MediaWiki API result
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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.
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"timestamp": "2025-03-01T19:23:03Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"{{Native |np=1 |p1t=Integer |p1d=Ped Handle }} This function clears whatever the ped handle is looking at.\""
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"title": "GTAMods Wiki:Autoconfirmed users",
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"timestamp": "2025-02-17T17:49:27Z",
"comment": "Discord: Thanos World: Boosty: Support:"
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"comment": "Created page with \"Objects.dat defines the properties of various scenery objects in the game. ==GTA III== The file contains its own definitions for each value: <blockquote> (A) Object Name...\""
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"timestamp": "2024-11-20T03:12:18Z",
"comment": "This opcode sets whether the char can be shot in a vehicle. In vice city, the player character will not be knocked down by shotgun when this opcoded is used on player."
"logid": 7863,
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"title": "EARS Texture Plugin (RW Section)",
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"user": "WildBrick142",
"timestamp": "2024-08-27T12:00:44Z",
"comment": "actual name for the file type"
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"title": "File:GTAV-PlateTextures-ID12.png",
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"user": "WildBrick142",
"timestamp": "2024-08-27T11:40:52Z",
"comment": "<code>plate mod 07</code> Plate in GTA V."
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"user": "WildBrick142",
"timestamp": "2024-08-27T11:40:45Z",
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"user": "WildBrick142",
"timestamp": "2024-08-27T11:40:45Z",
"comment": "<code>plate mod 06</code> Plate in GTA V."