetti gang) |
14 | 16384 | GANG8 (unused) | GANG8 (Golfers) |
15 | 32768 | GANG9 (unused) | |
16 | 65536 | EMERGENCY (Paramedics) | |
17 | 131072 | FIREMAN | |
18 | 262144 | CRIMINAL | |
19 | 524288 | SPECIAL |
The following example lets you toggle Triads/Haitians hate towards the player by pressing the CAMERA key. A number is displayed on the screen to show the gang's hostility; 0 means it is not hostile and 1 means it is. This opcode only affects newly spawned gang members; gang members already spawned will not be affected.
// set constant
HATE = 0@
// reset gang hate to player
03F2: pedgroup 8 remove_threat 1
HATE = false
// toggle gang hate to player
while true
wait 250
00E1: key_pressed 0 13 // camera key
HATE == false
03F1: pedtype 8 add_threat 1 // set gang hostile
HATE = true
03F2: pedgroup 8 remove_threat 1 // set gang not hostile
HATE = false
// display gang hate as a number onscreen
01E5: text_1number_highpriority 'NUMBER' HATE 250 ms 1
add, threat, aggressive, hate, hostile, pedtype, gang